d) The Town Mouse And The Country Mouse

🐀 Once there lived a pretty(she) mouse in the country,

Whose physique was weak and crumbly.

One day, a town mouse approached, Famished and hungry,

And he was served meals sundry.

🐀 He started telling tales about the town,

Which had all the colours under the sun.

They discussed the king's greatness& his crown,

And decided to leave for the town now!

🐀 Soon, everything they packed

And the town's beauty held her rapt.

Viewing the tall buildings, she clapped,

And thought this place was apt.

🐀 He soon led her to his hole,

Which wasn't even whole.

As enjoying the town was her goal,

Her disgust soon came under control.

🐀 Soon, many delicacies were placed,

Which, she was eager to taste.

Suddenly by a Gigantic cat she was chased

Out of the town and was highly disgraced.

🐀 Just then, it dawned

on her that she was wronged.

Her stay in the town was prolonged

And to go to her country, she longed.

🐀 She left the town hurriedly

And thought about her folly worriedly.

She thought deeply

And resolved never to be greedy!!!