Tomorrows birthday party

Spitfire squeezed his hands tightly into a fist,

but they both continued to shiver uncomfortably,

he sat up from laying on his back and stood,

walking over to his dresser,

he had a small mirror fastened to the wall,

it was the only place to stand to get a full-body image of himself,

he put his hands in his pocket and walked out of his room,

" Well?" Buddy asks,

" He's still in town,

he'll be over in a few minutes," Spitfire says,

taking a deep breath,

"Hey uncle," he asks softly,

Buddy turns around to look at Spitfire,

" Yeah?"

" Have you ever done any... Well... any kind of drugs

when you were young?" Spitfire asks curiously,

Buddy shook his head,

following a chuckle, " Surprisingly enough, No, I and your uncle Buddy the 2nd used to smoke a little weed from time to time behind mom's back,

but never got into any sort of heavy drugs,

can I ask why you brought this up?"

Spitfire shrugs, " No reason, I was just curious," he adds,

" Beau is supposed to pick me up tonight,

I'm a little worried about Dad, though," he frowns,

" Why?" Buddy asks,

arching a brow,

" Well, he hasn't talked to me other than this morning, I'm afraid he's angry at me," Spitfire worries, " he might not let me go,"

Buddy sighs, " ugh, dad's huh" he laughs,

Spitfire nods,

lifting his hand to see if it stopped shaking,

it was still trembling but hardly noticeable,

he then took his hand,

placing his fingers on his slightly swollen cheekbone,

Uncle Buddy was not aware of the abuse happening to Spitfire,

" Uncle?" Spitfire says slowly,

lowering his hand,

Buddy turns again to face Spitfire,

" Yes?"

Spitfire froze in silence for a few seconds, " Oh... Nothing,

I just wanted to say I love you," he says, cracking a small smile,

Buddy was always a fun person to be around,

but he had no idea what Adam was doing to Spitfire nearly every night,

Spitfire simply didn't have the courage to tell someone about the abuse,

" Awww, I love you too," Buddy smiles,

and stretches out for a hug,

Spitfire smiled back,

hugging his uncle tightly,

He closed his eyes, enjoying it,

Spitfire wanted to feel loved, and honestly, only two people out of his whole family gave him that feeling,

Cousin grey, and Uncle Buddy,

Spitfire lets go of Buddy, grinning afterward,

" Scott should be here any moment,

I'll see you around, Uncle!"

Buddy beams, " alrighty Nephew of mine,

see you later," he says,

Turning elsewhere to continue to clean for tomorrows birthday party,

Spitfire progresses over to the front room windows peeking outside,

when someone tapped his shoulder,

Spitfire turned around quickly to see who it was,

It was Adam,

" You startled me, Dad," Spitfire says nervously,

" What did you buy, Koda?" Adam asks,

" A small decorative statue of two turtles swimming, w-why?" Spitfire asks with a nervous stutter,

" Just curious, where's it at?" Adam scoff's, looking down at his son,

Adam was much taller than sixteen-year-old Spitfire,

" I forgot it in Scott's truck,

he's bringing it to me,

when he gets time,

In a few minutes," Spitfire explains,

Adam listens, " very well, are you going anywhere tonight?" he asks,

Spitfires heart jumped in his throat,

he takes a deep breath in and spoke slowly,

" B-beau is supposed to take me out again tonight," he says,

in a shaking frightened voice,

" Who is this Beau anyways?... Where did you meet him?" Adam asked, crossing his arms sternly,

" The cafe," Spitfire says, simply, "he's nice," he adds,

Adam nods, " alright then, " he paused, " I'll see you later, I have to go see what Brook wants," he says and started to walk away from Spitfire,

Spitfire opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out,

he turned to the window when he heard Scott drive upon the driveway, Scott honked twice, and Spitfire hurried outside,

" I'm so sorry, I can't believe I forgot it," Spitfire giggles trotting up to the rolled-down window,

Scott smiles, handing it to him carefully, " no problem," he grins,

"Hopefully, I'll see you tomorrow!" He adds,

" Unlikely, I have to stay home tomorrow, like all day long," he says annoyed, " later though," he smiles, " at the rehearsal,"

" Awesome, I'll see you later, text me tonight," Scott says back,

Spitfire smiles with a nod " of course, Bye Scotty!, Hey...." He shouted as Scott started to back up, " thank you!! " he beams,

Scott smiles, " your welcome," he throws a wave,

Spitfire grins, glancing down to the bag with the turtles inside,

he rushes in dragging, his feet on the rough rug by the door,

The driveway seemed to get wet when Buddy had the sprinklers going,

he earlier found some birthday wrapping paper that he tossed in his closet, so Spitfire hurried upstairs, opened his closet door,

and grabbed the paper,

it wasn't the prettiest wrapping job, but it covered the gift,

and Spitfire was happy with it,

he placed a big red bow on top, writing "To Koda, From Spitfire,"

Spitfire and the rest of the family helped Uncle Buddy decorate for the birthday, but when everything was done Spitfire waited very impatient while his family chit-chatted over a movie,

Spitfire walked the halls, he was nervous about his Dad,

he wondered why he was so cool? I guess you could say with him going out again this very evening after the night before,

7:30 PM and somebody honked the horn from outside,

Spitfire was upstairs doing his lipstick when he heard it,

"I'm Coming" He shouted and dashed downstairs,

Adam met him at the front door,

"You going to make it home tonight?" Adam asks,

Spitfire nodded, "Y-yeah, I'll be home later Dad,"

Adam tightened his jaw, "You better, or I'll hunt you down like the dirty dog you are,"

Spitfire narrows his glare, "D-dad?" he says hurt, taking a deep breath, "I'll be home," He replies,

Adam shook his head, watching Spitfire reach for the doorknob,

he didn't say anything but watched Spitfires hands,

Spitfire opened the front door, closing it behind him slowly,

"Maybe I'll come home," He says coldly, walking over to Beau,