Episode 1: born Of The World

Allen's eyes were wide open. His heart was beating rapidly and his breathing was coarse. His lips were chapped as his body was soaked in cold sweat. He looked to his chest where his hands were gripping tightly. There was no blade sticking out of his chest.

He scanned the room he was in. It was dark, but he could feel that he was on top a bed instead of grass. There was no tree, no meadow and no stream to be seen. It was still the night before the break of dawn.

He finally relaxed, releasing the tension on his body. He tossed the blanket off himself and stood from his bed, passing his clock. It was 5 am.

Entering the bathroom, he turned the lights on and began brushing his teeth. As he went through the motion, he stared into the mirror. He felt his chest once more. The feeling of the blade still lingered on his mind as if it was real. He brushed the thought away and got ready for a jog, grabbing his running clothes from the drawers.

His room was simple. It had a bed next to the window leaning on the wall, a nightstand at the head of it. The bathroom was adjacent to his bed and the drawers were next to its entrance. It also had a hanging box above the drawer that slides vertically for convenience, which held his jackets. In between the box and drawer, he keeps his collection of things he had gathered on his travels with his caretaker.

Within this storage space, there lay a feather from a Gazool when he went hiking around the Red Kraig Cliffs. Lava eggs that were made from magma rocks out on the Vithiti isle. Some handicrafts from the natives in the Ravian Rainforest at one time, and a picture from when they were out in the wilderness, gazing at the infinite of space. The drawer had many fond memories he had when he was with Osmond Rays, Ol Man Ossy.

On one of the trinkets, the hilt of a broken rusted sword from their first outing, there was a note. "Meet up at the Park" was written on it. Allen put the note back on the hilt and took his sweater out of the hanging box.

He walked out into the hallway where the guest bathroom and Ossy's room were at the end of it with a picture of both of them in between. He entered the kitchen in front of his room which was next to the dining room, separated by a countertop. He sat on the chair of the dining table and began tying his shoe he got from the entrance to the apartment.

The kitchen was bridged to the living room by the dining room, complementary to each other. The kitchen had the basic necessities of a home; a microwave, a stove, a sink at the window, a fridge next to the sink and drawers and cupboards that line the area. Allen was in charge of making food since all Ossy knew was canned meat on a pan. Allen sometimes catches the old man making food in the middle of the night even though the Doctor said to limit his intake. Scratch that, he did it most of the time.

The living room had a Large TV hanging on the wall to the left in relation to the dining room. The bookcase under it had a collection of old salvaged movies from the Apocalypse. Ossy said he paid good money to get End Game and Justice League: Snyder's Cut from who knows where. There was a sofa with reclining seats, where Ossy spends his free time lounging in front of the TV, leaving his empty beer bottles at the end tables. Pictures from the many adventures they had hung on the wall behind the couch and an old armor set, probably antique Allen thought.

Across the living room, there was a door leading out into the patio with lawn chairs and a makeshift tent, the last one broke after a little too much roughhousing during Allen's last birthday. They also kept an outdoor freezer there for all the excess meat they caught in the wilds, mostly fish, deer and boar meat. After Allen finished tying his shoes, he grabbed the meat from the freezer and puts them inside a shopping bag. Ossy told him to give it to their neighbor before he departed.

Allen took the key from the hook next to the door and left the apartment, locking the entrance on his way out.

After receiving thanks from his neighbor, Mildred, he walked through the apartment complex, deciding to take the scenic route.

The complex was large able to store thousands of tenants if full, tall enough to fit a fully grown leviathan. The walkway was wide enough for crowds to walk by and there were cement benches circling the small white oaks in their patches at every block.

Allen shared a wave with the gardeners on duty around this time, blowing leaves and sweeping the floors.

Some of the early birds come out at this time, walking out to their apartments. It was a holiday for most. Some of them were office workers who were trying to make it before traffic. Few of them were beastmen who were a little too large to normally fit in the apartments. A couple of them were old folks that were ready to go for a jog. There were kids who were allowed to play outside before the festivities today.

Walking down the path, Allen greeted the folks he had known for quite some time. He greeted others out of courtesy though some didn't reply, too busy with life it seemed. Allen continued down the path to the main road and began his jog from there to the park. It wasn't a long jog but it had a nice overview of what the city is like in general.

