“Whether you like it or not, they are important to you. And that is because, they provided love, care, and support for you when you needed it. Things might not be the way you expected but that does not mean they didn't take you like family. Give it some time to allow everything sink in.”

Heading towards the refrigerator, I tried to find a liquid to quench my thirst. Talking so much and laughing really hard has left me parched.

“I guess you are right. But that doesn't mean it is less hurtful.”

He looked like a lost kitten, a very sad and confused one. No wonder he changed the topic, the last time I asked about her. It also explains why he made sure to avoid Mike. Must be sad to see the people you love treat you indifferently, that's a feeling I can relate to. So, I reached out to squeeze his shoulder a little. My way of showing support....

“It would hurt Jeremy, you just have to learn to let go of the hatred in your heart little by little.” My lips formed into a thin line after I spoke. He didn't notice because his eyes were still fixed to the ground. What I'm saying might be hypocritical, but he doesn't need to know that.


“Your turn.” I chirped, changing the subject. Jeremy caught on quickly, forgoing the awkward tension that arose. During the midst of our heartfelt conversation.

“If you got to choose your last meal before your death what would it be?”

“Hmmm, it has to be something with excess sugar. I ought to die with a sweet tooth.”

“You have the weirdest kind of logic Natasha. So what would it be?”

“Hmmm, deserts. Like perhaps a chocolate tower french toast, or even jumbo cupcakes and maple pudding, maybe a Chocolate croissant bread pudding with bourbon ice cream sauce. Yum.” Rubbing my stomach, I wiggled my brows.

“Looks like you have your last meal planned out already.”

“Nah, just my guilty pleasures.”

“I like your food preferences.” We fist-bumped over his remark.

“That's because we both love sweet foods.”

“Can you blame me?”

“Of course not. Anyways, it's my turn. Let's say you were stuck in the world, with just two people who would you want it to be? And you can't pick relative.” I asked

“Hmmm, that would be the guy from the. ice cream mart and you.”

“Aww, I always knew you had a soft spot for me.” I gushed happily.

“Nah, that's not it.”

“Then......” Trailing off, I gawked at him. Yeah, you can always count on Jeremy to deflate my ego.

“That guy knows how to make ice cream. Good ice cream, if I must say. I don't know any other person, existing who wouldn't get tired of trying out his new recipes.”

“So, I'll just be like your taste partner?” Baffling, I crossed my arms. Even if I won't admit it, it might not be so bad. As long as I continually get new recipes to try out.


“Geez, what a way to hurt a girl's feelings.”Sniffling, a half-cry escaped my mouth.

“Oh, you're a girl? I had no idea.”

“I always knew you were blind Jeremy. This simply confirms it.”

“Not so blind to stop by and look at my face in the mirror.” The smirk on his face returned, along with his over-inflated ego.

“Before I burst your bubble and wipe the smirk off your face kindly ask your question.”

“Okay, milady.”

“Don't call me that.”

“Okay, Ash.”

“We're still on that? My name is Natasha. N-A-T-A-S-H-A. I don't want nicknames.” Maybe if I spelt out the words one after the other, it would stick in his head.

“Seriously, I had no idea how to spell Natasha before. But that's for clarifying, super helpful.”

“I detect sarcasm.”

“I guess you're smart after all. Why can I call you Ash though?”



“Nothing. You're just not allowed to.”

“Samantha gets you to call you Nattie, Lucy calls you momma. Why can't I call you something different?” Pouting, he whined dejectedly. It's like he's a different man indoors. More comical and less stiff. A totally different Man-child entirely.

“Samantha is my sister. By the way, momma is not a nickname dummy.”

“Fine Na-ta-Sha.” He went with three syllables instead. I let it go this time, sure to bring it up later.

“This isn't the end, is it?”

“Of course not but I'll let it slide for now.”

“Your question!” My happy voice returned. I was already deep into the game.

“What's that thing you've always wanted to do? A weird crazy urge.”

“Sing under the rain.”


When I noticed his blank expressionless face, I went further to explain.

“I don't know why I can't get it out of my head. It must feel good to twirl under the pouring rain.”

“That's indeed weird. Why would you want to do that?”

“Just cos......”

“Well, you know what. Why not go ahead?”

“What do you mean?”

“It has been raining for more than fifteen minutes now.”

“Hey, how come I didn't know.” I stood up to peek outside the window. I had no idea the house was soundproof, mostly.

“You were too busy trying to get the remote and annoy me. Anyway, you get the point.”

“Yeah, but I can't just go under the rain.” Arguing, I tried waiving off his crazy idea.

“Didn't you want that? Plus, I want to see your hair wet.”

“I don't really want to -” My talk was interrupted when he picked me up, slinging me over his shoulder.

“Jeremy Heath! What do you think you're doing? Put me down this instant! I'll lock you outside if you continue with this.” In between my whimper, I managed to threaten him much to no avail.

“ Jeremy! Please.”

