
For 2 entire months, all I could do was poop in my god damn underwear. At a month old I began crawling and I started to use my face muscles more. And at 2 months I could finally start to walk. Meridians that spread mana throughout my body were opened up in my legs. I could finally start cultivating. I had to get up to my previous power to be able to become a threat to the great families. My power even in my previous life was not on par with all of the masters in the great families. There was Rancor in the Great Kai family that could rival my power, and Sun in the Great Saint family that was far above me in terms of types of magic like recovery.

I starting cultivating from my base form whenever I got the chance. I didn't hide my ability to walk at 2 months because I was only in an old village. I thought that there were no threats big enough to try to attack me simply because I could walk at 2 months. But even though I did not hide it, my mother wouldn't let me wonder around so easily. My whole family was impressed on how I could walk at an early age, they considered me a genius, but they were not careless enough to let me walk outside the house. Mostly because there were lots of gangs and thieves in places like these. Even in the old city, we lived in the worse part of it.

I would find opportunities at night to cultivate, but I made sure I got at least 6 hours of sleep each night. So that gave me around 4 hours to cultivate each night. I started off at the base human realm, white mana core. After a month of cultivating I was at the light Yellow mana core, forging realm. It was pretty good progress, but if I continued like this, I wouldn't be able to reach the Legendary realm in over 30 years. The progress was good but it wasn't fast enough for my liking. The day I turned 3 months old, my sister turned 6 years old. My family didn't have birth day presents, but my father would brought home a wood carving to give to my sister. It was also her first ever day in school. The small government here collected taxes, and with those taxes they could afford to build a single school in all of the city.

I was worried for her. In my previous life my sister was also around 6 years older than me, and I could see her in Asith. The amount of scum I saw robbing people with my own eyes was already worrying me. But when I didn't know what kind of people were near or at her school.

Every day my father was gone for most of the day. He working from 6 in the morning to 9 at night. The moment he would come back he would eat and got to sleep immediately. I couldn't spend much time with him, but he tried to be with me any time he could. He was not a bad person. My mother would be tired all of the time. A lot of people in the city would have many injuries and small illnesses, but they couldn't afford to go to the hospital because of the heavy fees, so they stayed at home, hoping it would just go away.

I was afraid that my mother also suffered from the same fate, she would also work all day taking care of my brother and me, my brother would go out to play with his friends most of the day which made my mother worry even more. She would spend most of the day in the yard, planting, harvesting and digging. Everyone in the city had a small amount of land they could farm in, but with the lack of water, many people didn't care about farming, they thought of it as simply a waste of water. But my mother was determined to have a successful farm, to feed our family without cost.

All of these things were piling up on me, I didn't know what to think about, cultivating, my old family, my revenge, my old friends, my new family. It was overwhelming.

Once I turned 6 months old, my mana core was a normal yellow mana core, I still had a little while to go until inauguration Realm. My mother was also more lenient with me being in the house alone while she was in the yard. I was small but I had grown my ability to walk, run, and talk significantly. Of course I still talked kind of babyish although I had the ability to talk good. If I talked like an adult as a baby, it would just creep my family out. She would leave me inside for hours at a time, checking every 2 hours or so to see if I had escaped. I always said how I wanted to go into the outside world, below the mountain.

Whenever she would leave me I would quickly try to go down the mountain. There was a path a mile away from our house leading down there. It took me around 15 minutes to get down the mountain each time. And I would study the plants and herbs there relentlessly. In my old life, people knew me as a Warlock and a Warlord. Specializing in Sorcery and Sword skills. But many didn't know that I was also a master alchemist. In the new kingdom, I discovered that simple plants mixed with other materials could make very useful things.

Soji grass, a common grass found any in the forest had slight healing and cultivation helping abilities. But when mixed with the Advanced flower, a more rare but still pretty common type of flower, the effect of the the Soji grass would advance dramatically, hence the name. I was the one who named it in the first place in the new kingdom. Here it was known as a random flower, but in the new kingdom these 2 materials are sold for great prices. I quickly gathered all the Soji grass and Advanced flowers and stored them in a small cave hole in the mountain. Each time I went down I slowly gathered more and more.

Sometimes while harvesting materials, I saw soldiers attacking weak beasts. The city still sent soldiers to try to conquer more land. Of course the soldiers were to weak to do anything, some weak beasts they killed but a little deeper in and there were things like the ferocious alligator and the winged lion. These were normal great beasts, the force of the entire city might be able to defeat one of them. from these beasts come the mana beasts. Immensely strong beasts that had high intelligence and could wield an insane amount of power. There were two types of animals from humans. One were the beasts, consisting of animals, normal great beasts, and mana beasts. The other form were of monsters. Consisting of goblins, orcs, ogres and the like.

