Our Dear Ones.....

💫 This poem is really special,

As it is to those people who are hard to find as treasure.

In our everyday life, they play a vital part,

And are thus really close to the heart.

💫 They are the cause of our smile,

And make our worries fly away with style.

Sometimes, they are the light in our darkness,

And are often the reason for our happiness.

💫 But when they are unwell,

It feels as if we have fallen into a Gigantic well.

All our joy completely gets blacked out,

And we gradually begin to feel the drought.

💫 Tears start to stream down our cheeks,

And worry and anxiety peaks.

That is when we want to be with them 24 X 7,

As that is the only way to soothe our depression.

💫 All we want is to hold their hand,

And clear their pains with a magic wand.

But sometimes, we may be far away,

And our worry, can only convey.

💫 But when it comes to us, they care even more,

Just like how I had mentioned before.

So, they are the cutest and most beautiful people we can ever find,

As they become our body and soul, heart and mind!!