
💜 I woke up suddenly with a jolt,

And felt my heart move without a revolt

I was astonished as I felt pessimissm moult,

And inside me, I couldn't feel a fault.

💜 Out of the blue, everything was beautiful,

And with motivation and satisfaction I was full.

With sudden admiration and respect, I felt my heart pull,

To people who were dear like golden wool.

💜 That day was so perfect,

And happiness and joy it did reflect.

Everything was so lovely and well-kept,

And all my doubts, away it swept.

💜 All my sadness, worry drained into a whirlpool,

As my entire day turned dreamy and purple

It felt as if I found my greatest treasure,

And my life consisted of nothing but pleasure.

💜 I never felt my day being so fulfilling and good,

And never even thought it would.

But sometimes surprises make the bestest memories,

Which are so sweet as savories.

💜 It is these that give us the happiness and power,

To cherish for ever and ever!!