You are mine.


Author’s Note: !!!! TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter includes sexual violence that may not be suitable for some readers!!!!


The next morning I woke up feeling light and bubbly. I love those girls. After a warm shower, I spent my morning prepping a light breakfast for the packhouse in case they stopped in for a small meal. I usually have the weekends to myself because everyone is usually doing their own thing.

I spent the rest of my morning in the library. The walls were decorated with tall shelves filled with books. My favorite spot was a soft white lounge chair by the window. The windows started from the floor and almost went all the way up to the ceiling.

It was always quiet in the library, not many of the she-wolfs came in here to read. By 3 pm I had read 3 books, my body was feeling stiff so I sat up to stretch.

The door to the library swung open and Shane came walking into the room.