Episode 0: Dream

The leaves above him swayed gently, dancing to the melody of the wind. The branches followed its tune rocking the leaves it gently grasps. It held the leaves closely together but loose enough to allow it to be free to fly about. The trunk creaked and groaned, planting its place on top of the hill in the meadow. The wind gently brushed his hair and kissed his face with a cool breeze. The grass, wet from the dew of the cold night, made for a comforting bed as he laid under the tree looking into the night sky.

"This would be perfect", he thought to himself. "To gaze into the infinite without a worry."

Even with no energy left, he could still feel it, the world around him. The trees off into the distance rustled to the wind, in various shapes and sizes. They bore different types of fresh fruits and fragrant flora that filled the air.

The sound of the stream trickling around the rocks in its body, moving about feeding nourishment to the plants and carrying its seeds to spread across the land. It snaked around the world connecting to various lakes and seas.

The ground is rich in nutrients. It feeds the vegetation in turn feeding the wildlife.

The creatures were unique to this world. They came in different forms. Some were of the night, which glow from the tip of their fleece with bioluminescence. Some had antlers and extended fangs. Some were small and furry but had a horn extended in the middle of their forehead. Some were apex creatures that walk on their hind legs.

This planet is young, recently reinvigorated. Why am I here, Allen thought to himself as he attempted to get up. A surge of pain wrecked his body making him fall back.

He caught a glimpse at the source of his pain and thought, "Ah."

A blade stuck out of his chest and it seemed like it pierced all the way through buried deep into the ground. "Doesn't seem like I can pull it out."

He continued to gaze into the infinite, slowly inhaling then exhaling deep sighs.

"Is this where it ends?"

He griped the blades of grass under his hands, his only struggle against the circumstances.

"Lue... El... I hope your all okay."

His eyes began to feel heavy. The feeling in his body began to fade away and the world started to seem faint.

"I hope..... it's finally... over."

His grip loosened and his breathing was slower. The cold air began to settle in his body. Tears fell on his cheeks.

He could hear rustling beside him but his eyes could not make a clear figure. He could see a few of those unfamiliar creatures gathering around him, one of them seemed like a rabbit with strange gold markings.

"I hope..."

His eyes slowly fell shut. The light welcomed him and then his essence floated into the infinite...

Then Allen woke...