Look In The Mirror

Look in the mirror and see your reflection are you happy with what you see do you pick out your imperfections and the things you want to change do you judge yourself judge that person staring back at you because I do there's so many things I wish I could change but I should be happy with who I am because of other people's words and expectations and the way society views women there's so many things I wish I could change about the body I was born with why is that why do we judge ourself's based on everybody's expectations just because a model looks like a skeleton in a magazine doesn't mean you should look the same not everybody can be a size 2 and you shouldn't want to change that you should be happy that you're different but even though I know that they're still days when I look in the mirror and I stare at my reflection and I wish that I could change the person looking back at me that's why I some days I don't want to look in the mirror