Once in the new kingdom, a powerful mana beast attacked the north defenses, which was protected by the Great Saint family. The entire family could not defend against it and I had to come and pair up with Sun to defeat the beast. Thankfully the Mana beasts were only in the newly discovered lands. They lived where the climate mad them much stronger.

After gathering up Soji grass and Advanced flowers for about a month, I had cleared a 2 mile radius of land of its materials. After this I had almost broken into the inauguration realm. But I needed a big push. "It seems that my cultivation has gone too far for my bodies meridians to handle. And I've reached a bottleneck. I need to grow my body, or my meridians to be able to advance from this realm."

I was free from my mothers grasp again and I quickly raced down the mountain into the cave. I then sat down, crossed my leg, closed my eyes and began cultivating. The Soji grass and the Advanced flowers around me starting to combine into strong cultivating essence. The flowers and the grass disintegrated into the air and the smell filled the small cave, which I blocked in with a large rock. I couldn't afford this essence to go anywhere else. The essence then got absorbed into my body, my mana core went from dark yellow to light orange. I was at the start of the inauguration realm!

But even still, to be able to get to the Legendary realm, I would need to cultivate for more than 25 years, cultivating only gets harder the more you advance.

After reaching the inauguration realm, my body hit a huge bottle neck. For months I could not improve my mana core. Although my physical strength got much better, my mana core did not improve at all. After knowing this, I decided to practice learning some mana skills. Mana skills are something that can be used after you reach the inauguration realm. They are combinations of different mana types that form attacks, defenses, and recovery actions.

To practice mana skills I need to see what mana elements I'm better at. There are 5 different mana elements known. The Fire, Water, Earth, Leaf, Light, and Dark mana element/s.

The fire is simple, you can control fire, heating the temperature around you or within you, you can ignite embers which can turn into giant fire depending on your mana core, power, and experience. Water is also similar, forming your mana into water using very intense concentration. Water mana element type is known to be slightly weaker than fire mana element. Then there is the Earth mana element, you are able to control and conjure rocks, dirt, sand, gravel, and the like. The leaf element is slightly different from the rest. The leaf element is a recovery and defense type mana element with good attack as well if used correctly. Leaf mana can recover varying types of injury's. It can also grow back on its own without using mana to grow it, so it can be used as a good defense type as well. There are also skills that allow for very good attacks from the Leaf mana element. The leaf element is more rare to be able to be good at, and is much harder to master.

The next two are the most common types of mana element, which are also known as the weakest. Many people use these for normal day life. The light and dark mana elements. They are the polar opposites from each other. Light is very fast, a type of healing magic that can also be used as a weak attack type. And dark magic is is a very mysterious magic type. It can be used to deteriorate but the magic is so slow that getting it anywhere in the air is virtually impossible. It also only generates small amounts at a time, so conjuring a lot of it is also very hard. If it could be like other mana types, it would be very powerful. It could deteriorate even solid iron, but people think these are useless because they simply just don't know how to use them.

The light mana element is actually not a mana type, but a element canvas. A type of mana element that allows you to combine elements together very good. With combining other types of mana element, they slightly combine to make small improvements. Like a fire arrow, a mix between earth and fire mana elements. The arrow made of metal and fire coming from the fire mana element. But with light, you can completely combine mana elements, and make completely new mana elements. Light and Fire for example create the plasma mana element. A mana element with immense attack and defense capabilities.

The dark mana element is even greater. Its attack power is the strongest out of any mana type, but people do not know how to use it. If one is able to combine the dark mana element within their body. They can use it on a weapon, engulfing the weapon with dark mana element. The weapon that gets covered by the dark mana element is become almost indestructible because almost no mana element can cut through the dark sludge of mana. An even stronger way to use it is to put the dark element inside your mana core. This allows you to turn your body to darkness at will.

I first started off by doing just that. I combined my mana core with the darkness mana element. I could then use the darkness the coat my body, becoming a deadly defense. I then combined different elements with light in order to create the Plasma, Magma, Nature, Ice and Divinity mana elements. I will use Plasma as my main attack type, Magma as my far range defense type, Ice as my trap type and Nature as my healing type. And the last mana element cannot be used until I am at the peak of the Legendary realm.

A mana element that allows one to control something that even I don't know of. In my past life I unlocked the mana element but could not decipher what it was used for.

After this I made multiple mana skills. Plasma Pike, a sharp, fast, spear of plasma. Cleanse, a healing mana skill that would clean my body from many diseases, injuries, and mind control elements. I could also use this to clear my mother's' illness. Magma wall, A large wall made of magma that I can use to defend myself from afar. My close range defense will be my dark body, a different type of mana skill where I coat by body with darkness and become almost invincible, of course I can only cover a little part of my body each time, it is still a very good defense. And lastly my trap skill, Ice Rune, made of the Ice mana element. Freezing the ground around someone to freeze them in place.