Chapter 20: Revenge

I hope you enjoy the chapter, if you want to support me you can go to my Pa-treon / acoms where you will find advanced chapters. See you Monday bye <3

If you have any idea of a possible quirk for the OG characters you can write it here.




In these 9 years, we have continued stealing and doing different jobs such as commercial espionage, among others to earn money.

Obviously, we have not forgotten the (H.E.Q) despite the distance, we have kept abreast of everything that happens with him. Due to our work as spies and thieves, we have obtained a good network of information in the underworld which we constantly use to inquire as much as possible about the institute.

In these years we have been able to gather various pieces of information. But nothing incriminating enough that it was capable of not only taking down Tenichi and his institute but also doing it with all of his sponsors and government connections. Since our goal is not just to kill Tenichi, our goal is to make everyone involved suffer for what they did to us.

Although it is only circumstantial evidence, we know that he has connections with several important politicians, as well as wealthy people who provide him financial support, cover-up, and protect him so that the acts they do are not publicly known and go unnoticed simply as a medical institute.

So, although it is possible that with my current strength I can go and kill Tenichi, there are still those behind him who after knowing that I was responsible for killing Tenichi would use his great resources and power to crush me. So that option is out of the question as I won't be able to fight them unless I have the strength level of All Might or AFO.

That leaves the only option to gather enough evidence so that when it is revealed, everyone falls like a house of cards.

Although the fact that we can not do anything to H.E.Q does not mean the same with the orphanage where I was reborn.

After all, Ms. Nyoko has no security to protect her from us. So without any limitation, it was easy to take care of her.

4 years ago I decided to take revenge on her, after all, it had been 5 years since we had escaped and wanted revenge.

We took a train to Musutafu and upon arrival, we decided to first make a reconnaissance visit to the orphanage before acting.


When Akira arrived he saw that was still the same as when he left. A large building, somewhat dilapidated, with worn paint and the occasional screaming of children playing.

"Ne Aki, this is the place where you lived before going to institute?," Himiko asked when saw the old-looking orphanage.

"Yes, although I hoped it was in better shape, after all, thanks to me they would get more funds, ha, I guess that Nyoko bitch kept it for her" with a grimace of disgust Akira spoke.

"Well in any case let's start gathering the necessary information" Akira's eyes began to glow brightly and the veins around his eyes bulged as if it were a Hyuga.

And just as you can guess, Akira had developed this technique after the , using as a base his Vampire vision which gave him night vision and then pumping blood towards the ophthalmic artery and the central artery of the retina which are the In-charge of supplying blood to each eye, he made his eyes develop the ability to see the world from a new angle.

It was not just a simple increase in the range of vision, it was that his world was turning blood red and within it, he could detect the signs of life of the other beings, as well as that all the walls and physical obstructions disappeared allowing him to see through of everything, as long as it was within his range of vision, because of this he decided to call this technique .

This was one of the techniques that he had developed these years, a really difficult one after all the eyes are much more complex than the legs, so when experimenting he had to be careful, because, although his regeneration should be able to heal his eyes if he did lose them, it would take a long time.

Plus he didn't want to go through such a painful experience if possible. So he walked slowly but surely until he was able to develop this ability.

He knew he could use it and hold it for up to an hour before having to stop and have to wait about 20 minutes before using it again.

Although he still found it difficult to use it while moving, since if he lost concentration, his vision was deactivated, so at the moment it was not very effective in combat and could only be used to spy and gather information.

As for Himiko, after these years she managed to learn the only that her use limit was lower than Akira's and she could not travel as much distance as him.

As for the technique, she was still learning and at the moment she could only activate it after concentrating for several seconds and could only use it for a maximum of 30 minutes and that was if did not lose concentration before.

Looking towards the orphanage he saw everything red, but instead of bothering him or obstructing him he allowed him to see everything inside, saw the children in their rooms playing, saw the workers, and saw her.

Saw the one responsible for sending him to that insane doctor who tortured him, he saw the whore responsible for him going to hell, it was all her fault. If it weren't for her, he wouldn't have had to go through so much pain, fear, despair. He wouldn't have had to suffer all of that. She had to pay for what did, she had to suffer.

Sensing his turbulent state, Himiko hugged Akira and began whispering words of comfort to him.

"Aki, I know how much you want to get revenge, I know how much you suffered, I know how much you hate that bitch, but you need to calm down, Aki remembers that first we have to find the right moment to act so that they don't discover us.

We will make her pay for everything they did to you, I promise so breathes and stay with me"

*Hah* *Hah*

After taking a deep breath Akira finally calmed down and noticing that he almost made the stupidity of attacking without any plan and in full view of everyone, if it weren't for Himiko stopping him, he made him understand once again that not everything was bad.

"Thank you, Himiko, although if there is something I should thank that bitch for is that she allowed me to meet you, if I had not gone to that hell it would have been impossible for me to meet you and have you by my side, so only for that reason her death will not be so painful".

