City Strangers, and a 38 Special

The Next Day "Beaus Trailer"

"Alright... I've packed, how about you?" Spitfire asks,

a heavy suitcase beside him.

Beau smirks, looking at Spitfire struggling, answering,

"Yes... I might not have packed as much as you, but..." He lifted a medium-size plastic bag full of his belongings, looking at it,

It was a sure thing, He under-packed to Spitfire's expectations.

"Oh, baby... you should have let me pack for you." Spitfire smiles, traveling over to Beau, who was wearing a nice Silver jacket, Black pants, and a Black shirt, it was tucked into his pants,

his whole outfit must have been tailored just for him.

"You look good today... minus the oversized Jacket" Beau chuckles,

coiling his arms around Spitfire.

Spitfire's jacket was much more extensive

than what it was supposed to be, but like anything, is Spitfire just petite,

or is everything just made for bigger people?

Spitfire smiles, replying, "It was my Uncles.... when he performed on stage in Savage Garden, he wore this,"

"Sounds like you came from a long line of musicians." Beau answers, "Unlike me... my uncle was a mechanic."

"Think about it, Beau... if it wasn't for a good mechanic, Us, Musicians wouldn't be able to tour all over because our touring buses would be garbage, right?" Spitfire says, his red lips glowing.

"Very true... very true," Beau nods, agreeing,

Spitfire made a very clear point.


Buddy's P.O.V "At his mansion"

"Boy, it's getting cold... Soon the snow will fall, and winter will be here." Buddy uttered, looking out of his large glass windows to outside.

Outside was looking like fall, the trees were becoming very vibrant and colorful, and the grass was becoming crunchy along with fallen leaves on the ground, made for a noisy hunting season for Elk or Deer.

"Yes... soon it will be thanksgivings and then," Adam sighs heavily, "Christmas."

"I'll just have to do my yearly decorating, I mean...

why have a house this size and not decorate it to its fullest potential?" Buddy laughs.

"Agreed...Oh! have you seen Shine?" Adam asks, pouring his coffee.

"Yep, Brook has her upstairs," Buddy counters, sipping his fairly black cup of joe.

"Thanks," Adam says, leaving the kitchen.

Buddy resumes to look outside, the wind through the trees blowing in a dark storm, Buddy's Bones ached from the chill, and he shook his head at the decaying pumpkins from Halloween, it positively looked even scarier with the cobwebs above his head forming from actual spiders.

Buddy sighs, " Ol girl." He frowns, pressing his hand against the wood alongside the Window border, "You are falling apart, aren't you?" He says to the old house, pushing tacks back into the wood to stop it from falling, This house was over a hundred years old, and although its foundation was sturdy, its walls were becoming weak.


Adams P.O.V

"Brook!! ... there you are!" Adam speaks, closing the door behind him.

"Oh... you were looking for me?" Brooke smiles, brushing Shine's hair tenderly, glancing up to her soon-to-be husband.

Adam thuds down on the bed, "Let's get married soon, ok?"

"Soon? Brook answers in question, "How soon?"

"Like tomorrow?" Adam grins, "I'm sick of waiting,

and the most hilarious part of this whole thing is... there is nothing to wait for, "He snickers "tomorrow... let's get married tomorrow!"

Brook smiles, "Ok... well, I need to find a dress, and...."

"No 'And's... I'll take care of everything, you just find yourself a dress, ok." Adams laughs, setting up to stand, "I'll take care of everything."

Brook beams, pulling Shine's blond hair into a ponytail after brushing it, she watched Adam leave the bedroom, then she headed into the bathroom, she sat Shine on the wood floors.

Brook's heart pounded as she gawked at herself in the mirror for sure

getting espoused is a huge, step in a person's life.

She ran her fingers through her red curly hair, looking into the glass, wild thoughts crashed her daydreams, She thought to herself, "I wonder if Spitfire can join us?" She chews on her bottom lip,

she prayed that he wouldn't be able to make it,

although the Halloween party went as planned, Brooke felt a cold Storm brewing within the Family.


Back to Beau and Spitfire.

"Ready, baby?" Beau asks,

his white car was operating, with the passenger side door open.

