Hundred Thousand Dollars Richer

"Uncle?" Spitfire asks in a soft tone.

Buddy looks at him curiously, "Yes?"

"Am I adopted?" Spitfire says earnestly, he was told that he was adopted, and heard the stories about his mother millions of times, but this whole thing made Spitfire wonder what the real story was,

Buddy was nervous about answering Spitfire back but did momentarily.

"Y-Yes, you are Adopted, Spitfire," Buddy says manifestly, "Your father found you on the bank of a lake,"

Spitfire shook his head, "I know the story, Uncle, but... explain the nose then." Spitfire says, remembering back to the women in the frame in the hall.

"My mom?" Buddy asked, Spitfire, nodded, "Oh... well, a lot of people have a nose like yours, and mine.. and my mothers, it's very common,

I suppose."

Spitfire listened, "Alright... I'm sure you are right." he says with a sigh.

Buddy smiles, grabbing another side of the sandwich taking a bite,

he was a bit shaky since this friendly conversation with his nephew turned pretty quickly too, " I want answers," instead of "Tell me a few silly things about the family," Buddy didn't let it show though, and continued to have a good time...


The two enjoyed their early dinner, Both of them laughed and giggled watching the tiny blue birds nestled high in the treetops.

Spitfire caught Uncle Buddy up on all of the touring experience and gossip, and he and Beaus relationship... Buddy was all ears.

"He's a wonderful person," Spitfire explained, "I love Beau,"

Buddy smiles,

he's always been a gender bender himself and having a boyfriend on the side, sounded a lot like Buddy at that age, "He sounds great."

"You both ok?" A person came out of a few trees riding a horse,

"Whoa, girl..." He says, stepping off the horse, gently combing the quarter horse's blond mane with his hand.

"S-Scott?" Spitfire says, shocked, setting up from laying back on the blanket.

"Spitfire, " Scott tipped his Cowboy hat,

a young girl finally found her way next to Scott,

she was also riding a horse.

Buddy glances to Spitfire, then back to Scott, answering "Oh... no, sorry... we're just fine, we were just having some dinner, and catching up on all the famous talk around here."

Scott nods, "Good... well, we better get going, hey..."

He says before grasping the saddle horn and riding away,

the girl stayed quiet, staring towards Spitfire, and He glared back coldly,

"Spit... it's been a while... good seeing you again."

Spitfire answers softly, "Yes, Scott... good seeing you too,"

Scott tips his hat again, climbing back onto his Palomino Horse Biscuit.

Scott was a tall young man, standing at 6'3,

so Biscuit the Horse was even larger,

with a muscular chest and hindquarters,

Biscuit was a gentle giant.

Scott kicked the horse in the flank with his spurs on the back of his boots and Biscuit moved forward and down a small trail, his other horse Rodi followed behind, the girl looking over her shoulder towards Spitfire until the trees blocked her views.

"Who was the girl?" Buddy asked.

"How would I know?" Spitfire says sternly, "Scott always does what he wants and never tells me anything."

Buddy arches a brow, "Well... don't you want him to be happy?"

Spitfire Scoffs, "That fool Uncle, let me slip right through his fingers,

he didn't even lift a hand when he found out that Beau and I were dating."

"Oh, I see," Buddy says, shaking his head with a smile, Spitfire sounded more and more like himself, " To be honest... Scott sounds like a jerk?... am I correct?"

Spitfire nods, "He's a big teddy bear... it's just, Beau... well, he's so much more mature, Scott is sort of childish."

Buddy giggled, "Yep... I've known a few of those," he says shaking his head, "But Spitfire, no matter how close Beau is to you, you must keep this secret to yourself, for your own good, ok?

Spitfire pauses to think about what his uncle just said and smiles,

looking straight into Buddy's soul with his dark eyes,

Spitfires have been known to almost hypnotizes a person with his enchanting brown ones.

Buddy grins, watching back, asking.....

"What?... "

Spitfire sighs in relief, answering his uncle, "Oh, Uncle... I am so happy you were kind enough to come and see me... "He says, his voice shaky, Spitfires eyes brimmed with tears, "I Seriously needed this so badly, and i promise... our little secret."

Buddy smiles, reaching over to hug his rather tenuous, nephew, "Spitfire?..." Buddy says slowly, "You've lost some weight, you know that?"

Spitfire, soon let go of his uncle, answering, "I Do, but I think I'm a perfect size."

Buddy arched a brow, his nephew ate like a horse, but his cheeks were sunken in, and bones were apparent.

Buddy smiles at Spitfire... it's been some time since he's spent time with him, and he enjoyed it, he was only concerned Spitfire had some sort of underlying illness.


Heading back to Beaus trailer

"Alright, we're back... maybe we can do this again?" Buddy says, a grin glazing across his face, stopping the car so Spitfire could get out.

"Of course, Uncle." Spitfire smiles, as Beau came around the corner of the Simpsons trailer "Babe!" Spitfire says excitingly, "Beau... this is my Uncle... Buddy,"

"Glad to meet you, Buddy," Beau says, stretching his arm out for a good, tough handshake.

Buddy did just that, finishing with a bright smile.

"Thanks for taking good care of my dear Spit, I'm sure you both had a very good time," Beau says.

Spitfire smiles, tucking himself under Beau's arm, "We did... thank you, Uncle."

Buddy beams, starting his Rolls Royce once again, "Your welcome, Spit.... I'll see you later," he says, backing up, out of the trailer park.

Beau watches along with Spitfire as Buddy leaves, "So... I called." Beau says with a smirk, "We have to meet with these people to get the money, it's a deposit for the big bucks... looks like we will be a hundred thousand dollars richer."

"Hundred thousand?" Spitfire beams, asking.

"Yep... I wanted to call you to give you the news, but I didn't want-" Beau went to say, but like usual, Spitfire finished his sentence.

"Buddy... you didn't want Buddy to find out?" Spitfire says looking up to Beau who was much taller than himself.

Beau smiles, bending down to kiss Spitfire soft red lips, they were as kissable as ever and just that, usually turned Beau on pretty easily.

Beau traveled down to Spitfire's neck, as Spitfire pushed away speaking...

"Stop it, Beau," He laughs, tugging at Beau's shirt, "Maybe we could get inside first?"

Beau snickered, "Alrighty...." He sneers, picking Spitfire up in his arms as Spitfire's legs dangled over his arm.

Spitfire squealed as he got butterflies, as Beau headed inside, he laughed as Beau tossed him on the couch.

"I want to know everything," Beau asks.

"Ohh geez... well, it turns out I'm like a prince or something?" Spitfire nods telling the story, "And my grandma is a royal, evil bitch... sort of like me, honey."

Beau smirks, "So... you are like special?... I mean, of course to me you are, but you're worth something? money? a ransom even?"

Spitfire nods, "Yes... I'm royalty, or at least I have royal genes, to be honest... if someone besides you knew... I could very well be kidnapped," he continues explaining, "Luckily though, I trust you."

Beau's eyes lit up as dollar signs arrived in his optics,

he wasn't thinking straight because of the meth flooding his core,

getting money by selling Spitfire crossed his mind, as he stared at Spitfire playing around with an artificial tiara, he places it on his head as he smiles, looking at Beau... "Well?"

Beau answers, " you don't look like no prince to me... instead,

a princess," he finishes, watching a smile fade Spitfires constant frown.