Starting of Zeus Academy

It was the first day of school. My brother and sister went to a good school called Yugui Academy. It wasn't a prestigious school but still provided much better opportunities than anywhere in our old city.

After telling me their wishes for me, my parents also bidded me goodbye. I wasn't going to see them for many years. I got on the mana bubble and started to go to the academy. On the bubble were about 30 students along with me. All wearing the school uniform. When I got on I sat right in the back. This was the place I liked the most. Soon after, 3 kids got on the bus. The one in the middle was about 14 years old, he was about 5'6 and looked like a noble. He had a mean glare on his face when he saw me sitting where I was. The other 2 were like his sheep, following right behind him.

"Oi, your on my seat little commoner, get up if you know what's good for ya" He and his friends laughed. "I don't see your name on this bus retard." I wasn't having the discrimination. I knew that there was a camera and I was now in the clear to "self protect" myself. He tried grabbing my collar but as soon as he did he got punched square in the nose.

I wanted it too seem like a little fight between kids. Not an Inauguration realm expert bullying a kid. He started to bleed out of his nose and got furious. "What the hell do you think your doing you vulgar commoner!? Ow!..boys, get him!" They came after me but also got punched right in the nose. After making it seem like I got damaged a little bit I shouted "HELP, THESE PEOPLE ARE BULLYING ME." The driver of the mana bubble came over.

"What is going on here?" "They.. they were trying to attack me! Look at these bruises." My acting was perfect, and the darkness magic looked exactly like small bruises. "But why are these guys the ones with a nose bleed" The bus driver didn't really want to defend the commoner against a noble because he could potentially suffer the wrath of the noble family and lose his job. But I had a solution for that. "Are you accusing me of lying?? I was just protecting myself. Do you want to check the cameras??" The driver didn't want to expand the situation so he made the nobles sit in another seat. They were not happy at all. Looking at me every few seconds with a snarky glare.

When we arrived we all met with the principle one by one. It was a procedure that had to be done due to person things among students. Surprisingly, the principle of the school was not disrespectful. He was in his early 30s but he looked much younger. His power was strong. Because I had such a little mana core, people stronger than me seemed more intimidating.

He introduced himself. "Hey! my name is principle Pekan, my job as your principle is to ensure your safety and good learning. Is there anything you want to talk about before we get into the normal procedures?" "Yes, as you know i'm a commoner, and i'm sure you know how commoners are treated in his kingdom. I need to know if I can protect myself without being penalized for it. I've had experiences where even though I protect myself, I become the one being punished in the end, I cannot have this." The principle was surprised on how mature I was. He was using lie detection magic at all times and didn't see a single lie.

Of course I knew this and slowed down my heart beat on purpose to make it seem like i was telling the truth the entire time so I could build trust with him. "Yes of course you can protect yourself. I have just newly been elected principle of this school and all of the previous principles were very discriminatory towards commoners, but as a commoner myself, I've changed up the rules myself to protect fellow commoners. I give anyone who requests it a recording orb. All you have to do is get proof to ensure your safety. You need not worry." I didn't think that everything he was saying was valid, but at least he didn't also discriminate commoners.

After this we did a test to see my abilities and which class I would fall into. I demonstrated power enough to be considered a genius but not too much. I didn't want to stick out to all the dangerous forces in the world. I showed the ability of a cultivator at the peak of the Forging Realm. Yet they were still highly impressed. To be able to break through to the peak of Forging realm at such a young age was unheard of. I was not put in elementary school, but high school. Meaning all my other class mates would be 2 years older than me.

Of course I didn't complain though, I like me a good challenge. After testing I was sent to my first class. I walked in to see a big circular room that could fit at least 200 people. I picked random seat at the front and sat down. Everyone looked at me like I was a small prey about to be hunted. They looked away like scared little dogs when I looked at them though.

After a moment, 3 girls that looked like spoiled little noble dogs walked in. They looked around, almost like they were picking who to harass. Everyone put their head down and looked at their table, no one dared to make eye contact with them. They slowly walked across the classroom to my table.

"A new kid huh? Looks like he's 12 haha!" The girl in the middle spoke. The entire class laughed a little except for a few. Most were forcing it. The girl on the right was fat and short, and then one on the left was skinny and tall. The one in the middle looked like a mix of both of them. "Get off, this seat is now mine." They smirked at each other thinking they discovered another easy prey again.

After I got what they said on my recording orb I spoke. "This is my seat, I sat on it first." They immediately stopped laughing. "What did you say you filthy commoner? Do you have a death wish?" This didn't effect me at all, but before I replied she said something else. "I could have your whole family enslaved and you couldn't do anything about it."

I wanted to kill her right there, but no amount of justification could save me from killing someone. I waited for her to assault me first. She reached her hand back and slapped me. I shocked all three of them with lighting multiple times. Almost all of the other students looked away in fear.

