Family History

The sound of pots and pans crashing together stirred Spitfire abruptly while he was sleeping.

Spitfire was tired, his head hurt, and so did his body,

his eyes watered as they hit the morning sun.

Beau wanted to be nice and get Spitfire breakfast in bed.

With a rather large smile, Beau opened the bedroom door,

"Morning sunshine... I got you breakfast,"

Spitfire shook his head, "Oh Beau... you are so kind,

how did I ever get so lucky?"

"Well...?" Beau thought about it,

he's never been one for compliments,

"T-thanks, lover,"

Spitfire grins eyeing the plate, although he was sick to his stomach, breakfast did sound amazing, Beau lays the plate of food on Spitfire's nightstand, then walks away.

Spitfire watched Beau walk away, and he slowly grabbed the Advil container, with only five capsules inside, he grasped the bottle emptying the little white pills swallowing all five at once with a drink of coffee.


3 hours later

Spitfire dried his sweat as he closed the blinds, a new batch of Meth was in the making, and this time he helped Beau produce the drug,

He tiredly fell onto the couch,

he was still waiting for a response from his Uncle, Buddy, but nothing yet.

Beau joined him on the couch " That was a lot of work... but, look on the bright side... we're going to be rich!" He says excitingly to Spitfire.

Spitfire smirks, "Rich.... it sounds amazing,"

Beau nods with a yawn as Spitfire's phone rang... it was Buddy,

Beau nervously asked who it was, as Spitfire answered the phone slowly...


"Hey, my favorite nephew... I'm sorry I didn't text you back last night... you wanted to meet?" Buddy asked.

Spitfire lights up, "Yes... I want to know more about this family tree... when is good for you to meet me?"

"Oh anytime... how about over dinner?.... I can pick you up, and we can go somewhere?" Buddy answers.

"Sounds good to me... pick me up in about thirty minutes, ok, uncle?" Spitfire ask.

"Sure thing, little buddy... I'll be there!" Buddy says back, "Oh... one more thing, I might need an address."

Spitfire glances at Beau, mouthing that his Uncle needs an address,

Beau shakes his head "No"

grabbing a piece of paper writing down the Simpsons address next door,

he didn't want Spitfire's uncle or family to find out where the two lived, Beau quickly handed the paper to Spitfire, and Spitfire answered Buddy...

"Yes... of course, uhm... it's 225 South Court, Aspen hills park."

Buddy nods, as he writes down the address, the scratching of a pencil you could hear across the phone, "ok!... great, I'll be there in no time."

Spitfire smiles, "Bye, uncle."

Buddy says goodbye back as the phone call ended.

"Phew... that could have been a mess...Thanks, Beau, for thinking quickly." Spitfire says, laughing afterward.

Beau nods, "So... when he comes, just go stand over there by Wanda's vehicle... you'll be hidden from their windows, and your Uncle will think you live there... let's just hope he doesn't have to go pee or anything." Beau giggles at the thought.

"Nah... I'll make it quick getting in... Uncle Buddy will want to leave...and you?" Spitfire asks, "What are you going to do for the rest of the day?"

"Nothing much... staying around here for sure.. now that our first large quantity of Meth is made I will have to contact the people who have the money," Beau says confidently.

"Yes... oh, babe?" Spitfire asked,

Beau turns to listen,

" I..." He says with a grin, "I want to live the rest of my life with you, you know that?"

Beau smiles, agreeing, "I know that already, only because I want the same thing,"

Spitfire smiles, reaching to hug Beau tightly,

when a text came through his phone, it said, "Be there in 10."

Spitfire sprung up running to the bathroom, he grabbed his lipstick putting on a brand new shade, crimson red, he hurried out of the bathroom, past Beau, quickly heading to the front door to look through the small window, "Bye Beau.. I better go stand over there, uncle will be here any moment," he spoke.

"Alright... be careful, and stay safe, babe," Beau answers watching Spitfire open the doorknob stepping outside.

Spitfire walked casually over to the Simpsons trailer

He stood broadside to their Vehicle hidden away, when a purple and yellow 1966 Rolls Royce pulled up next to Spitfire, "Nephew of mine... step inside the future." Buddy teased, he leaned over the seat opening the passenger side door.

Spitfire smiles, grabbing the door, shutting it once he got in, "Wow, uncle... you haven't driven Betty for some time... it's good to ride in this old thing again." he smiles, remembering back the fun times he and Buddy have had in this classic.

Buddy laughs, putting it in gear, "Yep, thought I'd pull it out of that garage and take it for a spin.

"Remember that time, uncle, when we listened to Boston heading to Fieldford? " Spitfire asked.

"Yep, sure do... we listened to that CD over and over again... it just didn't feel the same listening to anything elsewhere in Betty," Buddy answers with a large, smile driving up to the stop sign to get on the road, "and that is why..." Buddy glances at Spitfire with a funny grin across his face.

Buddy popped the glove compartment open, pointing to the Black leather CD case, "Put it in, nephew... let's Jam like we used to."

Spitfire laughs,

opening the CD Case admiring all of Buddy's playlist,

Some listen on their phones,

but Buddy loved just popping in a CD and enjoying the ride,

Spitfire grasped the Boston CD, gently,

he slid it in the built-in CD player, the first song

"More than a feeling" brought back a ton of memories.

Spitfire rolled down his window, he experienced a recapitulates shake, to his hands ever since he's taken the drugs he and Beau made,

Spitfire brought some along to take distance into the day,

but for now,

the wind in his hair and the smile on Buddy's face were to bring joy to anyone.

Buddy pulled up to a parking place in gravel, overlooking a forest,

he most certainly didn't want to go to no boring park in town, but instead, somewhere peaceful, Spitfire gets out looking around, "It's beautiful here, Uncle."

"Isn't it, though," Buddy says, taking the key out of the ignition.

Spitfire smiles, glancing straight up to the towering trees,

he's always been in love with nature,

just getting dirty was never his style.

Buddy smiles, opening the trunk to his car, he had a red and white picnic basket full of sandwiches and drinks, he coolly walked over to a tree with a blanket in one hand and the basket in the other, laying out the blanket carefully on all four sides, Spitfire smiles as he takes a seat next to his uncle.

Buddy pours some tea from a large yellow pitcher, starting the conversation.

"So.... your dad has never mentioned family history?"

Spitfire shook his head, Never, "No, actually... I understand I am Adopted, but he's never mentioned my grandparents through you both, or any history about that sort of thing."

"Well, you see, back about a hundred years ago, or so, the people of Edinburg was-" Buddy went to say but,

Spitfire finished for him.


Buddy smirked, answering, "Yes... Royal, My dad... was," He says hesitantly, "King of Brisbane." he says, slowly watching Spitfire's reaction.

"K-King?" Spitfire says, utterly shocked, "So your Prince?"

Buddy beams, shaking his head, agreeing, "Correct."

Spitfire was blown away, he imagined to himself through crazy observations, while Uncle Buddy downed a Sandwich, "If Uncle Buddy is Prince, then that makes Dad, Prince... and that makes me.....

Royal Also."

Spitfire turned to lock eyes with Buddy, "Uncle... why has no one else mentioned this to me before?"

Buddy's face turned white, as he sat chilled from the question, "It's complicated." he answered plainly.

Spitfire's mind raced as he watched his Uncle closely,

who was clearly, hiding something from him..