Ram Mohammed

Ram Mohammed was seventy-one, much like Sherrington. He cam from Austria-originally and, despite his name, was actually of Turkish and Czech-Jewish heritage. Having immigrated to Canada at the age of sixteen, his mother had been Cagliostro's previous victim back in 1941. He looked good for his age, was as lean as Tyler and Sherrington, had a broom-like mustache and brown eyes. A well-dressed gentleman wearing a fedora and trench coat, causing him to resemble a detective from an old film noir, however due to both being bright yellow, Tyler could not help but notice a resemblance to Dick Tracy.

Stepping into Rosie's apartment, Ram's first instinct was to give Tyler and Rosie a tip of his hat and say: "Glad to meet you, children."

"I truly am sorry about Laszlo." Uttered Sherrington as he took a quick look around the apartment. "Despite his flaws, he seemed a good man… Though I must admit, when it came to his collection of toys in his office, I was hoping to see something I might have played with as a child back in the twenties." Picking up "The Travels of Marco Polo", Sherrington smiled to himself and uttered: "Ah, my old friend."

"Would you gentlemen like tea?" inquired Rosie.

"Oh, yes, please." Replied Sherrington. "I'm not particular, surprise me."

"Earl grey if you have any, dear." Stated Ram. While Rosie went to get the tea ready, Ram turned to Tyler and asked: "Well, now, my boy, I must say you look family. Tell me, have either of your grandfathers ever spoken of being in the company of Jesuit priests in Nova Scotia in '39?"

Tyler's maternal grandparents came from Nova Scotia, but his maternal grandfather was not really an individual to talk about his life back in Nova Scotia. As Tyler began to open his mouth to respond, Sherrington said: "Another time, Ram. We must start to plan the defense of these two."

"Yes, yes, quite right, Sherrington, quite right." Placing his hand in his right-hand pocket, Ram pulled out a small crucifix.

Tyler was completely baffled. "Why bring something better suited for vampires?"

"Any manner of holy symbol blocks his magic, my boy." Replied Ram, walking over to Tyler and placing a hand upon his shoulder. "Crucifixes, stars of David, figures of Buddha, these block his magic."

Coming back from the kitchen with the tea on a tray, Rosie inquired: "How did you figure that out?"

"Switzerland, 1959." Answered Ram, taking the tea as it was handed to him. "Thank you, my dear, thank you." Taking a sip, he smiled and said: "Chamomile, how pleasant!"

"I promise, Rosie, you will live." Uttered Sherrington as he took his tea from Rosie, giving her a nod of thanks. "I am a father, a grandfather, an uncle and a great-uncle and I fear for the safety of my daughters, my granddaughters, my nieces and my grandnieces. I fear what would happen if Cagliostro were to encounter any of them, a few of them bare a particularly strong resemblance to my poor sister, so I am adamant in making sure that while Cagliostro still lives, they stay out of the province."

Tyler and Rosie looked at the two men: Sherrington Farringdon and Ram Mohammed, how did these two ever come to meet and become allies in the war against Cagliostro? It was a wonderful question. Thus, when asked, Ram answered: "Ottawa, 1944. Cagliostro had been toying with the idea of murdering a head of state and of course, his intentions were the Prime Minister. He got close, but did eventually succeed in killing a head of state through his influence in the Kennedy assassination down south."

Kennedy? John F. Kennedy? That was incredible and all that time, Cagliostro had neither met Sherrington or Ram. If Tyler had seen such a thing in a long-running series, be it in print or on film, he would have found such a thing formulaic!