Chapter 07

Mirror Boy

Chapter 7

“Ai Preed! Where are you now? Only you left!”

Sanun scream to his bestie Preed through the phone who hasn't show up to Bridal Shower (Bachelor Night, Both are men so I don't know what to tell)

Ram is signaling with body language that Preed should be killed when he arrives.

It is 3 days before wedding. Phi Som Phon planned Bachelor Night for us as soon as he got back to city.

He rent a whole rooftop bar and let us enjoy with all our friends. I don't have many friends and so does Phi' Atid. Atid is popular and familiar with many people but he simply keep in depth friendship with few, surprisingly.

P' Atid occupied the lower level and my group first chose the rooftop space. I and Atid agreed to enjoy ourselves because we don't want to mix up our leisure time.

Phi Som look at his watch and says,

“Preed is always late. When will he change?”

My brother knows him well as he is my childhood friend.

Sanun laughs,

“Don't know. May be he also should get married.”

Ram shook his head to show disagreement since he knows Preed’s personality.

“Oh. Please don't do that. I already feel sorry for his wife.”

(Ram joined us as trio since high school and also in same university but different major. We parted only when we study abroad.)

Phi Som nod and tease us.

“Then you guys get him a man like Sanun did. Haha.”

Ram agree this time,

“It would be great haha.”

They all laugh, gossiping about Preed.

At that moment, Preed rush into the table with the act of he has been hurried,

“What are you laughing at guys?”

Sanun laughs at his sight,

“Oh god. We are gossiping about you and you showed up”

Ram also added,

“Phi Som is saying you also should get married with a man.”

Preed shout at Sanun’s big bro for saying like this although they knew well that he is playboy for with girls.

“Phi’! We meet again after a long time and you are greeting me with those words. How sad.”

Phi Som cannot stop laughing at Preed’s whim,

“Ha-ha. Ram is feeling sorry for your wife in advance. So I said it.”

Preed pretend to be sulky,

“Well you guys don't trust me and love me. I am sad.”

They all laugh with Preed’s words and chit chat about random things. Phi Som left the party very early as soon as Phi Chailai is calling him to come back quick. His brother has to deal with his pregnant woman's mood swing. After Phi left Preed starts to ask me questions.

“How's your hubby?”

Sanun tip a sip of drinks and say,

“I will introduce to you later.”

Preed hiss and ask again,

“No no. I want to know your feelings. Do you think he is really good for you?”

Sanun thinks for a second and he sighs.

“I don't know. But it is just the best way for my family.”

Ram raise his eyebrows and start scolding,

“You always think about family. Now it's 21st century. At least try to convert the situation.”

Preed nod,

“Ram is right. Why don't you at least once rebel your parents.”

Sanun sigh again,

“I don't wanna. Even my uncle accepted this.”

Preed also join the scolding,

“Don't count your uncle in. He would be so grateful for this tradition. He can marry his sweetheart easily.”

Ram is curious,

“That Phi Atid didn't easily accept you right? What do you think you gonna do?”

Preed sarcastically says and he gulp down his drinks,

“You think you will create Love like in drama.”

Sanun shout as he hears the word Love,

“Hell No! We agreed just for a year. After that we will think to separate ways.

Sanun cut the talk as Preed is exaggerating with his hand gestures like we are gonna love each other.”

Ram is looking at me in wide eyes and waiting for my answer.

Sanun is now thinking about nothing but he just want to go with the flow,

“For now, we will stick to the plan. I don't wanna think more.”

Preed still is teasing him and gesturing love sign for him,

“Create LOVE....”

Sanun angrily chase and hit him for his mischievous act,

“You little shit.”

Preed is still teasing me with funny voice and Ram is laughing seeing our fights.

Wish my days being happy like this.


On the other hand,

Apinya pour some drinks for Atid and clink the glasses for a toast,

“I feel so sad that you are getting married. We won't get nights like this after you married.”

My bestie who rarely smile is now smirking at me with pathetic smile.

Atid is annoyed with Apinya’s smirks,

“Why should I? Things will be the same. I will do whatever I want.”

Chakri raise his eyebrows,

“Oh. Don't be so cruel. You should stay with your newly- wed wife.”