The buildings were built high enough to scrape the sky with clouds brushing their midsections. Most were built with Gnome steel, strong enough to hold and durable enough to last for ages to come. These buildings also have bridges that connect with one another on different floors. There are three of these towers that were large enough to hold an entire community on every level. These levels are called wards. The apartment complex Allen came out of is called the Housing Ward. Where he is heading is the Central Ward which was a couple minute jog away.

While Allen was jogging on the street, shuttles can be seen leaving orbit from there going to transit stations for intergalactic travelling. Allen got here on one by hitch hiking. The use of airplanes was terminated due to hovercrafts becoming available as common transportation. They roam around the city, day and night. Some prefer the classic rides, like Ol Man Ossy. He has a Harley Davidson that he never lets Allen drive.

After leaving a few minutes of running, Allen entered the minor shopping district which bridged the two wards together. Compared to most, this district wasn't covered overhead, so it had a clear view of the sky. He passed by a couple of small businesses; a floral shop where he used to help Granny Bridgette, a dogfolk, with picking Camellias from the wilderness, convenience store Ol' Man Ossy liked to frequently visit for his "snack" runs, a pharmacy where Allen was treated at when he was first found by Ol' Man Ossy. There was also a grocery store Allen liked to go to because of their home-grown star fruit, Carambolas, which had a sweet but sour taste that went well with Soy Sauce or Kool-Aid mixed with Tamarind.

He learned the addictive taste of Kool Aid from an old friend he used to hang out with as a kid. They would stick out their tongues to compare how colored they were.

Allen arrived early to the Central Ward despite having to stop and greet some people on the way. The Central Ward had skyscrapers on each of its cardinal directions, intertwining with one another. They twirled around the center of the ward forming a pyramid at the tip, a hotel to the north so that rich folk can witness the sun rise and sun set. A Genesis Facility to the west, where the scientists discover new things about the cosmos, an office building to the east located conveniently close to the Housing Ward and the government building to the south, keeping close tabs on its denizens. At the top of the spiral, the government office connects the buildings which granted it an overview of the entire city. In the center of these buildings, the Central Ward Park boasts the largest area for recreational use in the planet.

The Park had a variation of trees that come from every corner of the globe. It was even big enough to have its own lake and river that goes in between the park. It had field on the right for sports. The Major League players can be seen doing their early morning training, even some military personal can be seen doing their ruck marches. The scenic viewing is on the left of the lake, where people like to take their walks or relax. On one of the benches sat an old man with a stern and serious gaze.

He had a mighty build for a person who looks old enough to be Allen's great grandfather. His shoulders were wide and his arms were like trunks. Despite that, he had a Hibiscus printed button up that were almost too small and short khaki pants that were a little above his knees. He also had slip-on shoes with calve high socks. He had a combed head of hair on his head and a painter's mustache. His eyes were still stern looking, contemplating on something deep.

"Hey," Allen walked up to the old man.

"You notice that melons can be ripe all year round," the man said suddenly.

Allen sat next to the man wondering what he was saying.

"Viewers," the man continued, "Notice that you can actually contain melons in tight spaces keeping them insulated and..... fresh."

"The heck are you talking about?" Allen followed the man's gaze to a pair of ladies taking their laps around the lake.

"Title it," he said as Allen pinched the bridge of his nose, "Adversity of the Season."

"You are one pervy ol man," Allen sighed, "Ossy."

Ol Man Ossy gave a hearty laugh, slapping Allen in the back. Allen felt like he was being beaten by a boulder.

"What did you call me out here for?" Allen asked while the joggers they were talking about passed by them, "Hopefully not to patronize the locals."

"Bah!" Ossy exclaimed. "Fishes in the sea are meant to be caught."

"And mortals are meant to stay on their two feet, but that is not what we decide is it," Allen retorted.

"You are one smart lad," he chuckled. He had a dashing smile for an old man, usually brightening the mood wherever he went, like the sun in a cold winter day.

"Can't we spend time together," Ossy said leaning back on the bench. "You know it's best to enjoy what little time we have left."

"Of course," Allen replied, "I've enjoyed the adventures we had together. Having to be able to travel this world has been a blessing to me, but that usually ends up in me being on the verge of dying."

