"I have missed your fiesty attitude "

"I am only fiesty when I have to be "

" I wonder if Lucy is like this. I hope not for her own good. I mean look where it got you "

" Leave her out of this ! "

" There there . We don't want more stares now do we ?"

" Raise the little girl well. She shouldn't make her mother's mistake "

" How dare you "

" Calm down Tasha. Remember what today is? "

I raised an eyebrow, nothing important was happening today. I never forget dates and I was sure today had no occasions. Unless you count her randomly appearing then no.

" What's today? Anything relevant? "

" You really don't remember now, do you ? "

Her eyes flashed with emotions. I could quite depict what it was and it was only there for a second. Weird, I wonder what that meant.

" Obviously, I don't. Cut the chase and get to it " my patience was wearing thin. Coupled with exhaustion and anger.

" Of course you wouldn't. I was the one that was left to deal with hurt and pain. On this day a few years ago, you -" I abruptly interrupted not wanting to remember painful memories.

" Oh " I managed to blurt out.

" I know it's not so important to you but it means the world to me "

" Don't say that. Of course, it is, I just choose to forget the dates. I don't want to dig up those memories" I bluntly stated. Do I feel bad? No. Not even in the slightest bit.

" You act like you didn't take away everything from me "

"That's because I didn't. I did not take everything from you. You're doing just fine now aren't you? Enough time in your hands to threaten me. Nothing seems to have changed" it was the truth. She didn't look like she was hurt. I remember her walking out with a stern look not risking the look behind.

" How dare you! Of course, I have time to threaten you. I want to ruin you " she said each word slowly and concluded with a smug expression.

" We really don't have to do this. It's unnecessary" I cooed hoping she'll listen. I firmly believed that she had too much time. Just enough to cause havoc.

" How funny. Unnecessary? That's the only thing I want to do. I chose to give you some years to enjoy life. I think you've had just the right amount of fun "

" You really do like things the hard way now don't you? "

She scoffed in response.

" I know better than to threaten you. But in the end, it won't change anything. You will still be hurt and that wouldn't be my fault. Rather, it will be yours because you spent the time you ought to use to move on. Wasted it ruining my life under the guise of pain. You are only brewing disaster for yourself" I was surprised by my choice of words. I didn't cower in fear. I stood up for myself and told her what I should have said a long time ago. Running away was a terrible mistake, I can't fix that unfortunately, but at least I can make her realize what she was doing is wrong.

" You aren't even sorry. "

" Should I be? "

" Why shouldn't you be? Accept it or not you are guilty "

" Then take me to jail, if you can " I narrowed my eyes.

" I am not stupid Natasha " hmmm Natasha. She continued.

" I have proof, or can just kill you myself. Wouldn't be the first time. The whole police drama may be longer than I presume so I'll gladly have fun. Taking justice into my hands, and watching you suffer. I've always wanted that " And the wicked grin returned.

" Speechless? Ending your life will be my pleasure. It will be a shame if anything happened to Lucy "

" Don't you dare threaten me! "

" Can't you see? I do as I please "

" Leave my daughter out of this " just as I had presumed, She'll manage to drag Lucy into this.

" It was nice catching up with you. Talk to you later " with that, she picked up and left. I was left speechless and gazed around perpelexed. Was that my cue to leave? what he wasn't outside? I have no idea how to get home and it was getting late. Gathering whatever was left of my courage I walked out of the restaurant. Wait, we even pay for the meal? I couldn't remember seeing her pay. That wasn't my business anyway. as long as I wasn't held down and forced to pay o had no issues with that. I spotted the car as soon as I got outside. I released my breath u hadn't noticed I was holding. The cold air met my skin almost immediately.

I shivered and walked down to where the car was parked.

He was swift as usual to open the door for me. I was getting to know him,nah who was I kidding I just wanted to be out of here as soon as possible.

" No blindfold this time? " I asked.

" Nope, it's late and you wouldn't be able to see anything outside even if you tried so the blindfold will be insignificant " he explained.

Just as I was about to get in, someone walked up to us. I didn't need to turn back. She whispered into my ear slowly emphasizing each word.

" I am taking the next flight out of here. I'll be back soon, don't miss me too much "

He shut the door.

Hopefully, she'll be gone for about 7 more years. it's unlikely but I hope right? Running away will be stupid, I'll be found. My life was actually becoming good and now she planned on ruining it. I scoffed and he stared at me suspiciously. I avoided looking at him and looked outside the window. It was completely dark, couldn't see a thing. But why all these precautions? Does she really think I will try to track her down? When I hoped to never see her again. Hopefully, this will be the end of threats.