Dreams, and Dried Blood

7:47 AM July 11th

Beau's hands shook as he touched Spitfires forehead to check for fever,

it was very late when Spitfire collapsed in his driveway,

and he immediately got him inside, bothersome for Beau

Spitfire has not made a single move from being placed in bed,

not even a twitch of his finger,

he was sleeping,

Beau tried his very best to remove the thread with a pair of tweezers,

it looked worse than what it was, but still,

he was very concerned about infection,

with a cotton ball, Beau dabbed running alcohol onto Spitfires lips gently

Spitfire murmured in pain,

his head rolled from one side to the other,

the alcohol burned, his extremely swollen mouth,

Beau sat on a stool next to the only bed in the trailer,

Spitfire was motionless,

Beau felt his own forehead, then Spitfires,

to check again for fever,

it's tough to tell, though, when it's 85 degrees outside,

and everything felt hot.

Beau couldn't do much but worry,

calling the ambulance to take Spitfire to the hospital crossed his mind multiple times, but when he carried weak Spitfire into his trailer last night, The bag of white powder fell from Spitfires runaway bag of clothes,

Beau naturally didn't want to get caught making and selling illegal drugs,

if it was found in Spitfires bloodstream,

so in many ways, it wasn't going to happen.

he called in sick at the taxi company,

taking care of Spitfire was his main priority,

his mind, driving him crazy about what happened,

and why Spitfire crawled to his house bloody like a monster out of a horror movie, Spitfire Mentioned how his Father would pick on him, and... yes, he used the words hit, Beau was very disturbed by everything but more importantly scared for Spitfire,

Beau clutched a water bottle, trickling a small amount onto Spitfires lips, The poor things looked horrible, dried blood formed cracks, and Beau's only option was to keep them moist,

He carried a medical bag with him the majority of the time, so he had Neosporin and peroxide wipes in hand,

Beau watched ill Spitfire take a deep breath in wearing an oversized shirt, but seriously, anything is better than wearing your own blood,

He waited patiently for anything, a move, a noise... But nothing.

6:00 AM July 12th

Beau dozed, his head fell to the side while he sat on the chair,

Spitfire has been unconscious for 24hours now.

Spitfire cries, stretching his legs as far as they'll go,

A small smile formed on his lips, making the dry cracks seep blood,

He was dreaming.

" Watch this, Dad," Spitfire squealed, jumping into the lake below him,

he was balancing on a log when he did a cannonball,

Taylor had gotten into an accident

and was put into a wheelchair on the bank,

Adam laughed as he watched his son swim to the shore to Taylor,

" Aww, kids sure do love water," Brook smiles, rubbing sunscreen on her legs,

" They sure do," Adam giggles cupping water in his hand splashing Brook in the face,

" Oh you Devil," Brook says, standing up,

Adam gave her a come and get me grin and sprinted in the clear water,

Spitfire beams watching the two be happy,

although he'd fight to keep his Father single and wasn't sure about a stepmom, he loved to see his Dad happy.

"What are you smiling about?" Taylor asks,

he was annoyed by his paralyzed legs,

Taylor was in a tragic accident during a circus act with No net below,

he stared irritated at Spitfire on the bank using his legs,

"What's with the attitude?" Spitfire scoffs towards Taylor asking him the question,

"Oh nothing... just I'm stuck on the bank in my wheelchair while everyone else is swimming," he rolls his eyes.

Spitfire frowns but suddenly smirks, "I can take you for a swim?" he asks Taylor.

"And how would you do that?" Taylor says, his voice with no emotion,

Spitfire smiles, standing up, " Well," he laughs, grabbing ahold of the two handles on the wheelchair, "Something like this,"

He says and stirs Taylor closer to the bank,

Taylor tried to pull away, but his two front wheels dropping into the water, now he was in a deep rut, so he shouted,

"Help... Spitfire, stop!"

Spitfire snickers and he drives Taylor in deeper,

Taylor reached down to put his breaks on, but the water seemed to pull him further into the Lake, his wheels off the ground, he was now floating,

Adam was laughing with Brooke as he caught a glimpse of Taylor floating away, he shouts for the lifeguard, pointing at Taylor... Adam was on the other side of an island,

Bill was the Lifeguard, and dove headfirst into the deep water, Swimming quickly over to Taylor.

The Water at Whales pass was always a bit brisk in areas, and it pulled at Taylor's wheelchair. Adam Jumped into the water and paddled over to Taylor trying to help Bill swim the wheelchair to the bank,

Spitfire sat watching,

a smirk formed on his face.

"There you go Taylor... keep away fro-" Adam went to say but Taylor shouted.


Adam listened, "I'm sorry," He frowns.

Spitfire arches a brow as Bill lifted himself out of the water and onto the sandy bank.

Taylor rolled himself away from the three, as Adam walked closer to Spitfire to talk, Spitfire stepped back a few steps, although everything was fine, and Adam kept his temper under control, Spitfire flinched at Adam's hand reaching up to itch his head.

"Spitfire?" Adam asked, putting his hands on his hips.

Spitfire nodded, "Hmmmm?"

"Why did you do that?" Adam asked, "Taylor, has been through so much in the past two months, his Brother Andy was shot and killed... and he was in an unexpected accident... he's in a wheelchair, why would you push him into the water?"

"Number one... it's just Andy, Dad, I didn't even know that guy... and Two, Taylor, was asking for it, he was being a jerk." Spitfire explained.

Adam's mouth fell open, "JUST ANDY?" He shouts, Spitfire jumps at his voice, "Andy was a friend of the family... how dare you to talk about him in that tone."

Spitfire crossed his arms, listening, "Still." He says, simply.

Adam shook his head, he couldn't understand why Spitfire was so cold-hearted towards everyone, "That's not very nice." He says in a sharp voice that carried across the lake.

Spitfire smirks at his father's actions.

Adam grabbed ahold of Spitfire's chin aggressively... "You better wipe that grin off," he says sternly.

"Stop, Dad... Stop... Please." He says repeatedly,

trying to jerk away from Adams grip.


"Please, Dad... Stop... please stop." Spitfire chants in his sleep, Beau was watching him dream, it started with a smile, then a deep frown... Spitfire was scared.

"Spitfire.. it's ok... Spitfire, please wake up." Beau says softly, grabbing his hand, as Spitfires eyelashes begin to flutter.

"B-beau?" Spitfire asks in a soft voice looking up to him.

Beau smiles, "Yes.... I'm here." He says placing his hand on top of Spitfire's head, "Shhhh... it's ok." He comforts him.

"Beau... I'm scared." Spitfire explains, Beau frowns, Watching a tear drip from Spitfire's dark exotic eyes.