"Can Beau Come Along?"

Beau turned the key,

the engine became quiet,

and he opened the door, stepping out,

He traveled towards the doors, passing by the missing person reports on the wall pinned up, Beau only caught a glimpse of a person who looked like Spitfire out of the corner of his eye, and he halted, turning around...

He took his hand and jerked down the paper, reading it thoroughly.

Just as Beau thought, Spitfires family is tracking him down, with the help from the police, now there are missing person papers all over town, and Adams phone number in bold letters, Beau at all cost, must keep Spitfire secret.

Beau quickly hurried down to the medicine aisle, scanning the shelves, abruptly picking up the Advil reading on the back,

Ibuprofen is a pain killer meant for pain, browsing the rest, he finally headed towards the cashiers, tossing the box on the conveyer belt,

the cashier slid the small box across, a beep followed.

Beau was paying in cash since cash is not trackable and cards are,

once the cashier told the price, Beau quickly grabbed the box and hurried outside.

"whoa..." Someone shouted,

Beau glances over his shoulder,

he rolled his eyes noticing, Scott,

he must act casual.

" Hey," he answers.

" I've been looking everywhere for you... Spitfire ran away from home,

is he with you?" Scott asks.

Beau shook his head, " oh... " He says, putting his head down,

he played the part of being very concerned," no... I haven't seen him... Why'd he run away, Scott?"

Scott answers, " I'm not sure...

No trace of him, just a letter with a few droplets of blood,

hopefully, he didn't harm himself,

and he just cut his finger or something?"

" Blood huh?" Beau says, glancing to his car, then back to Scott, " hey... I better get going, uhm... I'll see you around?"

" Sounds like a plan, hey... Here... Hang these up around town,

there is a hefty reward for the person who finds Spit," Scott explains.

" see you around!" Beau says leaving...

Scott wasn't the brightest bulb in the chandelier,

and it never crossed him to think Beau was lying.

Beau grabbed the papers,

trotting to his car, getting in, and starting the engine,

he tossed the papers on the passenger side seat, along with the Advil driving casually out of the parking lot losing, Scott.

Ten minutes later.

Spitfire jumped as he heard the front door open,

Was it, Dad? He thought to himself.

he grabbed ahold of the nightstand,

using it for balance to peek around the corner,

it was only Beau who's clumsiness wasn't hard to mistake,

" Beau... You frightened me!" Spitfire added as he leaned against the headboard of the bed.

" It was only me!... Hey... I got you something, Here," Beau says,

handing Spitfire the box of Advil,

Spitfire curiously looked at it, then smiles at Beau.

" Thank you... I appreciate your kindness!" Spitfire says, opening the box carefully,

" So... On the back it says to take two, to four pills depending on the occasion, it's to relieve headache, fever, pain, and more, take one, then I'll take the box and put it up safely," Beau explains,

Spitfire nods, grabbing the water that was next to him and swallowing the Advil pill.

" hungry?" Beau asks,

" No... Tired, but I'm sure I'll get a good night sleep tonight," Spitfire answers, his voice was clear and he seemed to be feeling better,

" I've been having horrible nightmares, though, Beau" he frowns,

Beau frowns, and nods, " yes... I know... You've been restless, I'm sorry,"

Spitfire relaxes back into the covers, as Beau smiles, leaving a kiss on Spitfire's head, Beau could see Spitfire improving, Physical health-wise, his voice sounds so much better, but he was still very concerned about his mental health, something looked wrong in Spitfire dark, deep eyes.

3 days later...

"Sure, Scotty.. I'll be ready in a half-hour...oh... I was going to ask, can Beau come along?" Spitfire asks, throwing his clothes into a suitcase, Scott and the group was driving to pick Spitfire up at Beau's trailer since Spitfire pleaded for Scott not to tell his family where he resided, Scott agreed it'd be best for him to stay out of it, It was the tour kickoff tomorrow night, and the Acapella group must get going quickly.

Scott answers, " well... We all put our savings together, ending somewhere in the middle, and finally bought that old bus, so I guess we'll have room for one more... Can he sing?"

" Of course he can, Scotty," Spitfire answers,

You could hear the zipper zip in the background,

then Spitfire tossed his bags onto Beau's couch.

Beau laughs as Spitfire walked back into the room,

" he's good actually... Well, maybe not as good as me? But still" he walks over to the dresser, his phone squeezed between his shoulder and ear,

Spitfire grabbed the Advil bottle dumping out a few pills and swallowing them quickly, they seemed to help that ever-so-lasting pain In his temples, but Spitfire was taking a few more than he was supposed to behind Beau's Back.

" Cool... Plus, Ben can use a break with driving across the US,

we'll put him to work!" Scott chuckled,

it'll be the first time in almost a week since Scott has seen Spitfire last and his stomach was in tight knots, Beau had stolen his lover, and Scott didn't want to be resentful and instead accept his best friend's choices.

"Alright then... I'll let you go... I'll give Beau the good news, and finish packing," Spitfire adds.

"Sounds like a plan... Bye Spitfire," Scott says,

Spitfire listened, attached a bye, then he heard the sharp beep,

He trotted to the front room, leaping on Beau's lap,

Beau grabbed ahold of Spitfire's waist as he sat like a statue,

"Beau... you are going on tour with me... I need someone to warm my bed." He grins, giving Beau a quick kiss on the lips.

Beau Smiles, kissing Spitfire back gently, "I'll go where ever you go, babe.." He says, looking deep into Spitfire's eyes as they glistened,

Before the two realized and got a bit sidetracked by a romantic kiss,

A horn was honked in the driveway,

it was the group.