Spitfire was inside the trailer,

he finally ambles out, running to the car,

his suitcase was already in the trunk along with Beau's bag, "I'm Coming," he says, his voice carries as he gets into the vehicle.

"Did you lock the door?" Beau asks, glancing into the back seat where a large amount of Meth was stashed in boxes of all sorts.

"Yep, Door is locked," Spitfire answers, pulling his seat belt over him.

"Back door also?" Beau asks as he pulls down the gear shifter into drive.

"Yep... Back door locked, we are ready to go." Spitfire says,

he shakes his head, reassuring all doors are bolted.

Beau smiles at Spitfire, before pressing on the gas pedal,

The wheels begin to turn and Beau and Spitfire were off and onto the highway.

Four hours later, arriving.

"I hate driving no more than one hour away." Beau yawns,

he was tired as he stretched his arms,

the stiffness from sitting up for so long in the river seat was taking over.

"Let's find somewhere to stay, and away from the bed bugs, please," Spitfire says, a bit disgusted, they were in the badlands of the city, and it was a bit fearful for Spitfire, watching Cold Dark people walk around on the streets eyeing the car would give anyone the creeps.

Beau nods, pulling up to a hotel, it looked friendly, and though Beau could live in a cardboard box, he wanted to best for Spitfire, "I'll go check-in, you stay here, babe." He says, pulling the key out of the ignition and getting out.

Spitfire's window was rolled down,

as he watched Beau go inside of the Hotel lobby.

A Group of hoodlums caught Spitfire's attention, and he scooted further down into his seat, frightened, just barely peeping over the window of the vehicle, and of course just as He fretted,

The Group started over to Beaus White Car.

"Yo... you new baby?" A tall brown man with black dreads walked over to the window, Spitfire slowly reached to the switch to propel the window up, but Beau took the keys, and the car was off,

Spitfire sat up bravely, answering...

"Y-Yes," He says, a bit of a stutter at first, "I'm with someone,"

"Yo Peeps.... we have a newbie here." He shouted as the rest of the gang progressed over, "What's your name, sweetheart?" He says, reaching through the window to feel Spitfire's cheek,

Spitfire acted on this sudden pretension and jerked away from the gang ring leader...

"Ohhh, your a spicy one..." The Man laughs, "I like a little hot sauce on my Lunch,"

Spitfire was scared but kept calm, "I'm not interested in your nonsense... go, leave," He says, his voice scared, but clear.

"Whoa, whatcha find here Bubba.... a habanero? or a jalapeno?" another man says, standing behind the first.

"Habanero.." He smirks, "Baby only needs a little taming if you know what I mean." he says, his toothy grin, appeared.

Spitfire shook his head, afraid of what these hoodlums could likely do to him, Rape? ... Kill?....

The front-man Bubba grabbed ahold of Spitfire's arm, the rest of the gang cheering him on their black teeth hidden behind curling evil lips, another man entering through the open window popping up the switch to unlock the door.

Bubba grabbed the car door handle, and soon the door became released, Spitfire had both his legs curled up to his chest, and when one of the men's hands reaches out to try and explore more, he would kick to try and defend himself, only making the situation worse when Bubba got kicked in the face, with a bloody nose, he lets go,

"You are going to pay hard for that, "he says, wiping the dripping blood onto his ripped jeans, resuming, "Jojo, grab ahold of him, let me show him what a real man is about." Bubba shouts as Jojo quickly grasped Spitfire's arms, Spitfire labored hard, trying to squirm from Jojo's grip...

"Stop it... Stop please," Spitfire screamed, and Jojo pulled his legs onto the pavement.

Bubba watches as Spitfire fought ever so hard from Jojo, Bubba smiling as he had another idea for young Spitfire.

"HOLD IT!" Beau screamed, a 38 special loaded, and pointed at Jojo's head, "Now... let's be smart here boys, You all just get up and step away from Spitfire, Right now!" he says calmly but not messing around.

Spitfires chin prattled as his eyes followed up to Beau's green sights.

Jojo slowly loosened his grip, and as soon as he did, Spitfire darted up to stand by Beau who was being protected by a small but mighty gun.

Bubba laughed, "You wouldn't use that? you ain't got the balls!"

"You want to bet??" Beau tightens his jaw, his finger on the trigger, waiting for one more wrong move by these men.