Chapter 8: Leave him alone.

(Leon POV)


You hurt him!! Why do you have to take it that far, Leon?

As soon as Cry left, Dana stood in front of me and slapped me so hard that I thought she broke my jaw, but it was numbed by the guilty pain of my heart.

"Do you know that the kid in his painting is his little sister who got ran over and killed? Do you know that? That is the painting that means so much to him more than the others because it brings the loving and fun memory of his little sister with him, he told me it is his masterpiece for a reason. He told me he wants to honor and give respect to his little sister by displaying this in the art exhibit and you destroyed his most important memorial of his little sister, and I hope you're happy with yourself, Leon. I really do." She said as she walked away through the crowd.


With that, the crowd vanished and went back to normal. I ran as fast as I could out of the school and went to the football field under the bleachers to sob.

"I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, Cry!! I should never have done that! I am really sorry, Oh God!! Please, forgive me!! What have I fucking done?!" I sobbed.

This has gone out of hand. Cry is suffering everyday because of me but not as much as this. I am such a terrible person.


I walked inside the school doors and I could feel some disgusted looks towards me but I ignored it.

"Nice going, asshole!” A chick said behind me.

"What a dick." Someone whispered.

I entered my first class with Cry but he wasn't there. I noticed that all students were staring at me but I do not give a flying fuck. I just want to know where Cry is. As I was about to sit down, Ms. Bridgette said something.

"Mr. Gonzales, you received a week suspension from the principal for what you did to the art exhibit."

Okay, like I care!

"Please give this to your parents." she handed me a letter that God knows what it says.

Maybe this is just what I need to patch things up with Cry and finally reveal to him what I truly feel about him.

But wait, where is Cry?

If something happens to him, I will never forgive myself. I hope he's okay.


After class, I went to the art room to see if Cry was there. I did not see him at all. Then I saw Ms. Maxwell and I approached her to ask where Cry is.

"Hey, Ms Maxwell, do you know where Cry is?"

"Why? Is destroying his artwork that mean a lot for him not enough? Do you still need to inflict pain?" She said

"Ma'am, I know what I did is wrong and that's why I am trying to make it up to him. Can you please tell me where is?"

"Well, all I know is he went home right after the incident. I don't know if he's feeling well and I do not know where he lives."

"Okay, thanks anyway!"

God, where is he? I have to see him. I saw Dana passing by and I went after her.

"Dana?" I called.

"Don't Dana me!!" She hissed.

"Where's Cry?"

"Like I would tell you, get away from him, Leon. You have done enough shit for one day. He's had enough. He's resting in his home right now, what happened earlier is a little too much for him so why don't you just back off and fuck some sluts, that's the only thing you're good at anyway."

"Dana, just tell me something. Where does he live?"

"I would never tell you!!" With that, she walked away.

What the hell am I doing? After making his life a living hell, I still have the nerve and balls to face him? You are disgusting, Leon! Just leave him alone.