
🙏🏻 Count everyday as a blessing,

As this thought would always be refreshing.

To overcome struggles, it gives wing(s),

And makes even the toughest one seems caressing.

🙏🏻 Here is one short story,

About a person whose life was stormy.

Everything in his life was blurry,

And there wasn't a single glory.

🙏🏻 He often felt very low,

But decided to go along with the flow.

No matter how hard he did tow,

Pain always returned with a severe blow.

🙏🏻 He didn't have the strength to chuckle,

But he did face every trouble.

He wasn't breakable by the struggle,

Though it drained every muscle.

🙏🏻 Often, he felt cramped,

But his God, he thanked.

Soon, in happiness he advanced,

As his struggles got replaced.

🙏🏻 He felt truly blessed,

As the struggles had brought out his best.

It had made him strong,

And had given him strength to move along.

🙏🏻 So, irrespective of the problem's size,

Always remember to rise.

Life's always full of surprises,

And often contains blessings in disguises.