
When the morning came, Tyler and Rosie found themselves awakened by a knocking at the door. Rising from the couch, Tyler walked over and looked through the peephole while Rosie emerged from her bedroom with a robe on. There was a policeman at the front door. Tyler could not help but feel that the officer was here to report the death of someone Rosie knew.

And he was correct.

Laszlo had been reported dead, apparently of a heart attack, by a neighbour who had looked across the street to see him suddenly collapse in his bedroom. While it was indeed shocking to both Tyler and Rosie, the former struggled to wonder if there was any single mention in the past of Laszlo having a heart condition. He had no memory of such a thing, but then again, he barely knew Laszlo. Was this some sort of spell of Cagliostro's? To cause a heart attack? If so, why Laszlo? He did not believe that Cagliostro was a magician who meant Rosie harm. Why did he kill Laszlo?

Calling Sherrington, whose phone number he had given them via a calling card before they had departed the museum, they learned that it was Cagliostro's tendency to start by killing those who were warned and did not believe. "It is to prevent them from eventually believing and thus, becoming potential threats." Sherrington explained over the phone. "Stay where you are, children. My companion Ram Mohammed and I shall be arriving soon."

"Ram Mohammed…" Tyler repeated as Sherrington hung up on his end. "Sounds quite distinguished." Taking a seat next to Rosie, he began to think of Poor Laszlo. Laszlo was with his wife once more, but how would his children and grandchildren react upon learning of his expiry? Tyler then thought of his father, Laszlo's friend, and wondered how he would react. All he knew was there would be sorrow.