Chapter 7: I hope you sleep well tonight.

(Cry POV)

The next morning, my twins and I are having breakfast. I was thinking about what would happen to school today until I was suddenly snapped back into reality when I heard Kingly's voice.


"Yes, bud?"

"When will you ever make Boston Cream pie again?"

"Buddy, I only make that during Christmas eve." I chuckled.


"Why, do you want me to make one?"

"Yes!!" He said excitedly.

"Okay, let's make it this weekend okay? I am going to have to shop for the ingredients first."

"YAY" The twins said in unison. Kingly ran to me and sat on my lap, and pecked me on my cheek. "Thank you, Cry!! You're the best brother in the whole world." He said.

"And you are the cutest brother I ever had!" I said as I pinched his cheek, and Queenie watched us in amusement. "Queenie, aren't you gonna give your big brother a hug too?"

She ran to me and pecked my cheek as well. I embraced both of them as tears started to flow in my eyes. "I love you both so much!!" Our moment was cut short when mom cleared her throat and looked at us.

", I hate to be interrupting your sweet moment, but you're gonna be late for class." Mom said.

"Okay, mom. Twins, kiss mommy goodbye!!" I said, as they both ran to mom and they gave her a peck on her cheek. I walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek as well, followed by a hug.

"We'll be home by 6:00, mom."

"Okay hun" She said as we closed the door and started walking.

My twins' dismissal time is 3:00 but mine is 5:30, because of my arts club. That's why I asked Nina, my cousin and also a teacher in their school to pick them up and babysit them in her house while waiting for me to fetch the twins from her place.

After walking for a couple of minutes, we finally reached the twins' school.

"Do you both have your lunch?"

"Yes." They said in unison.

"What's the number one rule?"

"Obey your teachers and be good."

"Have you done all of your homework?"


"Who are you going to wait for after your dismissal?"

"Ms. Nina"

"Good, now, give your brother a big hug." I said as I squat down to embrace them tightly before giving them kiss on their foreheads. I watched the twins walk along with their friends inside the school. The sight made me smile. With that, I turned away and started walking to my heaven and hell.


When I entered the school hallway, people were gathered around the art exhibit. What the hell's going on?

I was making my way to the art room when Dana approached me, with a concerned look.

"Hi Dana, what's going on?"

"Umm..." she said. I know something's not right here. I brushed past her to make my way over the art exhibit.

"Cry, wait!!!" She yelled

"Let me through!! Let me through!!" I said as I fought my way through the crowd to see what happened in the exhibit room.

What I saw made my heart drop. It's like my whole world is about to crumble.

I saw every single one of my paintings torn to shreds. My hardwork, my memories and passion were shredded to bits, but I still hoped that the "Early Morning" has been untouched.

I was about to run to my paintings when Leon stepped in front of me. I glared daggers at him.

"You shouldn't have punched me, you know?"

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!!" I said as I pushed and shoved him to the side, making the crowd gasp in disbelief. My eyes are growing watery and I ran to my paintings and shuffled all of them to look for the "Early Morning" and little did I know, it was the most damaged of all.

A tear dripped on my left cheek and I lost it. I released a long and throat-burning scream. I sobbed in front of a large crowd.


I took the "Early Morning" in my arms and embraced it. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Princess! I'm sorry! Big brother hasn't protected you." I sobbed. I don't fucking care anymore if the crowd is watching me. I just continued sobbing because my painting that represents my love and sweet memories with Princess was destroyed by Leon. The amount of pain he made me experience is downright cruel and unforgivable. I hate him!

I suddenly felt Dana pull me in a warm embrace.

"Dana, we have to fix this, we have to fix this!! Please, let's fix this! This is my only painting of her!!" I yelled and sobbed at the same time.

"Okay, okay, we'll fix that." She said. I looked behind her to see Leon, with a surprised, guilty, regretful and sad watery eyes.

"Cry...I'm...I am sorry, I didn't know." Leon said. Dana didn't say anything but just glared at him. If looks could kill, Leon would be in a bloody pulp right now. I stood up and screamed at his face.

"YOU MURDERER! YOU FUCKING MURDERER!!!" I sobbed and grabbed the collar of his shirt and started hitting his chest. I can tell he's barely getting hurt. Suddenly, I felt his arms wrap around me. Leon Gonzales is hugging me but I kept hitting him.

"I am sorry! I am sorry! I am so fucking sorry, Cry!!" He said in a shaky voice, little did I know, he was tearing up.


"I didn't mean it, I swear!!" He cried. "LET GO!!" I said, finally breaking free of his embrace.

I calmed down a little before leaving some last words for him.

"I hope you sleep well tonight." I said before running off while the crowd just watched me helplessly with sympathy in their eyes.