“Shush, it's kind of hard trying to open the door with one hand. We should change it to a passcode lock instead.” He said when he got to the front door. Opening the door with a struggling lady on your shoulder must be hard.

“Yes, that's handier. Still, far from the point. Put me down!”


“NO! I WOULD KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS JEREMY!” The drops of water slid down my face, as I stumped and yelled.

“Then you'll get arrested for murder.”

“It isn't so bad when you get used to the cold and raindrops.” On second thought, it's just drizzling not much of a downpour.

“Does that mean you don't want me dead?”

“You are still going to die in my hands, you idiot.!”

“Ouch, you'll let it go soon.”

“I doubt that.”

Why do I have to be the only one under the rain? The same crazy idea that popped into his head, popped into mine. Which is why I grabbed his arm, pulling him into the rain.

“No!” He cried, feeling the sudden impact of the water. Great, life is fair again.

“Must feel good right? To be soaked with rain!”

“You wanted it, I didn't.” He brushed his wet hair away from his eyes.

“Doesn't change anything.”

“Sing. Kindly entertain me.”

His claps and whistles cheered me on. Indulging him, I began to sing anyways.

“Don't wanna sit alone while time ticks away

Yeah, we're dancing on the tables tonight

Push all your drinks aside, no don't be afraid

Yeah, we're dancing on the tables tonight

Oh, oh-oh, oh

Oh-oh, oh, oh

Yeah, we're dancing on the tables tonight Oh, oh-oh, oh

Oh-oh, oh, oh

Yeah, we're dancing on the tables tonight

Ooh, say you wanna, say you wanna dance with me

Ooh, say you wanna, say you wanna dance tonight

Ooh, say you wanna, say you wanna dance with me

Ooh, say you wanna, say you wanna dance tonight

Don't wanna sit alone while time ticks away

Yeah, we're dancing on the tables tonight

Push all your drinks aside, no don't be afraid

Yeah, we're dancing on the tables tonight Oh, oh-oh, oh

Oh-oh, oh, oh

Yeah, we're dancing on the tables tonight Oh, oh-oh, oh

Oh-oh, oh, oh

Yeah, we're dancing on the tables tonight”

I stopped singing, trying to catch my breath. The corner of my eyes caught Jeremy staring at me as though I'd grown an extra head within the few minutes.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” Arching my brows, I brushed off the shiver running through my spines.

“Like how?” He tried to feign ignorance, furrowing his head.

“Strangely, with that soft gaze....”

“I have never seen you so carefree. It's beautiful, you're beautiful.”

“Oh, thanks.” My face betrayed me by spreading into a broad grin. A grin so broad that my tummy tingles in delight.

“And you have a beautiful voice. With the drizzle and your bright smile as you twirl around like a little pretty girl. Almost magical.” He continued with the compliments, not noticing the blush that crept into my cheeks. I could feel my face as bright and red as a tomato.

“Ummmm, thank you. I heard you sing you know.” Changing the topic, I teased him about his voice instead.

“Oh shit.” Scratching the back of his head, he avoided my eyes. I guess Mr. Perfect Model ain't so perfect after all.

“It's no problem”

“I couldn't help singing the chorus along with you.”

“I'll do well and keep my mouth shut. Trying not to tell New York that their favorite model can pass off as the lead singer of a boyband.”

“Now you mock me.” Wiping off imaginary tears, he sniffled.

“Me? No way! I'll never do so.” With a dramatic gasp, I place my hand over my chest.

“Wait, does this mean I'm forgiven now? You know, you no longer want to kill me for dumping you inside the rain. It wasn't even a heavy downpour. That's the only reason I did that.”

“Nope. I don't forgive so easily.”

“Even after my compliments?”

“Duh, let's put compliments aside. Hmm, perhaps the jerk rule should apply.”

“Mercy, I beg you.”

“Nope. Payback is payback. No hard feelings.” My voice filled the air with laughter, watching the uncomfortable look on his face. He was even trying the puppy eyes.


“Goodnight, sleep tight.”

The cold was finally getting to me, even though the rain had stopped. It was time to go to bed after all.

“Yeah sure.”

“Don't pout, doesn't suit you. And maybe you should consider taking singing lessons.” Chuckling, I walked through the front door leaving him with his mouth hanging open. I just made Jeremy speechless, time to count my wins. It doesn't happen frequently.

Carefully, I snuck back into the room making sure not to make any sound to jolt Lucy out of her sleep. My brows knitted into a slight frown noticing her posture.

“Hmmm, can you try moving in your sleep? You don't have to be so rigid and still. Sometimes I get scared. It's hard to tell if you're still alive.”

She was sleeping the same way I tucked her in. Lying flat with her face upwards and both arms still beside her. It was a habit I detested.

“Every day you remind me of your father. He did the exact same thing too. Your eyes and hair, even your stubbornness. I wonder if things would have been different if he raised you. One day baby, I promise to tell you the truth about me and your dad. But for now, I'll shield you against everything that stands as a threat, even if it's myself.”

With that, I crawled under the duvet to sleep beside her.