Hearing what Akira said, Himiko showed a happy expression as tears ran down her cheeks.

"Sniff, Thanks Aki, I'm glad I met you too. Without you, I probably would have died in that horrible place"

The two hugged until they felt their emotions calm. Looking back at the orphanage this time Akira was able to keep calm and see how Nyoko worked in her office.

They spent the entire day keeping an eye on Nyoko, taking turns using until nightfall, the perfect time to act.

With the last check, they saw that they were all asleep. They made their way to Nyoko's room taking advantage of the darkness that blessed them with perfect camouflage and great speed thanks to the .

They easily entered the orphanage through a window that could not be closed due to being broken.

'Your greed and corruption will be the cause of you dying tonight Nyoko' thought Akira seeing how the window was still damaged even after 4 years after he left and the supposed increase in funds that the orphanage was going to receive.

They passed through the corridors in complete silence until they reached Nyoko's room, stopping at the door. Akira mentally prepared himself and knocked on the door.

*Knock Knock*

He saw around the edges how the light in the room was turned on and moments later the door was opened.

"Yawnn, who is it at this hour. Eh? Who was- "

Without letting her talk anymore, Akira blocked her mouth with his hand as he forced her to enter her room again. Himiko in turn also entered and closed the door.


Without letting her speak or scream, Akira put a cloth in her mouth, and with Himiko's help, they held her to a chair in the room.

"Hello Mrs. Nyoko, time no see. As she has done in these years, I suppose better than it was for me ".


"Ahh, it is true that you cannot answer me, I would take it from her, but I am afraid that your would start screaming and that would ruin our night. So she will have to put up with it. Although tell me, how was my tied style, I was inspired by all the times that Dr. Tenichi held me in the chair in that dark and damn room"

Akira spoke to Nyoko as if they were old friends, although in the end his tone turned dark and his hand shook a little, either from anger or from the persistent fear that he still has of that place, maybe both of them stuff.

"Mghghh !!" Nyoko could only squirm in her place in panic and fear, staring at the child she got rid of years ago.

From the moment she knew her quirk, she had wanted to get rid of him, and when she had the opportunity, she did not hesitate and she did, she would never have expected him to return and now attack her.

"Hehehe, although it's not exactly the same way I was held, I think it's very similar. The fact is that my original idea was to make you go through what I went through at that institute.

But after considering it, I decided not to make you suffer so much in gratitude for the opportunity to meet Himiko.

"Hi, I am Himiko, Akira's future wife" Himiko waved her hand as cheerfully greeted Nyoko.

"Well let's talk about your punishment, although I said that I would not make you suffer so much it does not mean that you will not suffer and especially die.

I have thought about it for a long time and I think that the best way to kill you is through something that disgusted you, every time I drank blood you showed disgust, so I thought, what better way to kill you than by sucking all your blood until killing yourself Hahaha"

"Nghmgh !!" shaking her head Nyoko tried to free herself without success.

"Yes, that's how I wanted to see you, although I would like to hear you beg, I am satisfied with seeing the despair in your eyes and the paleness showed on your face due to fear"

"Ne Aki, but if that doesn't hurt, on the contrary, it feels great" Asked Himiko upon hearing Akira's plan.

"Not this time, unlike when we do it, the method I will use with her will only bring her pain, she will feel how every drop of blood is drawn from her body and with it her vitality, so at a glance you can see how her body is dying until there is nothing left but a simple bag of bones and skin hahaha. So you don't have to worry because it won't be pleasant for her. "

"Without further delay, I think the time of your death has come Nyoko, hehehe don't worry I'll take care that your remains go to the place where you belong. The garbage hahaha".

Akira showed his fangs and approached Nyoko's neck slowly, allowing her to fill with fear and terror.

Not wanting to waste any more time, Akira pierced Nyoko's neck, starting to drink her blood mercilessly, it could be seen how the blood moved through Nyoko's veins towards Akira's fangs.

Nyoko tried to shake and resist, but with no way to free herself, she could only watch helplessly as her blood left her body.

The pain as Akira had said was horrible, she felt how her existence was absorbed by the monster's jaws, as it was gradually fading, losing the strength of her body.

The legs that initially moved uncontrollably due to pain and panic now lay like two spaghetti, soft and without strength.

Her hands which she had clenched into a fist in an attempt to bear the pain, little by little lost their strength and could not continue to clench.

Finally, in her chest where her heart was, it began to stop beating, without blood supply it could only stop her movement.

* Thump * * Thump * * Thu-

Akira upon hearing how the heart stopped beating dedicated one last look to Nyoko which was losing the brightness of her eyes and with it life, leaving behind only an old bag of bones that had an expression of horror and fright.

"Goodbye Nyoko. I hope that in your next life you continue to suffer".