Cagliostro's Abode

Arriving at Cagliostro's estate at 7:26 PM, Tyler found himself looking at a less impressive imitation of Oshawa's Parkwood Estate. The house was indeed there, but everything else was very much not there. No gardens, no wall around the estate, it almost looked as if someone had taken the house from the estate and put it in a neighbourhood near Toronto's waterfront, removed two of the pillars at the front and one of the chimneys. Tyler wasn't sure what he'd been expecting, maybe a modern Carfax, but he certainly wasn't expecting this.

Walking up to the front door ahead of Tyler and Ram, Sherrington discovered it to be open. No doubt Cagliostro had left it open for them.

As they entered the house, they found a good number of statues of Ashurbanipal, all idealized, in the entryway. Tyler could only wonder just how vain Cagliostro was if he collected such statues of his first identity.


Looking to where Ram was pointing, Tyler saw Adamu laying against the stairway. There was blood upon the oaken stairs, no doubt Cagliostro and Adamu had gotten into an argument, no doubt relating to the former not taking his injection, and…

Not taken his injection? Was Cagliostro even still alive? Where was Rosie?

"Rosie!" Tyler called. "Rosie! Where are you?"

For a moment there was silence, but when sound did come to the ears of the three men, it was not what they expected. It was muffled.