"Actually it's Abayomi."


"You are up early this morning," Spitfire says with a muffled voice since he had his head in his pillows, and all you could see was his eyes.

Beau nods, he was rested up in bed,

his back against the headboard,

with a smile, he answers, " Sleep well last night?"

Spitfire stretches and rolls over,

he was on his belly and rolled onto his side,

wrapping his arms around Beau's waist, "I did...I slept like a baby,"

Beau cracks a smile, then it disappears, "Did you get a visit from Scott yesterday?"

Spitfire smirks, "Actually, yes... he was with some girl, they were riding horses," he answers,

"that Sun of a gun, I don't trust him with you... " Beau explains with an implied tone.

"W-why?" Spitfire asked, continuing, "Scott won't hurt me... he promised, he'd always watch my back," before Spitfire could knowledge what happened, the sting from a slap across his face burned, his mouth fell open as he stared at Beau.

Beau was tense, his jaw tightened, and his fist doubled, "B-Beau?" Spitfire asks, frightened, placing his delicate fingers over his reddened cheek.

"Scott, is a horrible person, you hear me, Stay Away From Him!" Beau says grabbing ahold of Spitfire, shaking him aggressively by his shoulders, Spitfire's head ramming into the pillows.

Spitfire tried to fight back by jerking Beaus Hands from his shoulders, but Beau tightened his Grip, "Am I Clear?" he shouts.

Spitfire flinched as flashbacks of his father controlled his thoughts, "Get off me," Spitfire screamed, wrapping his one leg around Beau's waist and kicking him off and onto the floor.

Beaus Mouth was open in shock,

he just slapped Spitfire, who he promised he'd never strike.

"S-spitfire..." Beau says softly, standing up off the floor.

Spitfire shouts, jerking the covers off of him to stand on the other side of the bed, "How'd it feel?" He snarls, "And Yeah, Beau... Scott taught me that, it's called self-defense, to protect myself from people like you!" the last part he screamed, his voice high enough it's a wonder the windows didn't break, Beau Stood staring at Spitfire who was flipping out when he finally spoke again...

"Spitfire, Please, I'm sorry... I didn't-"

"Shut up!... Stay away from me, you hear me!" Spitfire yells, his hands shaking as he grasps the Advil bottle heading into the bathroom.

Beau watched Spitfire stomp away, he couldn't grasp why he did such, and it scared him.


Spitfire sat on the edge of the bathtub,

he was hyperventilating,

and couldn't seize ahold of that wind,

it felt it just kept running away from him.

He watched his hands shake as he rocked himself back and forth gently, The door handle being locked tightly shut, Spitfire was scared out of his mind but knew he was safe behind a locked door, Spitfire dumped the Advil pills into his hand, swallowing a few at once sighing as he gulped.

"Spitfire... please, open this door right now,

we need to talk," Beau pleaded on the outside of the bathroom door.

Spitfire watched the doorknob, as Beau jiggled it trying to get the door to open, Spitfire shook his head, closing his eyes for a minute trying to catch his breath, Never in his wildest dreams, he dreamt that Beau would raise a hand at him, he stood slowly looking into the mirror, the red mark still visible.

"did Beau mean to hurt me? " Spitfire thought to himself, looking at his reflection, "Am I not enough for him?"


2 Hours Later

It was soundless inside of that old trailer,

a few birds chirping on the outside was all you could hear for those two hours, that is until the bathroom door started to open...

Beau sat by the side of the bathroom door,

his chin rested in one of his hands as his eyes traveled up, meeting with Spitfires, Beau didn't speak, just watched Spitfire step over his legs.

Spitfire was cleaned up, after two hours, the red mark had faded and was hardly visible, it was close to lunchtime, and it's been long overdue to visit with Barb again.

"I'll be back later," Spitfire spoke, with a shaky voice, his hand on the doorknob to the outside.

Beau listened as he nodded, "Ok, uhm... be careful, ok?"

Spitfire slammed the front door furiously, he wanted to let Beau understand very clearly that he was not happy, and the shake from the door was a good example of his anger.


At the Cafe

Spitfire finally entered the Café.

"Holy guacamole girl, how have you been?" Barb asks

A tray in his hand full of freshly cooked goods towering on top.

Spitfire nods, his voice still shaky, but he answered... "I-I'm ok."

"Just ok?" Barb smiles, he laid the plates down in front of the hungry customers, turning to Spitfire.

