Chapter 19

I hope you enjoy the chapter, if you want to support me you can go to my Pa-treon / acoms where you will find advanced chapters. See you Sunday bye <3

If you have any idea of a possible quirk for the OG characters you can write it here.


The next morning Akira and Himiko woke up hugging, something that had become customary for them.

"Good morning Himiko / Aki"

They gathered their things and left the kiosk and looking up at the sky they realized that it was still early, which was perfect for them because they could arrive at the station's rush hour and take advantage of it to steal and gather enough money to pay for a room from a hotel and no longer have to sleep on the streets.

Without wasting any more time they went to the station, only stopping at a bakery to buy some bread for breakfast and at a drugstore, where they spent 300 yen to buy a pair of syringes with needles which would use to draw people's blood and store it.

When they got to the station they saw how it was full of people.

"Remember to follow the plan that I told you, first I will collect blood from several people and then you will transform with those, then you have to steal wallets in the middle of the crowd and then walk away if they catch you, I will distract them while you escape and become someone else."

"Hmmm, I can do it, I just have to steal them and run, it's easy" Hearing that from a girl of almost 5 years old made Akira have mixed feelings, on the one hand, he was happy that Himiko understood his plan and did it without talking about morality and justice. And on the other hand, he was sad that due to the torture of that place Himiko has no qualms about stealing, hurting, or killing if necessary, without any hint of guilt or remorse.

Akira stopped thinking about it after all this is a world where the strong governed, if you have enough power you can become a hero adored by all or a villain feared by all, no matter which path you choose, the important thing is that you need to be strong to make it.

Akira advanced towards the crowd, mingling with them, taking advantage of his small body to go unnoticed, and using his increased speed injected the syringe into the leg of a woman waiting for the subway.

He quickly drew the blood and withdrew the syringe and then moved nimbly among the people, leaving no trace that he was ever there.

Well, apart from the lady who a moment ago was waiting for her transport, so that the next moment she felt a slight prick in her leg, but when she looked back she did not find anyone. She stopped thinking about it, believing it was just her imagination.

Akira moved to find another victim, being she is a much younger woman than the previous one, she looked nervous, scared, and anxious since every 10 seconds she looked at her watch.

'Ohhh, judging from her age and attitude, she is most likely a recent employee and unlucky she is late, the perfect victim.'

Sneaking up, he stepped behind her and with his left hand he injected the second syringe he had bought, drew the blood just as fast, and walked away, all this he did without stopping, thus managing not to attract anyone's attention.

As for the girl, because of how distracted she was, she did not even notice that her blood was drawn from her.

Obtaining two blood samples, Akira returned to Himiko where he passed the two samples to her.

"Ok, here this is your first costume, she is a woman in her twenties, with this you will steal the wallet and then you will use this other to transform into an old lady, thus achieving that they do not identify you."

Himiko uncapped the syringe and drank the blood, thus beginning to transform from a little girl to an adult woman in her twenties in a business suit.

Glancing one last time at Akira, Himiko went towards the crowd, mingling with all those workers.

Akira followed her from afar, prepared to support her in case she needed him.

Himiko first looked at those around her and looked for a hurried person that she could take advantage of, something easy to find in the midst of all these employees in which most of them were in a hurry to work.

She approached a fat man, who was sweating due to the fear of being late, or was it because of the heat? swift and twisted form, taking the man's wallet out of his pocket, upon obtaining it, she walked away passing the people towards the bathroom.

The man, although he reacted late, noticed that someone took out his wallet, turning his body backward, managing to look at Himiko entering the bathroom. He ran into the bathroom with an angry look.

In the bathroom Himiko wasted no time and drank the blood from the other syringe, transforming into the other lady. Moments later the fat man stormed in, screaming.


"Eh, excuse me sir this is the lady's bathroom" replied Himiko, who was now a forty-year-old lady.

"Ahh ... ohh. I'm sorry, someone stole my wallet and I saw her enter this bathroom, I wonder if she looked at her, it was a young woman in her twenties" the fat man, somewhat nervous, spoke after realizing where he was.

"Hmmm, don't really look, I'm sorry, now if you allow me, I'm going to go" Himiko walked towards the exit.

"Ohh, yes ma'am, go ahead" the fat man stepped out of the way letting her pass, but he stared at the bathroom angrily waiting for the thief to come out.

Once outside Himiko showed a mocking 'idiot' smile.

Upon returning to Akira, they checked the contents of the wallet.

"Hmm, 7000 thousand yen (about $ 61) is not as much as yesterday, but it should be enough to spend one night in a hotel. Although it would still be best to do it again until you have to pay for a good hotel and food."

Himiko and Akira continued to draw blood from strangers, then steal disguised as them. By the end of the day, Akira and Himiko had collected 15,000 yen (approximately $ 132) enough to pay for a room in a good-looking hotel for one night, providing them with all the services such as food and a good bathroom.

