

Rushing up the stairs, Tyler followed the sound to an open room. Within the room was Rosie, bound to a table with a cloth tied over her mouth while a skeleton lay nearby. Due to the clothes upon the skeleton, it was obvious that it was Cagliostro.

Untying Rosie and removing the cloth from her mouth, Tyler quickly found himself embraced by her. While blushing profusely, he asked: "Are you happy to see me or just cold?"

"I am happy to see you, Tyler, but also cold." Rosie replied.

"Well then, better get you covered up then." Stated Ram as he entered the room, followed by Sherrington. "In just a bathing suit, you'll catch your death of cold!" Removing his trench coat, the old man handed it to the young woman, who took it from him with a smile upon her countenance.

"I never would have imagined it would have ended so anticlimactically." Commented Sherrington, staring down at the remains of Cagliostro. "No final battle, just him putting off taking his nitrates to the point that he died… He probably thought he'd have more time. At the end of the day, a simple miscalculation killed him. Incredible."

"I'd been hoping for something dramatic." Uttered Ram, looking at his companion. "A chance to use a technique I picked up in Nova Scotia. Now what do we do, Sherrington?"

Sherrington did not look at Ram, he merely watched as Tyler and Rosie exited the room together, the latter now wearing Ram's coat to keep warm. Cagliostro was dead, Rosie was saved and nevermore would that magician threaten any women ever again. A smile spreading across his countenance, Sherrington told his friend: "We live, Ram. We live."