Spitfires chin shivered, as tears worked their way to his eyelashes,

"B-barb... why are you still working here? you have so much potential."

"Honey, if I could get out of here I would." Barb smirks, "But, a little money is better than none, right?"

Spitfire nods, "I suppose... B-barb?" he asks nervously.

Barb traveled over to Spitfire, "Yeah?"

"Can we talk?... you know, about stuff, like we did before?" Spitfire says, his eyes to the floor, he had very scarce self-esteem and felt out of place to ask for anything, anymore.

"You bet... I'll be going on lunch here in ten, you go ahead and take a seat, I'll be with you in a jiffy," Barb says, and he points to an empty table, Spitfire traveled over to it, sitting down, and Barb roller staked into the back.

Barb finally finishes and hurries over to the table,

he had two Frappuccino's in hand and sets them gently on the table Spitfire smiles as the smell of coffee filled the building.

"Alright... what's up, girl?" Barb asks.

Spitfire frowns but then smiles instead, "Nothing out of the ordinary,

I just wanted to hang out with my Barb."

Barb Smiles,

he could feel that Spitfire's energy was far from normal as his eyes travel down to Spitfires' thin wrist, a few bruises were visible and Barb's mouth fell open, slowly meeting eyes with Spitfire again, he spoke...

"Whos beating up on you?"

Spitfire shook his head, avoiding the subject, "Nobody, I hit my wrist on the doorknob this morning."

Barb nods, "Oh, good... I was going to say-"

"Thank you, Barb, but I can take care of myself, so... are you heading to college soon?" Spitfire asks, a smile arrives.

"yep, this November, I'm actually packing, and all that, this month is flying by," Barb answers, taking a sip.

"I'm happy for you... I am going to miss your company, though." Spitfire frowns, thinking ahead, on who he's going to be able to talk to once Barb is away.

Barb Frowns, "You can call me, and maybe even visit from time to time?"

"Maybe.." Spitfire smiles, sipping his drink, "Oh my god, that's delicious."

"Specially made.... hey Spitfire?" Barb asks in a whisper, "That guy over there... he keeps looking at you,

I think he's cute."

Spitfire blushes, glancing over his shoulder, "Which one, the blonde dweeb, or the tall dark handsome one?"

"Isn't it obvious? of course, the Dark One." Barb giggles, looking over to the table across from them.

"He is cute!" Spitfire admits, glancing back to Barb.

"Oh... spoke too soon... here he comes," Barb says with glowing cheeks,

he puts his head down.

Spitfire sipped his drink as he puts his head down,

he didn't want to make it obvious, that he was taking notice of this newcomer.

"Hello, can i..." He says slowly, "Can I buy you something?" The tall, dark gentleman asks standing at the table Spitfire and Barb was seated at.

"W-who me?" Spitfire asks, his cheeks turning rosy.

"Of course you," He smiles, "do you mind if I take a seat?" The lad asks glancing at both, Spitfire and Barb.

Barb Smiles, "Of course... you both talk... I'm heading back to work," he says, Also blushing in shades of pink, he stands from the table then heads into the back.

Spitfire, on the center, looked confident, but inside, he was like a whirlwind, discouraged to extreme levels.

"Do you want some breakfast?" The gentleman asks as he takes a seat.

"It's 11:15! " Spitfire says softly,

his voice was creamy as he looked at his watch,

his dark eyes, eating the eye candy in front of him.

The fellow smirks, "Well... then maybe some lunch?"

"That would be very nice," Spitfire answers,

he could feel his cheeks becoming very red, but continued to admire the young man.

"Alright then, what would someone of your class want to eat for lunch then?" The gentleman asked.

"Chicken salad will be fine," Spitfire responds with a smile following.

The stranger lifted his hand to get Barb's attention, and swiftly Barb came to the table with a notebook "Two chicken salads, please!" he says confidently.

Barb wrote it down and turned away,

Spitfire smiles, "So... what's your name?... wait, let me guess," he says, pondering, "John or frank... or maybe Tim?"

The man giggles at Spitfires guesses, "Actually, it's Abayomi."

"Abay-what-what?" Spitfire answers with a grin,

it defiantly sounded foreign but delicious.

"Abayomi... I'm an Egyptian prince, and... " he smiles, looking at Spitfire,

" and I'm here possibly Looking for my soulmate."

Spitfires mouth fell open as he couldn't believe what he just heard,

he barely found out about his royal genes, and now this...

was this a sign?