
🤭 The purest form of emotion is love,

Which can make any person bow.

All negativity - away it shoves,

And always makes us happy then and now.

🤭 Some may have love for nature,

While others may have it for their teacher.

Some may have it for sport players,

While others may have it for their creator.

🤭 But the purest form of love is motherly,

As it is the bond which is trust worthy.

Every moment of it is lovely ,

As it is the only one not based on money.

🤭 For all ailments, love is the universal cure,

As it is undiluted and extremely pure.

To be better in life-it is the manure,

And also makes us feel safe and secured.

🤭 So, let us believe in love,

And the saddest moments, let us relive!