"What did he want?" Spitfire asks, "You!" Scott replies.

9:30 PM

Spitfire was still sleeping from earlier this morning,

he had his legs curled up against his chest, whimpering as he took a deep breath in.

Scott had dozed in a sitting position next to Spitfire,

Spitfire extended his weak legs out, and that is what woke Scott up in a hurry.

Scott's blue eyes suddenly opened to see what Spitfire was up to,

he spoke softly... "Spitfire?" Scott says,

placing his large hand on Spitfire's knee,

Spitfire appeared he was in pain when he'd stretch out,

Scott couldn't understand why.

Spitfire cried as he pulled his legs up to his chest again, He had bruises on his thigh, and as his blanket fell to the side, Scott could clearly see the marks.

How did he get those marks? Scott thought to himself... did Beau give those to him?

Scott watched Spitfire's hand fall tiredly on the ground next to the couch, he acted Exhausted, but he hasn't been doing anything to cause that, Spitfire was very ill and Scott was frightened about what to do, and when to do it, He watched Spitfire sleep soundly, hoping he'd wake up and be in a better state of mind.



"Scotty?" Scott could hear through a dream he was having, "Scotty... wake up!" His eyes began to open, and through a blurry vision, Spitfire sat in front of him on the couch, he looked refreshed, his hair messy but to Scott, Spitfire couldn't look unsightly, Scott split into a smile, "You are up?.... how do you feel?" he asks.

"Fine... I'm thirsty, though." Spitfire says, a smile following as Scott sprung up to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.

"Here," Scott remarks, handing the bottle to mild Spitfire,

Spitfire turned the cap off and started to drink the water quickly.

Scott reacted and grabbed ahold of the bottle helping Spitfire steady it, "Easy... drink slowly.. you're going to get sick again, Shhhh now, you can have more later, Rest babe," Scott says calmly drawing the bottle away from Spitfire, it was obvious that he was dehydrated his eye proved that long before the need for water, Scott did what he thought was best,

and small drinks throughout the day were his best bet.

"One more drink?" Spitfire asks, laying back on the couch, "Please, Scotty, I'm thirsty... I'm so thirsty."

Scott listened as he grabbed the bottle once again, this time, he held it... slowly pointing it towards Spitfires dry lips, only giving him a small drink then he put the cap on again, pulling away "are you hungry?" Scott asks.

Spitfire shook his head, "Not really, I don't feel well enough,"

Scott frowns, "Maybe some crackers?... or soup?" he offers.

Spitfire shook his head NO, he could barely keep down water, and eating food just didn't sound appetizing, "No Scotty... Maybe later though, thank you!"

Scott smiles, his mind raced, he just couldn't make sense of all this, Where did Beau go?... and seriously, is he even still alive, or was he killed? Scott stood, he stretched his arms as a big yawn approached, he's never been a morning person, so he traveled to the kitchen, he poured himself a hot cup of coffee and took a small sip of Hazelnut in his favorite cup, he leaned against the Island thinking when suddenly a few loud knocks were at the door, Scott moved on it, shouted, that he was coming,

then he opened it slowly... it was a very dark man, his head wrapped in a turbine, the man spoke as Scott stood eye to eye with him...

"Is Spitfire Home?" The man, asks his voice just on the edge of an accent.

Scott didn't answer for a few seconds, he wasn't sure who'd be asking such a question and so he asked... "Who wants to know?"

The Man smirks as he wasn't fooling this blondie called Scott, "My name is Abayomi... now..." He says, "Is Spitfire home?"

Scott shook his head No... although Spitfire was on his couch, he didn't trust this stranger, especially with his knowledge of Spitfires' move, "Nope... I don't know of any Spitfire." Scott spoke, "You have a nice day," He says, starting to shut the door, Abayomi stood watching the door finally close all the way, turning to speak through his Bluetooth...

"شخصية (سكوت) هذه تقول أنه لا يعرف من هو (سبيتفاير)... هل يجب أن أصدقه؟ "

(This Scott character says he dont know who Spitfire is... should i believe him?)

A voice spoke on the other side, as Abayomi listened,

" انه يكذب ، هوينغ وSpitfire مخبأة بعيدا ، ومهمتنا هي العثور عليه ، وأخيرا الحصول على أموالنا ، لا أعتقد أن الاشقر طويل القامة ، Spitfire داخل هذا المنزل "

(He's lying, Hoying has Spitfire hidden away, and our mission is to find him, and finally receive our money, Don't believe the tall blond, Spitfire is inside of that house)

Abayomi nods as he pressed a small blue bottom on the object in his ear, he turned to stare at the closed door in front of him, before he casually walked off the stairs and into the driveway, stopping by Scotts Truck, Abayomi glanced around to try and find any evidence Spitfire was there at the residence before leaving the yard, Scott watched from the window in the front room, he turns to Spitfire to talk... "That was odd."

Spitfire shrugs, "Who was it?" he asks, still relaxing on the couch.

"Abby, or Abaday?" It was something like that... Arabic-looking fellow, tall and dark skinned." Scott adds.

"Abayomi?" Spitfire asks.

Scott was calm as his mouth dropped, shuddered, "Yeah... that was it, do you know him?"

"Sort of." Spitfire continues, "What did he want?"

"You," Scott says directly, looking deep into Spitfire's dark brown eyes,

as fear washed over his pale skin.