Thank you Daddy!

After I ran home, I assumed Nikki and Mavy would have made it by now. I decided to call Mavy and see how much time I had before they arrived.

“Hey, Adea!” I could hear Mavy smiling through the phone.

“Heeeey, Chika! You ready for your makeup sesh?” Nikki yelled.

“I was calling to see where you guys are,” I asked sheepishly.

“We’re grabbing some snacks and then we’ll be home in a bit,” Mavy said.

“You want anything?” Nikki yells.

“I’m good, I don’t want anything. I’ll see you soon,” I tell her before hanging up.

Thanks to the run, I got some me time and wined down a bit. The sounds of the forest always worked to calm my nerves. The smell of the dirt and wind was like a sedative.

I had enough of stressing over what happened with Shane in the gym. I decided that tonight I’m going to go with the flow and enjoy some much-needed girl time.