"Take Me To Another Place"

Beau leans over the seat opening the passenger seat door to his car, " jump in!" He says flirtingly,

Spitfire adapted his walk to a faster pace,

smiling he got in the car,

grinning at Beau's smiling face,

a set of two dices hung in the window behind the rearview mirror,

it was a classic,

" Here!" Beau says, his voice as smooth as butter, " open it,"

Spitfire leaned over leaving, a kiss on Beau's cheek,

then started to tear into the present that Beau had wrapped up,

he tossed the paper into the back seat and started

To pull tape from a box,

He slowly opened it,

A set of two diamond earrings,

were nestled into a small,

groove inside the velvet inside,

Spitfire grabbed one,

and glanced over to Beau,

Beau watched with his unforgettable green eyes,

" Oh my god, Beau," Spitfire blushed hardcore,

" w-why?" He asks curiously,

grabbing the other earring,

setting up to the rearview mirror to place them,

into his already pierced ears, he was speechless,

he turned from side to side,

admiring his new gift,

" Your beautiful, so why not help you embrace it!" Beau asks,

" but that is not all,"

Spitfire froze,

he cracked a grin across his red lips,

turning to look at beau,

" oh?"

Beau smirks,

" yep, it only gets better,

but you're going to have to put this on first," he says,

handing Spitfire a black velvet blindfold,

Spitfire was quiet but took the blindfold slowly,

he was tickled on the inside, excited,

what could Beau have planed,

Beau starts his car,

pulling out of the very rich

driveway Spitfires uncle owns,

he headed north on the main street

as Spitfire tightens the blindfold around his black hair,

Spitfire could hear Beau's car blinker,

turning left, right, and then straight forward,

finally, the car came to a halt,

the driver-side door opened,

and Beau stepped out,

Spitfire sat up " Beau?" He asks nervously,

he wasn't sure what was going on,

" I have to get one thing, ok,

it will only take me one minute," Beau says, shutting the door, " oh," Beau shouts and opens the door quickly, " don't peek, ok?" He asks, slamming the door once again,

Spitfire bites his bottom lip waiting for Beau to return,

and as Beau wished,

he never touched the blindfold,

A few minutes later.

" I'm back,

did you miss me?" Beau says, getting in the driver-side seat,

he tossed something into the back seat,

then drags his hand flirtatiously over Spitfires short shorts,

they rode way up on Spitfire's thigh,

and Beau couldn't help himself,

Spitfire giggles,

his cheeks, turning pink.

"Beau, you keep your hands to yourself," Spitfire laughs, shaking his head after speaking, " aww, you know I'm kidding, you can touch, touch me more often if you want," he teasingly said back, foolishly trying to find Beau's legs blindfolded but instead,

finding everything but that,

Beau laughs back,

Spitfire was very young and wild,

and it didn't take much to get his motor started,

Beau New that,

Beau drives on,

still with one hand rubbing Spitfire's knee,

Spitfire reddened,

Spitfire was fascinating to most,

He makes most people curious about their sexuality,

is he a boy?... or a girl?

Beau explored at his own risk,

He continued to rub Spitfires knee in a circular motion,

"W-where are we going?" Spitfire asks curiously,

with a stutter,

he grabbed his Spaghetti string top

which his strap fell off of his shoulder,

Beau smirks, "Somewhere, I and you can have a little alone time,

with just each other's company," He answers,

pulling up to the beachfront,

it was 7:55 PM,

and the sunset was breathtaking,

"Oh wow, look, "Spitfire says,

gazing out of the window at the stars starting to show,

they were sparkling ever so bright,

Beau smiles at Spitfire,

watching his dark eyes reflect the stars shimmering in the night sky, "Spitfire?" he asks,

Spitfire simpers, turning to look at him closely, "Yes?" he says mysteriously,

Beau licks his lips,

closing in the gap that was inches between them,

"Damn't, why are you so attractive?... your so gorgeous,

you deserve the attention only given to you in extreme amounts,

I only want to love you forever," he continues,

looking deep into Spitfire's eyes,

becoming lost as most do,

" Those lips, those eyes, they do something to me?"

Spitfire chews on his bottom lip playfully,

his eyes skimming down to Beau's lips as he talked,

Beau moves in slowly,

barely edging Spitfires red lips with a soft kiss,

Spitfire slowly wrapped his arms around Beau as he scooted closer on the leather seat, now he was directly in the middle,

Spitfires Kisses were soft,

as with each kiss he would try and take Beau's bottom lip with him, Spitfire glowed as he knelt onto the leather seat

only to mount Beau's lap,

Spitfire had shorts on,

it showed more skin than it covered some believed,

but Beau found it very curious and continued to touch Spitfires soft skin as the two swayed back and forth,

