Chapter 15

Mirror Boy

Chapter 15

Though I tried my best to focus on his work he still can't. I also know where my mind wanders.

I figure out the mindset right now and still no answer is to be found.

While lost in thought, his Secretary knocked and came in.

“There's a guest Sir. It's Sir Apinya.”

Atid gesture to allow,

“Let him come.”

Atid look up at the coming person and greet,

“Coming around by chance?”

Apinya shook his head and sit down and make himself like this is his office,

“No. I am coming here directly. New shop is launch soon. I have come to invite you.”

Apinya has so many fashion shops and a lot of branches in many re-known places. He himself is a high end celebrity and praised by professionals and crush of famous model girls.

Atid smirks at his playboy little bestie,

“Do you have place to keep your money?”

Apinya nodded with smiley face,

“Of course. I have a baby-boo to sponsor like a princess and keep safe at home. That person will use my wealth.”

Atid’s eyes widen hearing his words,

“Gosh! Are you serious? Are you doing something weird again?

That one person who has girlfriends like changing shoes is telling in serious tone is somehow strange. But the speaker looks sincere about what he said.

Atid is really curious now,

“Tell me who your pampering princess is? Don't hide her from me. I won't bite her. Come on!”

Apinya chuckles and shook his head a few times,

“No I won't. I am still chasing. When I got that person for real, I will show you.”

Atid is amazed again,

“Oh my, you look dead serious. Ha ha.”

Apinya nodded and changed topic,

“Let it be, how about you?”

The pain he tried to forget came on surface again when being asked. He is thinking of whether he should ask Apinya or not.

Atid start to inquire his little friend, thinking he might know something.

“Do you know a girl named Aom? It is said she is Sanun's childhood friend.”

Apinya deny and shook his head,

“I just knew them when in high school. I got transferred then. Why do you ask?”

Atid wanders and explained,

“That girl just got back from Canada.”

Apinya just hummed his words and he doesn’t know what Atid tried to say,

“Ah... I see. So?”

“They are talking with holding hands yesterday. It doesn't look normal.”

Apinya now knows the case, he smirks,

“Ah... so you get jealous.”

Atid tremble slightly hearing “jealous” he quickly deny,

“Why should I get jealous? It is not appropriate in front of elders. And he doesn't feel like to introduce me to her.”

Apinya crack up seeing his friend,

“Ah hahaha... I know now. You have been disregarded.”

The pain is worsened by the hit of hurtful words and Atid got furiously stammered words.

“Not…like...that. It's nothing …special. I also don't want to be introduced. It is not necessary... by the way...”

Apinya gesture to stop the complaint, he nodded,

“Ok ok. Again, what is the name of the girl?”


“I see.”

Atid is quite curious,

“You know??”

Apinya chuckle,

“I said No! By the way, make sure you come with Sanun to my New Shop Launching party.”

Atid replied sourly,

“I know.”

Apinya tease him,

“And you should meditate, you know.”

Atid frown,

“For what?”

Apinya tried to calm his face and simply talk,

“To reflect on yourself, to know your feelings and to be calm.”

Atid knew his friend is making fun of him,

“Don't say ironically.”

“Bye Bye.”

Apinya teases Atid with his significant straight face as usual then he got up and left the room. Apinya has unfinished thoughts that are still needed to clear out but he wishes for Atid "You deserve this to know yourself." in his mind.


I usually went back home early in the evening but not today. So, I took care of closing of the restaurant and stayed behind. I do so as I know that certain someone said he would be late and not up for dinner.

Sanun heard someone came in so he warned,

“It's closed!”

The opening door suddenly rings and he has to say that the restaurant is about to close. But Sanun saw familiar figure,


Aom smiles sweetly,

“Preed said I can find you here. Can I talk to you for a moment?”

Sanun nodded and gesture her to sit, he is ready to prepare for his friend a few meal,

“Sure, what do you want to eat?”

Aom thinks for a while,

“Ummm, the one you cooked for me when we were young, the Fried Spicy Noodle?”

“Ok, wait me a bit.”

Sanun smiles at her and head to the kitchen to cook for her.



{Sanun's Childhood}

Preed was angry seeing that two persons in front of him being so close,

“You guys are inseparable, please do care that I am here too.”

That’s what Preed always had to yell at them.

Among 3 childhood friends, Sanun and Aom's houses are next to each other and they are so close. Preed is fond of playing games and Aom is up for playing Piano. Sanun surely loves food and cooking since young, so he is always trying out new menu and helps his mother's cooking. Not sure he is just annoying his mom’s cooking at that time. And he calls out his friends to taste his trial dishes.

One day Sanun invited his two besties,

Preed asked,

“Aom is not yet coming?”

Sanun nodded,

“Yes! I have cooked her favorite Fried Spicy Noodle. She would love it so much.”

Preed breathed in the delicious smell and felt hungry,


Sanun put the dishes on table and warned Preed,

“Have a taste but leave enough for Aom. Don't eat too much.”

Preed sneer,

“I know. I won't eat all. You are too serious.”

Sanun cast as glance at his food monster in front,

“I don't trust you, man.”

Preed talked with full of food in his mouth, he simply mumbled,

“If so, make some more for your girl, ha-ha.”

Sanun's face obviously darkened.

Preed saw his expression,

“Sorry, have you told Aom about that.”

Sanun shook his head,

“Not yet.”

In the middle school year, Sanun's uncle got married to a boy and he got to know his uncle's life and so does what his future will also shape into. He never had a chance to overcome this tradition and moreover, it makes him unhappier to reject excessive feelings on certain person.

Preed sigh,

“Aom will certainly be upset knowing about you. You guys don't admit each other but there still is deep mutual feeling between you two.”

Sanun sigh and slowly mumbled,

“How could I tell her the words like I cannot marry a girl?”

Preed comfort him,

“But she should know at least, as she also needs to be prepared mentally to control her feelings before it accelerate.”

Both were sitting in silent without uttering words any further but turned to look at the door when they heard a loud bang.

Aom sniffles the smell and came in shouting,

“Oh!! The smell is so yummy.”

Sanun gladly welcome,

“Oh you are here. I have made Fried Spicy Noddle for you.”

Aom sat beside Sanun and grabbed the dishes,

“Surely Sanun knows me the best unlike someone.”

Preed snorted,

“Don't cast a glance on me. I send you to Piano class yesterday!”

Aom chuckled,

“What a grateful act! You really helped your friend.”

They teased and laughed as time went by. They came to know better that these days were indeed priceless after three weeks later. The fact is that Aom moved to Canada with family and cut contact with them. They had contacted for about 3 or 4 months after moving but no news since then. Both Sanun and Preed had no idea why she cut contact until today....



Aom sniffle the dish before her and she comments as usual,

“Wow, you skill got better. It surely is my taste.”

Sanun sit in front of her and smile proudly,

“Of course, I am the one who cooked.”

Aom nodded,

“By the way, the one who drove for you last day is you husband, right?”

Sanun eyes widen hearing Aom knew that,

“That.... How do you know, Aom?”

Sanun got speechless and shocked. Has she heard about news? He hasn't told her yet.

Aom forced to smile faintly...

“I knew the things that you thought I might not know...I heard since then.”