They walked to a clean, good-looking hotel, and Himiko, transformed into a middle-aged lady, went to pay for the room.

'How convenient that Himiko's quirk is, hehehe with this it is easy to steal and we can buy things without problems' Akira thought when he saw Himiko pay without any problem for the room.

Himiko returned with a key to the room.

"Ready, our room is 205, they also told me that in half an hour they would bring us dinner to our room."

"Ok then come on, I already want to try the bed."

They entered the elevator together that took them to the 3rd floor where their room was.

Upon entering they saw a king-size bed, with a small table, a closet where they could store their clothes, and a television on the front wall, to the right there was a door that led to the bathroom in which there was a bathtub where they could bathe.

"Yesssss, a soft bed" Himiko excitedly jumps on the bed while Akira is looking towards the bathroom.

'I will finally be able to bathe, we have not bathed for 5 days, the good thing is that we are children so we do not produce such a bad smell, that together with the fact that our body is superior to the human makes us not suffer from things like bad smell or hunger, Still, it's nice to be able to take a bath.'

"Himiko do you want to bathe first or after me?"

"Ehhhh? Why don't we go in at the same time?" Himiko asked, leaving jumping on the bed.

"No, I already told you all that is for when we are older, for now, we can only hug" Akira refuted.

Himiko then showed a pitiful and sad expression as if she was going to cry "sniff, days ago you promised me a kiss, but you never kept it, you are a liar Aki sniff" Himiko covered her face while crying.

Akira hearing her felt a blow to the depths of his soul 'Urgh, how I forgot about that, it is true that I promised you a kiss' seeing her cry made Akira feel very guilty, sighing he told her.

"Hahhhh, sorry Himiko, it's my fault, we were so busy these days that I forgot your reward, don't cry anymore" Hearing this Himiko stopped crying but asked him.

"Then you're going to kiss me as you promised"

"Yes Himiko, sorry for forgetting it, I will fulfill my promise do not cry more please" stroking her head Akira confirmed her desire.

Himiko raised her head and not a single drop of tear or the sadness shown earlier could be seen.

"Yeiiii, I'm going to kiss Aki, I'm going to kiss Aki, fufufufu."

'Was I fooled?' Akira looked in surprise at the immediate change Himiko had after hearing about the kiss.

"Aki, Aki, come on I want my kiss" Himiko called out to him as she stood in front of him.

'Hahhh, a promise is a promise'

He moved closer to her, lowering his head to her, drawing his closer and closer to her lips. Himiko at the same time closed her eyes waiting for his touch.

Moments later Himiko felt Akira's lips on her forehead. Opening her eyes, Himiko pouted as she looked at Akira.

"Moou, that's not what you promised" Himiko angrily threw herself at him making his two lips meet. Akira, although surprised his managed to prevent her from advancing further and simply joined his lips with hers without doing anything else, a chaste kiss, without any sign of lust in it, after 5 seconds they separated, causing Himiko to open her eyes that at this moment they were hearts.

"Hehehe I surprised you Aki" spoke Himiko.

"Hahhh, I just promised a kiss, I will allow it this time because you did a great job, but remember we are too young for that"

"Hmph, young this, young that, we're too young to kiss, but if we can steal, it's not fair" Himiko pouted.

"Sigh, listen Himiko, we steal because it is the only way to survive, but I want our kisses and others to be special, that's why we can't do it yet, we are very young we haven't developed enough.

Look, when we are older what do you think if we get married for real, with that you don't have to worry about anything, we will have our whole lives to kiss and be together, we don't have to rush "with a smile Akira promised Himiko.

Himiko upon hearing him widened her cat eyes and showed a wild expression of joy as she jumped on top of him.

"Hehehehe we are going to get married, Aki proposed to me, hehehehe, yes ... there is no reason to hurry, we have our whole life to be together ... fufufufu".

Hugging Himiko Akira smiled at her reaction.

'I must be crazy, to promise a Yandere that I will marry her hahahahaha, I just hope I don't go wrong and end up being stabbed, that would be very sad hahahaha'.

When they separated, Akira went first to the bathroom where he took a shower and then got into the tub full of hot water.

"Ahhhh ~ this is life, tomorrow we will go to another station so as not to raise any suspicions and we will continue stealing wallets."

He left after drying and changing his clothes, the food arrived, which after viewing it and looking at the sumptuous dinner they had ordered could not help but show a smile.

He waited in bed for Himiko to bathe and after she returned they ate all the dishes they asked for, although it was nothing very luxurious if it was a good amount, making them end up very full, causing them drowsiness so they cleaned and left the dishes in the table and the two of them lay down on the bed.

Although it was big, as they were already used to sleeping hugged, they decided to do it, feeling the other's heat through their body, they felt calm and relaxed, thus closing their eyes, they went to sleep, ending this day.