A Planned Kidnap

"And what is your name?" Abayomi asked, his voice coasting off his tongue softly.

"it's not important or anything special," Spitfire replied

a small teasing grin revealed, "It's Spitfire."

Abayomi smiles,

he's never heard such an interesting name before,

"How is Spitfire not a Special name?" he asks curiously.

Spitfire shrugs, he puts his head down in thought, he's never thought of himself as Special or unique, although his fanbase loves him for his individuality, his self-esteem was the height of a grain of rice,

"T-thank you," he answers.

"And look... our lunch is here," Abayomi says, looking at Barb with the two salads one in each hand.

"Here you go... hope you enjoy, I made them myself," Barb spoke, glancing down to Spitfire, who looked very distressed,

Barb frowns but smiles instead, walking away behind the counter.

"Abayomi, you said your from Egypt, right?" Spitfire questions,

stabbing a piece of chicken, a mandarin orange, and lettuce onto his fork, taking a mouthful.

Also, Swallowing the delicious salad Abayomi answers,

"Yes... I'm from the Valley of Kings,

the Markas neqada runs past it," He explains.

Spitfire bounced his head listening,

these names were so fascinating to him, "W-why... why are you here, Abayomi?"

"I've already explained, But in further detail this time, I suppose...

I'm looking for my sherik," Abayomi clarifies, "I have three alsugae, and... I need a Sherik to finish off my mission."

"I don't understand," Spitfire says,

a small, titter follows as he takes another bite.

"Please don't worry yourself about what I've said just now," Abayomi says, placing a hand on Spitfires.

Spitfire looked at his hand with Abayomis on top, glancing back up to Abayomi's eyes "here we go again with these feelings," Spitfire thought to himself, gazing back at this beautiful exotic man.

Abayomi stared at Spitfire,

he was deep in thought when he out of the blue blurted out something in the Arabic language, "Ant Jamila Jadda!"

Spitfire screeches out with a laugh, "What?"

Abayomi glared, his eyes soft, "I said... You are so beautiful."

Spitfires cheeks lit up as he put his head down,

blushing has always been something he's struggled with.

Abayomi placed his fingertips gently on Spitfires cheek,

Spitfire winced a bit, and he ducked his head out of fright, usually, when someone lifted a hand, it never ended well.

"Shhhhhh." Abayomi says, his voice soft and low, "Don't shy away,

I'm not going to hurt you."

Spitfires eyes were on the ground, he was very nervous, and his heart pounded hard, "S-stop... please, I... I might not be single,"

Abayomi smirked, "Take my hand, forget about the word for a minute, close your eyes." he couched, Spitfire dark eyelashes met, "Now... what is anything you want to have in this life?" he asks, his hands cupped, and full of Spitfires.

"Money," Spitfire answers,

Abayomi repeated the word only speaking Arabic...


"Love," Spitfire says softly, his eyes still closed.

"Habb," Abayomi's voice says after.

"No abuse," Spitfire sighs roughly, his voice becoming questionable as his sigh lingers.

Abayomi smiles, hearkening, he was getting a lot of information out of Spitfire for free, and he continued, "La Issaa,"

Spitfire opens his eyes, meeting them with Abayomis,

"What are you doing?" he giggles, "Why are you doing it?"

"Only being your friend..." He answers back, Spitfire shifts agreeing.

Abayomi talked in riddles for some odd reason, and like usual, that made Spitfire extremely meddlesome...

"Where are you staying?"

"At the INNs, across the road, it's a small town, nothing like Alexandria, my Home." He continues, "I didn't have much choice."

Spitfire chuckles, "Where you come from, it sounds like another world... Alexandria?.. King of the valley?"

Abayomi smirks, snickering, "I suppose it does...

but unfortunately, I must go,

I'm sure Shareefa is bothered."

Spitfire nods,

he barely ate his salad,

he was much too enthusiastic in Abayomis stories,

The exotic personality stood, a turban wrapped around his pitch-black hair, "Maybe I will see you around?" Abayomi questions.

" Maybe..." Spitfire says slowly, Above his eyes sparkling with diamond dust, reflecting from the baldachin lights.

Abayomi beams, a sparkle from his front teeth was like something seen on television,

Spitfire watched him leave the Café, and Barb soon attended, taking a seat across from Spitfire to get all the juicy Gossip available.


Abayomi's P.O.V

Abayomi stood outside of the Café.

"حسنا؟?" Shareefa asks, who was standing outside of the Café also, leaning against the lamp-post.


Abayomi answers in a whisper,

"لقد تم ذلك... أعتقد أنني قد اشتعلت الأسماك كنا نبحث عن، الأب!"

"It's done... I think I've Caught the fish we've been looking for, Father!"

Shareefa Smiles, the glare from his golden caps inside of curled evil lips was blinding,

" ثم انه سيكون الكمال إضافة إلى مجموعتك ، مثل جامع.... سيكون لديك ثلاثة أنواع من الجمال ومجموعتك ستكون كاملة، إلى الأبد!!!! "

"Then he will be the perfect addition to your collection, like a collector.... you'll have three sorts of beauty, and your collection will be whole, Forever!!!! "

"أفترض حقك، أب... اسمه سبيتفاير... انه مريض جدا ، وأعتقد أن بو هو الحق..... انه يستحق الكثير وبسبب إدمانه ، وقال انه لن يكون من الصعب أن مفاجأة مع خطف " Abayomi says thinking.

"I suppose your right, Father...His name is Spitfire... he's very ill, and I believe that Beau is right..... he is worth plenty and because of his addiction, he won't be that hard to Surprise with a kidnap"

Abayomi's Father listened with all ears.


At Beaus Trailer.

Beau sat on the couch waiting for Spitfire to return,

He was becoming very agitated waiting but wanted to keep control of his temper.

Spitfire slowly opened the front door, tossing his jacket on the counter by the sink, Beau Quickly stood up.

"Spit?" He asks.

Spitfire pouts and walks slowly over to Beau, "I-I'm so S-sorry." he tried to explain, but his voice was shivering, his arms reached out for Beau to join the hug.

Beau frowns, he felt awful about striking Spitfire earlier, "It's ok baby... I should be the one apologizing."

"Don't, Beau... it's ok, just forget about it." Spitfire says, his eyes closed against Beau's chest.

Beau nods hugging Spitfire tightly, out of anger he acted, and now... Spitfire's life could be in danger.