"I Was Reticent"

"I'm not afraid." Spitfire speaks, "I don't fear anything anymore."

Scott arches a brow to his friend, "If your not afraid, neither am i."

Spitfire smiles as Scott took a seat next to him on the couch,

deep down inside Spitfire was horrified, he was scared for his life and for Scotts trying to protect him, at Times Spitfire believed if he just died, all this would be over.


4 Hours Later.

Spitfire was woken by Scott tucking him in, A Blanket tightly tucked around his legs and snug around his shoulders, he could have sworn that the hours went by with a blink, and now he faces night once again.

"I'm sorry I woke you." Scott says, bringing over some water, "Here... drink this."

Spitfire reaches out to take the water, Scott lets him have it and he watched Spitfire try to open the lid, with a few grunts he gave up,

"I guess I cannot open this... thank goodness I'm not alone," he says softly, handing the water back to Scott.

Scott smiles as he used his large muscular arms to open the bottle of water, "Well... if you were alone, I'd suggest just cutting the cap off," he smirks.

"What time is it?... it's dark!" Spitfire asks, taking the bottle from Scott.

"hmmm." Scott answers, glancing at his watch, "9:04 PM" he replies.

"Where did the day go?" Spitfire questions, taking a few drinks before putting the water bottle down.

"it flew by... but that's ok, you need all the rest you can get," Scott answers, taking the bottle back.

"S-Scott?" Spitfire asks, his voice shoal and shaky.

"What honey?" Scotts eyes concerned.

"W-will you stay with me tonight?" Spitfire asks shyly,

The two never officially slept with one another, and Scott was quiet, but finally answered.

"Y-yes... of course... I ain't sleeping on no couch, though..." Scott teased, his smile brightening the room.

"I can walk... let's go to bed," Spitfire says, using the arm of the couch to stand, Scott, helped even the fragile Spitfire then headed to the room in the hallway, Spitfire followed closely behind, his eyes looked ill and he was shaky but the both of them continued.

Scott's bed was not made and the sheets were crisp,

the covers were hanging halfway on the floor which made Spitfire giggle as he pulled them onto the frame again, Spitfire sat on the edge of the bed, lifting his legs covering them over with Scott's black and red quilt, he pulled them up to his chin and waited for Scott to climb in.

"I'm coming... I'm coming." Scott laughed, "But first..." He says laughing, Scott headed into the bathroom, shutting the door.

Spitfire was lying on his back,

it felt good to climb into a bed that felt comfortable.

A few minutes later... Scott Finally came out of the bathroom,

he was in a grey T-Shirt, and grey sweat pants, he looked cozy and Spitfire felt that feeling that made his heart warm, Scott threw back his side of the covers, he weighed much more than Spitfire and the bed creaked as he sat down, lifting his legs in and pulling the covers over, he usually slept with his back towards the window, this time his back facing Spitfire, he was not expecting Spitfires petite hand to crawl over his husky rib cage.

Scott was still awake, and he turned to see what Spitfire was up to... he had honestly never been the cuddling type but this time was different, Spitfire's eyes were closed, he looked comfy and content with covers up to his chin.

Scott wasn't sure why, but felt the need to comfort and hold Spitfire for the night and that is exactly what he did, he took his arm and put it under Spitfire's head, pulling Spitfire closer onto his chest as to the place Spitfire fell into a deep sleep...

3 hours later...

The both of them slept soundly, Scott exhaled with a small snore while Spitfires eyes moved under his pale eyelids, he was stuck inside of his dreams, and he tossed and turned to try and escape......

"Stop, Dad... please... don't hit me."

"You are not worth a dime," Adam screamed, he was dressed as a Jester dancing around Spitfire who standing in a room full of distorting mirrors.

"Why do you hate me?"

"Because... your a joke, a faggot, a fake," Adam says, dancing circles around Spitfire.

"But I'm your son, I don't understand?"

"I am not a sluts Father, or a whore... a streetwalker." Adam continues, "And now... I shall show you my finale trick," He says,

you could hear cheering people in the background, and although the room was black as the night the clapping was deafening.

Spitfire stood watching the Jester dance in circles, he had a single cane with a rabbit on top, he lifted it, slamming it down on the floor, which looked like it was moving... Spitfire felt a stab, the people laughing and cheering in the background irritated Spitfire as he placed his hands over his ears to try and hide the noise.

He shifted to a mirror and watched the indivisible thread stitch his mouth shut.

In Spitfire's hand appeared a rose, Blood dripped from the pedals as they hit the floor, Blood splashed on his feet as he tried to scream but the thread limited his voice.

"You may never talk again." The Jester says, his voice pitchy and loud, Spitfire grabbed his mouth in terrible pain, feeling he was not able to speak drove him crazy.


"Spitfire, wake up!" Scott screamed.

Spitfire had tears dripping from his eyelashes as he threw himself forward, Scott grabbed him before his head hit the footboard...

"Are you ok?" Scott asks as he sees his eyes open.

Spitfires eyes follow up to Scotts, he spoke... "I had a dream."

Scott nods, "What about?" he urges, as Spitfire Spoke.

"I was Reticent."