Spitfire knew how to ignite a place pretty quickly,

and the night before only made him crave Beau ten times extra,

Beau reconnoitered Spitfires delicate body,

he dragged his hands from Spitfires thighs up to his hips, then waist,

as Spitfire continued to Kiss Beau, they both swayed with each other Beau ran his hands down lower

to grab Spitfires back pockets on his cut off jean shorts,

Spitfire smirked as he teased Beau,

dragging his warm tongue down further to his chin,

then neck following Beau's throat to his chest,

Beau felt the inside of his cars temperature increase,

The windows begin to fog up as the chilly June breeze

blew on the outside,

there was no console in between seats,

so Beau caressed against Spitfire to lay back as he helped lower Spitfires Head carefully on the blonde leather beneath,

Beau was on top and loved every minute of it,

as did Spitfire enjoy the attention that Beau was giving him,

Beaus white T-Shirt was wet with sweat,

but his heartbeat was beating too quickly to even think about taking it off,

Spitfire wrapped his legs around Beau's waist,

as Beau showed him a night, he'd never forget,

his Wet Shirt wrapped tightly around his sturdy framed body,

traced each muscle like De Vinci was painting a masterpiece,

red liquid seeped through his shirt on his back, in long strides,

Spitfire was making him bleed,

but Beau didn't care,

Spitfire dug his black nails down Beaus back again following a moan,

Beau was not going to stop, though,

as Spitfire scratched in extreme pleasure,

Spitfire reached his hand up.

and drug it down the misty window leaving his handprint behind as water trickled down the glass,

he didn't know where to put his hands,

so he tossed them above his head,

"B-Beau," He stuttered, his voice faint, "I-i... P-please, " He whines,

he takes a deep heavy breath, "Beau," He bellows,

grabbing ahold of Beau's hair,

Beau kissed the top of Spitfires' head out of breath,

"I Love you, Spitfire," He answers in a raspy voice,

"Oh, Beau..." Spitfire says, throwing his hands behind his head once again, " Take me to another place, I don't want to go home," He says softly,

his voice in a whisper,

Beau continued,

Beau kissed Spitfires neck gently,

setting up straight from practically laying over Spitfire,

"If I could, I would, but then that'd be kidnapping," he says simply,

eyeing Spitfire, who laid very loose in front of Beau,

Beau kept Spitfires legs down while he sat on top,

"I don't care.... just... please," He cries, his eyes following Beaus,

Beau Nods, "Tell you what, your welcome to live with me, if that's ok with your family,"

"To hell what they think," Spitfire shouted,

Beau listened, "M-my dad, hits me... I don't want to go home,

he's mean," He cries, "I want to stay with you,"

Beau shook his head,

He had a feeling that something was wrong with Spitfire's father,

Beau felt horrible, "I'll do what I can, ok!" He says, whispering,

Spitfire grins,

his red lipstick was still perfect even after making out roughly with Beau,

"T-thank you," He says, pulling at Beaus shirt to continue,

Beau Smiles, as he sank carefully onto of Spitfire once again,

he kissed him softly,

Spitfire wrapped his arms tenderly around Beau's neck,

tightening his fist full of Beau's t-shirt in hand,

Spitfire explored Beau like No other,

it was a new experience for young Spitfire,

but he loved it,

3 hours later.

" It's a beautiful night, huh?" Beau's smiles gazing at the galaxy above, Spitfire had his head rested on Beau's shoulder,

" It is beautiful, so dreamy," Spitfire says softly,

" oh look.... A shooting star," he smiles and points,

Beau beams, glancing down to Spitfire, who found himself comfortable nestled next to Beau, " it's 12:45, I better get you home," he adds,

setting up Spitfire lifted as well,

" When can I love you again?" Spitfire grins,

asking a question which was important to him,

He tugged on his shirt strap since it falls off his shoulder pretty easily,

Beau smirks, " anytime,

you know where I live," he replies,

Spitfire leans over to kiss Beau gently,

" alright...You better get me home then, " he says softly,

barely leaving Beaus Lips,

Beau nods in agreement, standing up,

Spitfire did the same,

The two drove home,

both stayed quiet, concentrating on the night distractions,

but the giant house Spitfire called home lit up the night sky with security spotlights as Beau drove into the driveway,

"Thank you, Beau, I needed you," Spitfire smiles,

Beau nods following a Grin,

His car had bright lights on the inside so he could see Spitfire clearly, "Your Welcome..... I'll see you later, honey, I love you,"

Spitfire smiles, and says "I love you" he grabbed his box of precious earrings from the glove compartment, "Goodnight Beau," He says, gently leaning over to give Beau one last memorable kiss till next time,

After the kiss, Spitfire traveled inside,

he opened the door slowly,

it was midnight, so nearly everyone was in bed,

he walked casually up to his room,

a flight of stairs ahead of him,

he opened his door, letting it shut barely behind him as he collapsed in bed, his small box of earrings, he cupped close to his chest,

Spitfire laid awake starring at his ceiling for a few minutes,

Beau rocked his world and he was crazy in love,

nothing that he has ever experienced before,

Spitfire eyes closed and he fell asleep,

his clock finally changing over to July 10th, Kodas Birthday.