Apinya nod,

“Yep. He is cute and innocent. I know him.”

Atid sneer at his words,

“What cute. He is not innocent! He retorts back all my words and I feel amazed sometimes.”

Apinya feel now amazed that someone can argue with Atid.

“Wow. It's now time to lower you glory? Ha-ha.”

Apinya laughs out loud seeing Atid is angry.

Chakri wants to change the mood so he suggest,

“Why don't we join them? It's too boring by drinking only of us. They are having rooftop view so let's join them and play game.”

Apinya also quickly agree,

“Yep yep, I agree with you. So we can introduce and build friendship.”


“ Phi!”

Sanun see Atid's group is coming up to join them, carrying bottles of various drinks.

Atid say like he doesn’t want to talk, facing other direction,

“They are telling me to join you guys and play game.”

Sanun smile at the other two men and nod,

“Sure. The more, the merrier.”

Preed and Ram are in daze because they don't know how to react to the situation but Apinya and Chakri are placing bottles and smiling widely to us.

Sanun make a host and handle the situation,

“Then let me introduce my friends to you.”

Sanun point at his two besties and start introduction,

“This is my childhood friend Preed and this is Ram from same high school and we all went the same university.”

Apinya smile and nod,

“I know you guys. You guys play football, right? We are from same high school. Don't you remember?”

Sanun is surprised by his words and he paused and thought before saying,

“Really? Oh I remember now. You look like that Playboy form Class S.”

Apinya laugh at being called playboy, this is purely very direct expression on him,

“Ha-ha, Well, That's me.”

Preed now too remember and exclaim,

“OMG How come.”

Ram is now confused as he is mixing with upper seniors.

“Then why are you being friends with Phi?”

Sanun is also confused,

“Isn't Phi Chakri also the same batch as Phi Atid?

Chakri smile and explain them in detail how they became friends,

“Let me explain this. Me and Atid took a year of leave from university so we met Apinya in University when we got back and became as same batch.

Sanun is purely amazed at their friendships,

“Wow really? I didn't know that.”

Sanun looks at Atid like what's going on but Atid doesn't want to join their conversation so he just sip on wine and listening to their talks.

Ram claps his hands and happily remarks,

“The world truly is so small. Never think that we would meet like that.”

Apinya agree,

“Yes. The world is small. I am happy to see you again.”

Apinya offers his hand to shake hand with Ram.

Ram is in daze because he doesn't know how to react suddenly. Before he gives his hand...

Sanun interrupt their actions by announcing,

“Ok guys. Let's cheer for our celebration.”

Atid is sitting silently so Sanun takes the lead to host the party.

All exclaim,


Apinya again come up with idea,

“Ok Guys. Let's play game for fun.”

Preed is a funny guy, too. So he is up for the game,

“Yes. I am interested in this one.”

First they play rock -sissor and paper, and then the loser has to drink one shot. After many rounds, Ram and Sanun lost the most. Their sanity is coming to loose. Atid got few shots and he feels tipsy now. The most winning guy is Apinya and he is in complete sound mind and soul. The other two Preed and Chakri got closer by few shots.

Apinya again speed up the good mood,

“Let's change the game.”

Chakri hazily ask,

“Ok. What do you wanna play?”

Apinya smile like an evil and suggest,

“Pocky - game.”

Preed nearly sober up by the game’s name,

“Isnt't it a couple game?”

Apinya nod,

“Yes. Let's pair up.”

Atid and Sanun are undeniably couple and Apinya directly chose Ram. So Chakri and Preed literally became couple.

Preed ask what to do next,

“Ok. Which couple goes first?

Apinya again remind the game rules,

“Remember, the shortest piece left is winner. The loser will get couple shots for punishment”

Chakri call,

“Let us go first.”

Apinya smile,


Apinya help and put pocky stick in the Chakri's mouth. Preed approach him, start chewing the other end, grabbing the jawline of Chakri's face.

Slowly and reaching the arch of the lips but Chakri broke the stick by shock. Preed is laughing and Chakri is blushing. When Atid measure the pocky, it is only 5 cm left.

All amazed by first couple’s result,


Ram got nervous as they go next,

“Ekk. How can we win over them?”

