Starting The Adventure 2of2


The acapella group didn't have much of a break from the long journey to the City waiting for their music, but they worked together and covered the jet-lagged minds behind sparkling suits the next day,

Kristine wore a dress everyone in the venue talked about,

Avi's Bass was so very low,

the producers weren't sure if the speaker would hold up,

Scott's baritone voice shined over the rest,

and he sings his heart out like usual,

Spitfire's voice was sharp, beautiful, and clear,

not only did the girl fanbase go crazy over young Spitfire but so did the guys.

The acapella group traveled the states for months,

cash pouring into their hands, filling up their pockets,

they all couldn't be happier, finally,

The last concert.

4:30 AM October 10th

Spitfire rubbed his eyes, waking up, dark circles formed months ago under his brown eyes, he has kept his secret about the abuse from the other band members, including, Kristine for everyone's safety, Only Scott knew and was still very concerned, but because of His and Beaus intense conversation about Spitfire a few weeks ago, Scott eventually didn't do much-talking to either of them after that, he watched the wear and tear start to show on Spitfire, wordlessly and he worried.


"You look tired, baby," Beau says with a frown,

he sat next to Spitfire on a messed-up bed,

Spitfire's body was tired, and so was his mind...

he loved the money and his fans, but he wanted to go home.

"I know... I know... one more concert and then I can sleep for ages." Spitfire yawns, stretching his arms, falling over on Beau's lap,

his hands shook as he shivered, it was chilly on the bus this morning.

"Spitfire?" Beau says, calmly "Baby... you need to take it easy, your body is giving out on you, this famous life of yours is putting a toll on your heart."

Spitfire shook his head, agreeing with Beau.


It was mid-October, the breeze that was one time warm and soft was starting to become cold, and the trees turned different shades of orange,

It killed Spitfire to get up and sing one more time,

he was so exhausted it showed, but still got dressed, put on his makeup in a routine that he formed while on tour, and sung beautifully, along with the rest of the band.

After the Concert.

Tony, the producer, said his goodbyes, and in between yawns Spitfire kissed him on the cheek, " thank you for everything you do... god bless you." Tony says, hugging Spitfire back, switching with Kristine and then Scott and down the line to the others.

"See you later, old friend, you take it easy on this journey home," Scott smiles, Glancing out of the corner of his eye at Beau standing with his arm around Spitfire.

Tony grins, "I sure will, you the same, Scott,"


That was it ...

They loaded into the Tour Bus and headed out of the city,

The acapella group did a giant circle around the states and finished in the same place as they started.

It was close to 7-hours home, but,

Ben was bound and determined to drive it as quickly as possible,

that is, driving the speed limit,

but finally, it was the last stop at 2:22 AM...

Beau's trailer.

"Alrighty.... I'll see you sometime, Spitfire, you get some rest.... you deserve it." Ben smiles, sitting in the driver's seat, opening the door,

Spitfire leans down to hug Ben tightly, "Your a good friend, Ben," Spitfire smiles, "Thank you."

Ben grins, "Hey... Beau..." Ben says,

stopping Beau to talk to him for a minute before leaving the Bus,

"You take care of our little Spitfire... he's just a petite little guy,

you take care of him," Ben says, with a wink following.

"I sure will, Ben... again... thanks for dropping us off, till next time." Beau smiles, stepping out of the Bus,

Spitfire followed Beau,

who was packing all of Spitfires' suitcases and his own.

"Bye, Ben," Spitfire waves, as the Tour Bus backed out of the driveway, Ben thrust a wave out of the window, and honked the horn one last time, before getting on the road, vanishing into the night.

Beau sighs heavily, turning around to face his yellow trailer,

"Well, baby... home sweet home," he says, as he dropped the luggage on the steps, placing his arm around Spitfires shoulders.

Spitfire smiles, glancing up to Beau's green eyes,

"Yep... Home sweet home,"

Beau simpers,

reaching down to Spitfire's knees, lifting him off the ground as if they just got married, he traveled into the house carrying Spitfire in his arms, leaving the suitcases on the porch, the two fell into bed, falling asleep as soon as they met with the pillows.