The power of love

😍 In his town, Rahul was the most respected,

As in everything, he was the best.

But, some memories, he didn't wish to forget,

So, closed his eyes and recollected.

😍 When he was a little child,

he always wailed.

But there was a girl who always smiled,

Whom he decided would be his life guide.

😍 Her face was charming,

And her smile heart-warming.

But one day, without parting,

She left leaving him starving.

😍 Soon, he grew up unruly,

And was hated by others- truly.

Once, he came across his long love,

And decided to be with her thereof.

😍 His proposal was rejected,

And his feelings were not reflected.

He felt extremely dejected,

As if venom had been injected.

😍 When he saw in the mirror for the 1st time,

He realised his hideous crime.

So, truly he changed,

And with his love, marriage was arranged.

😍 Soon he became very successful,

And became extremely trustful.

They were the happiest couple,

But, not for long as soon there was a hustle.

😍 His dearest love had passed away,

And left him in utter dismay.

With the hope she had bestowed, he visited her grave,

And that is where he is, recollecting today!