They started to apologise after losing their bodily functions. After I stopped she threatened me again. "My father will hear about this." She couldn't say any more, she was in too much pain and embarrassment. They left immediately.

After a moment the teacher came in. "Good morning everyone, the names Mr. Sardroch, starting today i'll be teaching you chumps on how to cultivate basically and about of cultivation techniques. Oh, looks like some students are absent are on the first day..." After this, Sardroch started to teach everyone about cultivation techniques and how they worked, Cultivation techniques were written in large books thorughout the ages by different legendary rank cultivators, each technique included what legendary rank cultivator's had learned throughout their lives, and what they deem to be the best way to cultivate.

Of course there were different tiers of cultivation books. Ranging from weak to strong. The current tier list consists of the Starting Martial Cultivation books, Virtuous Martial Cultivation books, Heavenly Martial Cultivation books, and Mythical Martial Cultivation books. The one I am currently using is a strong cultivation technique in the Heavenly Martial Cultivation tier. Of course if you have sufficient materials you don't any special cultivation books, but the better the tier the better the general rate of cultivation growth.

After Sardroch's lesson about cultivation lesson, we all went into a fabled place. Long ago, the old kingdom was built around this place. It was called the Astounding Ruins of the God of Knowledge. The current Troyarakh kingdom was also built around the same ruins. The ruin consisted of a ginormous hall that had thousands cultivation books on each side. The more you would walk in, the better the cultivation books got.

To be able to walk more inside you need insane willpower, endurance, and most of all, you needed luck. You need luck from the God of Knowledge to bestow upon you the strength to keep going further in this ruin.

After we arrived, we were the go inside in a single file line. There were guards marking our progress from the outside because any human could go far in the ruin, physical strength didn't matter. The nobles were placed in the back and the commoners at the front. Even though they believed any human could go far in the ruin, they didn't believe commoners could match up to nobles.

The guard informed us that whenever we stop walking, we are able to read books for around 2 hours in the 0-10 minute category, 3 hours in the 10-20 minute category, 4 hours inside of the 20-30 minute category and any amount of time above the 30 minute category. If you were able to walk for more than 30 minutes deep, or about a mile and a half. You would not only be hailed as a legend, you will also be able to unlock what lies inside. One would also have many evil eyes upon them if they do complete this task however.

We started walking and after about 5 minutes most people out of the 200 were out of the line, they had stopped to read because they couldn't go any further. After the 10th minute there were 90 students left. Most were drenched in sweat in the pain and struggling to go on. I was in no pain yet. The aura was immense but it wasn't horrible, it was almost as though the hallway was calling for me to go in deeper.

After the 15th minute there were 30 people left. Most were pin excruciating pain and discomfort, some were in less pain and some one more. It was also starting to become very painful for me. After the 25th minute it was just me and another person left. I noticed it was Zoran Keji, whom I fought against to come here.

He was sweating bullets, and so was I. Once we got to the 29th minute Zoran passed out. Everyone was amazed on how far we could go. "My god! I have worked here as guard for decades and the only times i've seen someone on the 29th minute is when the current emperor and the principle of the school tried to go inside. This is amazing." The students were also in awe. I finally reached the 30th minute. The books started to give a more ominous feeling. The more I headed in the more corrupt the environment got.

"Ren, this is definitely somewhere you want to go! There is a very powerful cultivation technique inside of this hallway!" Diablo was encouraging me the entire way, although a bit annoying, it helped. It enlarged my curiosity. I needed to see what was at the end of this hallway.

After an hour of walking, the hallway came to a close. And led to a small room. I looked around but found nothing except for inscriptions on the walls. "Yes, this is it. These inscriptions on the halls hold immense power. I can memorise all of it for you and send it directly to your brain, do you want me to do that?" I was confused there was no cultivation technique in a form of a book, but a cultivation technique is a cultivation technique none the less no matter where it is written.

"Yes." Diablo memorised all of the information on the walls and transported it straight into my brain, it was overwhelming. I fell on my knees and starting to vomit everywhere. "This technique.. it is not for any mere human.." I thought to myself.

After calming down I walked outside. Everyone was concerned I was dead but they still waited for me. When I came out they saw I wasn't holding a book. "Ren, did you not choose a cultivation technique after all that time spent walking in there?" A kid came up to me a said. He looked to be a high noble. The way he talked annoyed me. "I simply memorized it, no need to put myself in danger with such a precious book."

When Sardoch heard what I said he freaked out. "You didn't get the book at the end of the hallway?? That is a sacred artifact that would be a precious item representing our entire kingdom!" "That is exactly why I did not want to bring it Mr. Sardoch. Why should I give my book that I earned to a random kingdom to hold as their treasure. And who said id allow that?" Sardoch was stunned.