The Delightful Pain 1

Evangeline reached a field at the foot of the hill and she stopped her track, staring. The field was full of maidens, and colorful movements. She could hear the music echoed around her, piercingly sweet and alluring.

In the centre of the field stood a troupe of maidens and she felt a pang in her chest. Fairies. She thought, remembering Drazhan has told her about these troupes. They were a group of beautiful maidens who were known as pretty performers.

Drazhan once told her only the high-ranking fairies could play instruments and they have some kind of special abilities that no one knows about.

Evangeline looked around and noticed they were having some kind of party where some of them were playing instruments, their heads thrown back, and their feet stamping on the ground.

What a blast they had.

Evangeline's hazel orbs latched on the fairies with haired red as scarlet, eyes glowed yellow like a sap, and hands gnarled while they danced. That must be the dancers. She thought.

She walked past the dancers and saw another beautiful fairies with flowers wound their hair, and hair like transparent netting cascading down to their feet. Their fingers strumming the instruments elegantly. For a brief moment Evangeline was lost in their beauty.

"Come and dance." They called. "Come and dance with us beautiful girl."

Evangeline being a girl lost in the music, she moved and began to move toward the music and danced together with them like she was completely enthralled by them. The field was still clouded with the mist, carving it streaks of white across the ground and hiding the azure blue sky.

Reluctantly, Evangeline started to dance, moving her body to the rhythm of the beautiful instruments. Exhilaration poured into her with every breathes she took in. She was suddenly no longer thinking about her aching body, craving to touch Drazhan again. Her longing disappeared along with the music and for a moment she finally felt she could feel the tightness in her chest decreasing.

Hand seized her, spinning her around and to her surprise Luan stood there with his eyes flashing. He pulled her up close against him, his arms slipping around her, but his grip was unyielding with anger.

"What are you doing, Evangeline?" His voice was low and that was the first time he called her by her name. The formality was no longer escaped from his lips. "I told you joining their dance is dangerous for you."

"That's exactly the reason." Evangeline muttered slowly.

"What reason?" Luan asked, and he looked genuinely curious.

"For a distraction." Evangeline murmured and her eyes caught the surprise that passed across his expressive face. The beginning of the gentle curves of wonder at the corner of his mouth.

"Why do you need a dis-" Luan's voice swallowed by the loud cheering of the fairies and the music was getting merrier and louder.

Luan pulled her and moved among the crowd. They were close to two girls dancing together. Their hair was black and bound up in elaborate crown of hydrangeas, and red berries. One of them wore brown dress and the other one wore long yellow dress cascading down to her feet. There were green ribbons around their feet that made Luan wondered won't they trip because of it?

One of the fairies pushed Luan toward a group of dancers, causing his body pressed against Evangeline. The music was so loud that talking would be useless if the other person could not hear it. Luan's hand curved around her waist, causing Evangeline's pulse quickened. This must be because of the music. Not because of him. Drazhan said getting lost in the fairy's music could drive your heart crazy. This must be it. She told herself.

"Let's get you out of here." Luan said, leaning in close so that Evangeline could feel his breath, hot against her ear.

Evangeline shook her head. "No." She said firmly but her voice sounded so weak in Luan's ear. As if she was pleading him to stay here. Evangeline put her hand around Luan's arm and her eyes glittered.

"Evangeline." Said Luan. His hands reached out, cupping her face. "Look at me in the eyes."

With that Evangeline tilted her head back to look up at him. Blue eyes met hazel eyes and Luan could see her world crumbling in that hazel orbs. "What happened to you?" Luan asked. His voice undeniably soft but low.

I can't tell you. Not when she barely knows him. Evangeline's mouth parted but she closed it again. "Nothing happened." Evangeline faked a smile.

"I know you aren't." Luan said.

Evangeline swallowed. Emotion passed like storm clouds behind her eyes. She hated how Luan could read her like an open book and she hated how vulnerable she looked in Luan's eyes.

"Okay." Luan sighed. His hands still curved around her waist and she expected him to let her go, but he did not. They were moving together in the dance and it was almost mechanical to her surprise. Evangeline had forgotten the steps her feet were taking. She was aware of Luan breathing and her fingers locked behind his neck. Luan in her arms.

"I won't pry." He said, breaking their silence. "For your assurance."

Her lips parted. "Luan-"

A voice like doves interrupted them. "Hey, pretty boy." She said. Her voice was soft, feathery and light.

Both of them turned to look at her. A fairy with a face like a doll and her wavy golden hair cascaded down to her waist. She stood before them in a blue with gold embroidery of Edwardian dress.

Me? His face shaped the word.

The fairy nodded. Her smile crooned. "Come here and exchange a drink with me." She held two small glasses, containing emerald green liquid.

Luan looked at her with a slightly amusement. His eyebrows arched. "Why?"

"Because you delight me, Prince Charming." She said. "Nothing delights me more than your pretty face."

"What do I gain in return?"

The fairy shrugged and she held the glass toward Luan. "If you won't drink, the princess here will drink it." She paused and her scarlet eyes looked at Evangeline sideways. "Believe it or not only the worse part will happen if she drink it instead of you."

"Luan don't." Evangeline said, but it was too late. Luan already seized up the glass full of emerald green liquid.

He took one swallowed. It tasted of berries, sweet and dreamily. A flood of images rose up before his eyes. Luan was still clutching the glass, all of the fairies were gone and Evangeline too.