They had walked into a green field that showed no signs of habitation. Only waving green grass for miles, starred with patches of ivory roses, green and white hydrangea. A hill rose up in front of them like a green tidal wave, and Rhea dismounted from her grey horse.
“I can’t believe you lost your way back home, Lady Evangeline.” Said Rhea.
“I feel the same too.” Said Evangeline as they walked closer into the hill and it rose like a portcullis, revealing a massive marble entryway. “How did you find us Rhea?”
Rhea stopped in her tracks and Evangeline did too. “The Queen told me of your location.” Rhea said. “Also, the news of the death of The Erlking has spread like wildfire in Nefeli Land and The Queen is worried of your safety.”
“Right,” said Evangeline. “The Queen knows all that happens in her land.”