A Soon Planned Visit

October 12th

Beau and Spitfire have been home for two days,

and Spitfire was still catching up on his rest,

His habit of swallowing a few Advil capsules continued,

Spitfire couldn't go a day without taking one or two

to help cope with the pain that seemed to linger.

Spitfire sat on the porch swing waiting for Beau's return,

Beau had to work today, and the thought of an unwanted visitor coming to see Spitfire scared him, he wanted to be alone, and away from his family members.

His phone rang, and he hesitated to pick it up, finally finding the nerve and turning it over, resting it next to his leg,

It was Cousin Grey.

Spitfire frowns, and his fingertips hovering over the reject button,

but suddenly, he moved over to the accept button,

answering with a nervous voice.


"Spitfire?" Cousin grey asks, he was surprised to get an answer.

Spitfire was very quiet, he didn't know what to say, he just sat in silence- listening to Cousin grey breath, soon, Cousin grey spoke again,

"Honey.... we've been so scared, we.... thought...." he pauses for a minute, "We thought something bad happened to you, We didn't know what to think... your father-"

"My Father doesn't care," Spitfire spoke sternly, "I love you Cousin Grey... but dad was mean to me... I couldn't live with the abuse no more, would you have accepted my choices more if I killed myself?... shot myself?" he says shakily.

"No... Spitfire, I accepted you left, you did what you had to do.... you are important to us, Spitfire.... the whole family loves you, we've missed you these months." Cousin grey adds.

Spitfire listens then speaks, "I Had to go... I love you, Cousin Grey.... soo, how are things going at home?"

"Oh.... lots of stuff, you have a sister, her name is Shine she's only three, your dad, and... well Brooke adopted her a few months ago, she wants to meet her famous older brother." Cousin Grey continues,

"We all watched your live concert,

We all watched them every single week, to be honest."

"W-why?" Spitfire asks, his voice stuttering, "Why would dad want to watch me sing?"

"Adam is extremely proud of you,

he's amazed by your voice." Cousin grey persisted on, "But... we all, as a family decided to watch the live concerts, your father had nothing to do with it."

Spitfire shook his head, his voice was soft, a southern drawl had been developing as he aged, from where? some wondered,

others just loved to hear him talk,

he answered, "I'll... come for a visit sometime, ok?"

"If that's what you want to do," Cousin grey says calmly back,

he couldn't grasp why Spitfire was saying that Adam hit him, and in other words, abused him... and why is this the first time he's heard about it.

"Maybe over Halloween?" Spitfire says, nervously "I can visit."

" Ok," Cousin grey says, he was smiling from ear to ear, but didn't want to push Spitfire too suddenly and make him cross, "Will Scott be coming along?"

"No," Spitfire says, simply, "I will be coming alone."

"Sounds good!" Cousin grey answers,

he was still very neurotic about Spitfire and the troubling news,

he had so many questions that demanded to be answered.

Cousin Grey said his goodbyes,

Spitfire followed with a very shy one,

then hung up the phone.

Cousin grey P.O.V

He put his Samsung in his pocket when he noticed Adam eavesdropping on His and Spitfire's conversation.

"Was that Spitfire?" Adam asked, walking casually over to Cousin Grey.

Cousin grey nods confidently,

"It sure was.... he sounds exhausted, Adam."

"Did he say why he ran away?" Adam asks,

he was a bit worried that Spitfire told the truth, and just as he feared-

"Actually, yes," Cousin grey answers, "He said you were abusing him?.... I don't believe that for a day, Spitfire claims that he couldn't put up with it anymore,"

Adam rolls his eyes as Cousin grey looked away, answering calmly, "The poor boy." He frowns, "I suppose I was a little hard on him, but never did I lay a hand across his face, it's obvious that he might have some mental issues,"

Cousin grey nods, agreeing, "He's coming to visit over Halloween,

It'll be interesting to see him meet his baby sister for the first time."

Adam sighs, "Is any of his screwed-up friends coming along with him?"

"No... only him," Cousin Grey answers.

Adam scoffs,

"Well...I cannot wait to see my little boy again," he arrogantly rolled his eyes, although he declared such, Adam meant what he said very sarcastically.

Beau's trailer...

Spitfire was still sitting on the porch swing outside after the phone call,

He was a bit concerned about this upcoming visit, did he miss his family, like Uncle Buddy, Cousin Grey, and aunt Fancy? yes... but did he want to see his father after surviving the before-mentioned abuse?... probably not.

4 hours later...

It was nearing the time Beau got off work, but it was becoming very hard to stay inside of that old trailer for much longer, it's been some time since Spitfire had spoken to Barb, and it was long overdue, so he put on his gold leather jacket that was hanging up on the coat rack, his lace-up boots, and stepped outside.

it was a crisp afternoon,

the shadows were long as Spitfire walked across the street,

The family next door to Spitfire and Beaus Trailer tried to avoid them,

the manner of snubbing, The Simpsons were extremely, against a gay couple living next door, so Spitfire got rude looks, comments and turned up noses towards him, he brushed it off, watching the mom, Wanda, close the blinds to their trailer, Wanda wanted to keep her children away from Spitfire and Beau at all costs, and never took the time to listen to Spitfires story, she believed Gays have no soul and were complete freaks of nature.

Spitfire walked on, the Café was a mile or two from the trailer park, so it only took Spitfire a good twenty-five minutes to walk casually.

At the Café...

The door opened, a fun little chime sound went off to warn the workers a person entered the Café.

"Oh my god.... Spitfire?" Barb asked, chuckling,

he hurried over to the person barely making it through the door.