Hardwork never fails!

😊Once there lived a small child,

Who liked spending time in the wild.

There she collected tender flowers,

As She loved their bright colours.

😊Her best love was colours,

As it made her love the universe.

Often she ate only potatoes - boiled,

And extremely hard she toiled.

😊One night, when she slept,

Bitter, hungry tears she wept.

Just then a bright twinkle , her eye met,

And towards it, her legs to move, she let.

😊Soon, she encountered a pretty place,

Where there were faries with pretty faces.

She realised it was the fairies' base,

And stood there with an astonished gaze.

😊She was welcomed and was given colorful food,

Which was tasty and very good.

This gradually uplifted her mood,

And made her smile, forgetting her brood.

😊Later, she went to a party,

Which was of the highest quality.

From her heart, she was happy,

But was also worn out and nappy.

😊When she woke up the next day,

She was stunned and was at bay.

There was a pretty house- brand new,

Whose resemblance with her home was few.

😊To the fairies she felt grateful,

As her hardwork was now fruitful.

Now, she had everything she required,

And her success story - ready to make people's inspired !!!