Mental Helath Is Wealth

🙃 One of the most important thing is mental health,

To avoid anxiety, it does stealth.

To face all struggles, it gives the strength,

And gives us confidence to explore the depths.

🙃 Never feel lonely,

As it kills your mental health slowly.

Wherever you feel lowly,

Interact with those you mingle closely.

🙃 Never trust anyone deeply,

As they always would treat you cheaply.

As no one behaves ideally,

Never anchor on someone completely.

🙃 To everyone be friendly,

And treat everyone magnanimously.

Remember to always be complementary,

As it gives mental peace - right fom elementary.

🙃 Always remember to be happy,

As that quality prevents you from being snappy.

Successful people are always tacky,

This thought will prevent you to take decisions that are shabby.

🙃 For anything Never sacrifice,

Your mental health as it is suffice.

Never submit to depression,

As it is the most dangerous possession.

🙃 Remember, the essential thing is expression,

which helps to overcome all suppression.

So, let's have a good mental health,

And commemorate that it's the greatest wealth.