Chapter 13

Mirror Boy

Chapter 13

When I woke up, Sanun is not at home. I already knew that he would go to his restaurant but not that early. Even though I talked whatever thing pop up in my mind while I was drunk at night, I feel worried he might be mad now.

But Atid thinks that Sanun would not be interested in him that much. It was just a lame excuse to cover his fault.

At office;

Atid push the files back to his secretary and said,

“You have to submit these reports in the evening, ok?”

Secretary nodded and grabbed the files,

“Yes Vice! I think you should go to Chair for a minute. He has been searching for you since morning and he doesn't look


Atid wonder what his dad might want to talk to him, it probably be about his mom leaving house,

“Really? I will go to him after I got back from checking the Site.

The company is recently facing hard time, so he has to handle some cases. But things got better then. Most importantly,

Sanun's Dad (Eric) helped them so much.

Atid knock the door and walk in,

“Dad I heard you are looking for me.”

His dad nodded and gesture to sit,

“Dear. Have a seat. How about the landmark for our new Hotel project?

Atid explain the project in brief,

“Things are under control now. I just checked. The construction will begin soon.”

Thiti (Atid’s dad) nodded, he seems off and daze into thin air,

“I heard Eric helped you much.”

Atid look at his dad and reply his words,

“Yes. Papa Eric handled Legal case and managed contracts. So everything is solved legally.”

Thiti sighed and looked at Atid thoroughly.

Atid cannot understand why his dad looks so tired and lifeless,

“Why, dad? There is nothing left to concern. By the way, I heard you had fight with Mom. Please get her back. It is not

good to let her stay at other's house.”

“I feel so angry with your Mom.”

Atid frown and got the idea that it was not a simple argument. He know how much his parents lived in harmony,

“What happened?”

“Nothing special. We will handle it later. How about you and Sanun?”

Atid answer without care,

“Just so-so.”

Thiti looks at his son with sorrowful eyes,


“Yes. Dad...”

He looks in daze as he wants to tell something to his son and in deep thoughts...

Atid cannot understand his actions and ask to check,

“What do you want to say dad?”

He patted his shoulder and say words by words,

“Son, please be kind to Sanun, sincerely and truthfully.”

Atid amaze at his dad. Although his dad is a nice man, he never teaches Atid and said like this before,

“Dad, why are you saying strangely?”

Thiti shook his head and added,

“I request you my son. Please don't do anything that makes him sad. Please don't do mistake on him.”

His dad surely looks serious, Atid feels it so strange.

Atid nodded and promise,

“Yes, dad.”


I woke up very early since I have to get back to my restaurant. Also, I knew that this man will go to work early today. I don't know why I don't want face him so I left home very early.

I have two other main chefs and two assistant chefs besides me. I have enough waiters to run the restaurant but I usually

create new dish and my customers love it. So, I am a “must” person to stay there.

While I am back to my daily life with creating dishes,

His assistant chef, Ploy call him out,

“Chef! You have guest. Phi Preed is waiting outside.

Sanun reply back,

“I see. Ask him to wait a bit.”


Sanun walk over to where Preed is sitting,

“Why are you here? Pass by chance or by mistake?”

Preed grin in evil manner and raise the menu book in his hand,

“I am here for Lunch for free.”

Sanun sneer and ignore him,

“Make a wish. I won't give you free. You have to pay for it.”

Preed tap the table, and argue,

“Oh my, don't be so economical. It's just a meal.”

Sanun shook his head,

“I have name for my chef occupation so even just a meal, a dish from me is expensive.”

Preed cannot stand his friend anymore and act like he vomits from his words.


Sanun try to hit his friend with menu card as he is acting weirdly in front of other customers,

“Man, there are customers. Behave yourself.”

“Ah...sorry sorry. Please make pasta for me as usual.”

Sanun made pasta for Preed and they had lunch together while chit-chatting.

Preed asks suddenly in the midst of their nonsense talks,

“How about your darling?”

Sanun lower his head and reply simply,

“Just so- so, you know we are closest strangers.”

Preed sarcastically comments,

“Oh... how poetic.”

Sanun warns his friend,

“Don't make jokes. I am telling the truth. Even though we might use the same bed, I don't know what he is thinking,

going or doing in the daytime.”

Preed looked at Sanun sadly. Sanun is good natured and sincere. If he is that good to strangers, it is obvious how he might

feel toward Atid.

That's why Preed is worried that Sanun's feeling on Atid might exceed than it should be.

So, Preed set serious tone and start persuade his friend,

“Let me advise you dude. Please don't feel sincere on Atid. Don’t care too much.”

Sanun nodded as he know what his dude wants to warn him,

“I know. What he is acting good or treating me well is just an act that he is enduring for a year term.”

Preed thinks he should not tell why he came here today as he saw Sanun's emotions in upsetting state. He just finishes his


Sometimes things are judged by time and period.


Since dad has requested and I also feel guilty for not contacting him yesterday, I went to Sanun's restaurant after my work. I heard that the restaurant is closed at 9 pm but Sanun took off at 7 pm.

Sanun looks quite surprised at his sudden visit,

“Phi Atid?”

Atid simply walk over to him and check the surrounding,

“Sorry for coming here without telling you in advance. I want to have dinner here together and back to home.”

Atid is as usual, doing things without asking Sanun but with his own intent. Sanun just asks him what he would have and cook for him.

Sanun inquire his special taste,

“Tell me anything you need or I will make the taste you like.”

Atid shook his head,

“No, I like everything you cook. It is delicious.”

Later, dishes fill the table full. Sanun feels happy seeing Atid eating his dishes deliciously. They went back home

together, too.

As the time went by, Atid picked him up after work for having dinner together. They sometimes watch movies together in

the evening. They often bicker, have arguments, spent the time together and all the things seem fine somehow is so far

what Sanun thinks.

One day, Atid asks Sanun for making plan,

“Tomorrow is holiday. You want to go to your parents' house? My Mom also got back to her house so I want to say

thanks to your parents.”

Sanun nodded his head urgently, he loves the idea,

“It's good. I like it for sure that I can go visit my parents.”

Atid then feeling pleased as his idea seems fine,

“Ok then, I will prepare presents for them.”

Sanun shook his head,

“No need. I can cook for them. They will like it for sure.”

Atid disagree that as he is son-in –law and his mom stays there for almost a month, he has to express sincere gratitude

towards Sanun’s parents,

“No way. I want to give them something. Let me prepare.”

Sanun never wins argument with Atid so he won't tell further and just nodded with his plan.


Before their holiday’s evening, while they got back home together,

Atid saw a car blocking their way,

“Owiii, someone park the car in the front of the gate.”

Just after turning into the street, Sanun can see the beautiful shiny black luxurious car is parking in front of the garden

gate. Atid is angry with that but Sanun only sees the figure that is walking past the garden and heading toward the car.

Sanun whisper and then yell at Atid to stop the car,

“AOM??? Phi please stops the car.”

Atid slightly step on brake and the car suddenly stops.

Sanun gets out of car as soon as the car is not even stopped perfectly.

Sanun run over towards the girl who is a few meters away from car,


Aom wave her hands elegantly and she is smiling widely, walking towards Sanun,

“Oh Sanun. I was just asking about you.”

The girl with western look in smooth blonde hair is dressed beautifully. She is holding Sanun's hand and speaking so

sparklingly with pretty smile.

Sanun's face is full of happiness, surprise and bliss...

Atid is looking at that scene from his driver seat, with unpleased manner. Several thoughts are running on his mind.

*Tsk, Who is that girl? Why Sanun is running out of car in hurry for her even when the car has not stopped yet.*