Ram looks worried and thinking they might win.

Apinya assure him and pat his shoulder,

“Don't worry. Just believe in me.”

Apinya put pocky in his mouth and approach Ram. Ram's eyes got wide seeing Apinya approach him. Apinya put the other end in Ram's mouth and chomping down slowly yet passion eyes.

As their faces got nearer, Ram closes his eyes. Apinya smile and he cut it in just a few centimeter left.

Atid measure and exclaim,

“Oh it’s 6 cm. Too bad!”

Ram cannot react to the loss, as his heart is beating loudly. He thought it’s due to drinking too much before.

Apinya kindly ask the shaky man beside him,

“Are you ok Ram?”

Ram wearily replied he is fine, though he is not fine really in fact.

Chakri announce,

“Last but not least. The real couple's turn!!!”

Sanunis now a little bit drunk. He is smiling widely, not really getting what the situation is going on.

Atid put the pocky stick in his mouth and grab Sanun's face. Sanun is shocked and about to argue but he can't as pocky stick is now in his mouth.

Slowly chomping and Atid got close to Sanun now. Sanun feels weird seeing his face close so he struggle against Atid. When Sanun starts pushing him away, Atid grabs Sanunby waist, and the nape. Only a few centimeters left, but the two lips…TOUCH!

Sanun push him hard with all his might but Atid deepen the kiss by grabbing Sanun's nape hard with his big hand.

All go Wow by looking at them, clapping and laugh too hard. Ram cannot find words for this view.

Atid release him when Sanun needs to breathe.

Sanun look up at Atid and lowly ask what are you doing? Now he is completely sober up, rubbing his lip.

“We won.”

Atid said those words not replying to Sanun. He looks like he is winning jack pot and smirking a lot, showing his proud expression.

Apinya maintain his devilish smile and act like he is loser,

“Ah so we lost.”

Preed is happy as they won’t get punishment,

“You guys drink in couple shots.”

Apinya hands up both his hands to show his loss,


Apinya and Ram drink hand- in - hand crossing each other arms, (like in Chinese wedding).

Sanun seems out of his wit and he feel like he just want to go home,

“Ok. If it’s all done, let me go home.”

Chakri is still in party mood so he stops the main character,

“Oh. Why going back so soon?”

Sanun dryly answer,

“I want to take a rest.”

Chakri make faces to Atid and signal that Atid to take Sanunback home. Atid shook his head.

Chakri is impatient with his friend’s temper so he make up and say,

“Atid will take you home then.”

Sanun peek at Aitd but no reply so he smile,

“No, it's ok. I don't need him. I am going back with Preed.”

“Enough for now. Let's go home.”

Sanun says goodbye to Apinya and Chakri but not Atid. Then they left in Preed's car.

Chakri laugh out loud when they all left the area,

“Ha-ha. Sanun doesn't even wave to Atid. He sure is interesting. May be being shy for the kiss?”

Apinya also looks at Atid with evil smirks,

“What you have done even shocked me.”

Atid is still drinking like he has done nothing wrong and caring anything.

Atid then turn around and ask Apinya,

“Why don't you tell me that you know him?”

Chakri is also curious,

“Yes. You never said once about that.”

Apinya replied that he said he knew him,

“I said I know him and he is cute. It's all I know because we are not in the same class.”

Atid curse at him,

“You little shit”

Atid got to throw all his anger on Apinya and starts punching Apinya slightly. Chakri is in the middle intervening them.


Sanun sat quietly and looking out of the window on Preed's car. Ram is in the back and doze off to sleep.

Preed take a glance and ask his friend,

“Are you sure you are ok?”

Sanun give dreamy answer,

“I am just thinking.”

Preed want to tease him,

“About the Kiss? Ha-ha.”

Sanun curse at him,

“No Shit! I am thinking about the marriage. Am I gonna be happy?”

Sudden serious question make them both sigh this time.

Preed slowly say while his eyes on road, driving,

“Love is sometimes built and then happiness follows. If things are not in the way you want, you have to try to create it.”

Sanun just touch his lips, it is still warm from the kiss or the heat from being shy.

*He stole my first kiss*

The car is in dead silent heading toward home in the middle of the night.

