Chapter 51: AN AFTERMATH

There she was, comfortably positioned on the couch. When regular children, were already at school.


Smugly, she tore her eyes away from the television, “Good morning Jer bear.”

“Yuck,” I scrunched my nose, looking away from her. Jer bear has to be the most annoying nickname of all.

Of course, that is what she chooses to call me, simply to get under my skin. Yes, it works every time.

“Geez, couldn't you just say good morning back to me? Manners don't cost a penny you know.” Huffing, her attention was captured by a scene rolling on the screen.

“Forget about that. Why are you here ?” It suddenly hit me that she was supposed to be in school.

Arching her brows, “Ummm, I live here. Except you threw my momma out last night. Did you?”

“Of course not.”

I wouldn't even dare. Although, last night I forced her to sing in the rain. Surely, that wouldn't count.

“So, I guess I'm supposed to be here.”