Twenty Unread Messages.

"everything is going to be alright... your safe now," Beau says in an encouraging voice

Spitfire was very vulnerable to the world,

he lifts his hand to place it on Beaus, but his fingertips trembled,

His mouth was scabbed over, cracked, and very dry, and although Beau would clean his lips off with warm water every day, they kept draining.

Spitfire for the rest of the day slept,

He didn't want to eat,

he didn't want to drink any liquid,

and sleeping made him feel so much better,

He wasn't to be abused in his dreams.

July 13th, 4:03 AM

Beau was sound to sleep but was awoken by Spitfire screaming,

He had his hand over his mouth, Shrieking that his mouth was sewed shut and to help,

"Help me!" Spitfire screamed,

Tears dripped off of his chin.

Beau was sleeping next to him but grasped ahold of Spitfire in a bear hug way when he heard Spitfire bellow,

He rocked Spitfire back and forth, humming a soft song, he spoke,

"it's ok... it's ok," he says, then hums again,

Spitfires body trembles when Beau planted a kiss on the top of his Black hair, "Calm down... it's just a dream, your safe here... I promise,"

Beau ensures, laying Spitfire down into bed once again,

carefully, he removed his hands from Spitfire's side and one under his head

Beau watched Spitfire's hand fall from his chest lifelessly,

It scared him although he tried to stay confident Spitfire will heal physically, he wasn't a hundred percent sure mentally,

It wasn't but ten minutes later,

Spitfires phone rang, and just Beaus luck,

it was right when he laid his head down to rest,

he leaned over to the nightstand, grabbing Spitfires phone,

it was Barb.

"Uh... yeah?" Beau answers, he was whispering.

"S-spitfire?..." Barb asks curiously,

Spitfire had a soft voice,

some mistaken as a female,

Beaus was completely the opposite.

"No... This is Beau, Spitfire had an accident, and is sleeping... what do you need?... why are you calling?" Beau says sternly,

"Well... It's a work-day, Spitfire missed yesterday, and I thought I'd call today and see what's the problem?.... what's your name again?" Barb asked.

Beau glances back to Spitfire, who was sound to sleep, then answers, "He's not coming down today to work, Shit... he can't even walk... don't call again." he says and clicks the red phone, hanging the phone up it turned black, the phone went to the main screen,

Beau glances down at the text messages in orange,

Spitfire had twenty unread messages and two miscalls.

Ten From Scott.

Ten from Buddy.

and two calls from the local police... Beau's heart jumped in his throat,

if the police are tracking Spitfire, through his phone,

any minute one could knock on the door.

Beau Clicked on Scott's unread messages,

"Hi, Spitty... I tried calling but you didn't answer, are you mad at me?'

"Spitfire... please text back, your family is worried, I'm worried... where are you?"

Beau shook his head,

Scott was only going to make things worse,

he put the phone down, sighing roughly, watching Spitfire sleep soundly.

8:30 AM

"Rise and shine Spitfire... you need to get up today... to eat and everything," Beau says, barging through the door that separated the bedroom from the front room.

Spitfire opens his eyes slowly,

covering them as Beau yanked open the curtains,

Sunlight shined bright across Spitfire's face.

"Come on... sit up... let me put a pillow behind your back,

I got you breakfast," Beau smiles, glancing at the tray on the nightstand.

Spitfire nods, lifting his hand slowly,

dragging his fingers lightly over the rough scars on his lips,

he answers, "I might feel better with something in my stomach,"

Beau nods, agreeing, "Well, we've got eggs, Bacon.. and toast."

Spitfire shook his head, pulling a face at the choice of food, "I don't eat meat... I'm vegetarian."

"Oh... damn... let me get you something else, I'll eat this,"

Beau says, standing up,

heading to the kitchen,

He opened the fridge,

scanning the shelves, "Well.... Will Avocado be ok?" he asks, glancing back to the open doorway.

"That's fine... " Spitfire answers.

Beau grabbed an avocado,

clutching a knife and taking the peeling off, he had four slices, and he took them into the room on a paper plate.

Spitfire was sitting up in bed, he had messy hair and looked pretty rough as he rubbed his eyes tiredly, "T-thank you, Beau," he grins, his scabs cracked as he smiled.

Beau smiles back, sitting on the foot of the bed,

handing Spitfire the Plate.

Spitfire picked one up and took the first bite, his hands trembled and he shook his head, "That is good... I'm sure I'll feel better, thank you, Beau."

Beau nods, "Your welcome... you just concentrate on getting better, seriously... you need rest, but you also need to get up and walk,

you're going to get weak from not eating,"

Spitfire understood as he took another bite, his stomach felt sick constantly, and yes... he felt weak from being bedridden for going on three days, the Avocado started to make him nauseous, and he darted into the bathroom, tossing the plate on the bed in a hurry,

Beau watched very concernedly as the door shut and you could hear Spitfire vomiting up breakfast,

he swallowed a lot of blood, surviving the abuse he witnessed.

Blood clots bobbed in the toilet water as

Spitfire stared down towards it sickly,

wiping his mouth off.

Spitfire collapsed by the side of the toilet,

Beau heard the fall, and hurried into the bathroom,

It was very disturbing to see Spitfire that ailing,

that he could barely support his own body,

and if he did stand, it wasn't for long,

Beau knelt by Spitfires side trying to comfort him the best he could.

"W-why am I throwing up blood, Beau?" Spitfire says and he stutters over his words laying back into Beau's arms, a tear dripped from his dark eyes.

Beau calmed him by rubbing the top of Spitfire's hand, "Well baby... you took in a lot of blood... you'll feel better now,"

Spitfire's eye looked sick as he nodded and agreed to what Beau said,

"I hope so, Beau... I hope so." He says, his eyes heavy,

Beau rocked him back and forth, His humming may not be good enough for a Grammy but it calmed Spitfire who was in horrible shape.

"Damn you Adam" Beau whispers, as Spitfires eyes began to shut again and he fell asleep in Beau's arms,

Beau Watched sleep take over Spitfire's eyes, and he picked up the hundred and twenty-five pounder, laying him gently on the messy bed that was still warm from the morning,

Spitfire was in pain, you could plainly tell.

Beau had to get some medicine that would help him,

so he headed outside to his car,

Spitfire was ill and slept through hearing the souped-up car outside driving out of the trailer park.

Beau sped on the highway and pulled into the market.