e) The Fox And The Grapes

🍇 Once there lived a brown fox,

Who simply loved to wear socks.

Wandering, he saw grapes hanging in drops,

To eat that, he had to think out of the box.

🍇 To reach it, he kept jumping

And even tried into the vine - bumping.

He also tried climbing

But neither succeeded nor gave up trying.

🍇 The grapes were out of his reach,

And slowly felt his confidence leach.

Suddenly, he stood bewitched

As if he was being preached.

🍇 To carry food, an ant was trying hard,

Even when he was being poked with a sword.

He looked at it with high regard,

And considered all this as a beautiful bard.

🍇 So, he collected his is ideas which were in pieces,

And filled the plan areas which had vacant spaces.

Combining everything he moved,

To reach the grapes he loved.

🍇 The grapes were indeed very sweet,

And to him, they were a great treat.

He felt that that day's goal was complete,

As he learnt never to accept defeat!