Ossy look to Allen with a disheartening smile. "It really has been a blessing. Ever since I picked you up from that abandoned warehouse, I gave all my effort into raising you to become a strong individual, one who can forge his own path and survive when the time was right."

Allen expression turned sullen. He knew what was about to come next.

"I'm going to leave," Ossy sighed. "I have somewhere to be."

Allen's heart dropped. He lowered his head to avoid eye contact. Ossy placed a hand on his head before continuing. "You do too."

"I wish we had more time," Allen voice cracked, holding back the tears swelling. "Now, you're leaving me too."

"Allen," Ossy interrupted, "You are meant for bigger things, for the bigger universe." Allen remained quiet as Ossy lifted his chin, "Look boy."

Allen had a dejected look but the little glimpse of promise shone brightly in his dark brown eyes. "Your eyes can show wonders if you choose to see it. You can witness the rising and the setting suns of different worlds, the birth of stars and the making of the impossible. You just need to take that step."

"Oh, my young lad," Ossy softly ruffled Allen's head. "I know despite being so young, you shoulder so much, but I promise that when you do look into the infinite, you'll bring something GREATER! Believe...."

He let the words sink in before standing up. "Allen, you are more than you think you are." Ossy dropped the flowers next to Allen and began walking away. "Can you take that to the miss before heading back?"

"Can't do it to yourself," Allen didn't get a reply. He watched the old man walk away with his shoulders held high. Looking at his broad back, he didn't see an old man but a warrior whose duty never ended, who has been and will be standing until the last.

Ossy raised his hand to the air and waved back. Allen lifted his hand but couldn't bring himself to return the farewell. "We'll meet again Ol' Man Ossy, one day."

Allen sat there for a good minute looking at the flowers Ossy left behind. He let out a deep sigh before getting up and moving on.

Allen went a little off south from the Central District. Every month, he and Ossy would take this path to visit an old acquaintance of Ossy, who he had known for the longest time.

The graveyard was empty today. There was a memorial at the side for those who had lost their lives during the war and at the center stood another statue of the First High Chief, standing tall, un-aging. A little west of that, there was a willow tree, unique from the rest.

The tree was not as tall but it had leaves of silver that never seemed to change through the seasons. Its leaves hung down to the roots. They felt like cotton. Its bark was smooth despite its age and snaked around the trunk like veins. The branches extended far out making a lot of space inside the leaves. Allen and Ossy would sometimes have picnics here and relax in the shade. The roots unearthed the ground below showing its feet planted firmly to the ground. In the lower part of its midsection, about the height of a child, there is a distinct hole.

"He left," Allen placed the bouquet of honeysuckle, pink carnations, and chamomile with aloe sprouts in the hole as Ossy did. "I don't know why he did but..." He didn't know why he'd feel comfortable talking to a stranger he had never met, let alone a tree. However, there was a felling he had that someone connected to Ossy was listening. "I hope he's right."

Allen left the tree and went on his way back home. It brought back too many memories he had with Ossy and some that he didn't want to remember.

As he was passing by the west bridge to the Housing Ward, he noticed the 5th Ward beside the apartment complex getting ready for the 1000th Kosipeian anniversary and the Rookie Fest. People raised their tents and hung their flags. Some of the flags indicated numbers for their loved ones that are participating. "It'll be like a colorful sight," Allen said. Seeing the unopened food stalls, Allen made a mental note to try pick up some meat dumplings when they start opening stalls.

Allen reached the apartment, taking out his keys before he reached the door. He noticed the mail under the step and picked them up. He entered the apartment and headed to the living room, taking a seat on the couch. Before he looked through the mail, he turned the TV on to watch the latest news.

"Good morning Kosipeia," the news caster cheerfully said on the screen. "It is 9 am in Lovidius, our humble abode," Lovidius was a neighbor to Terra Prime and a hotspot for the entertainment business, "and Today we celebrate the Thousandth Celestial Founding of the Kosipeian Cosmic Chiefdom and what better way to celebrate than a quick look at the Rookie Festivities that will be underway shortly as the participants gather at Terra Prime for their shot at becoming official members of the IGG."

The news explained how the Inter Galactic Guild, IGG for short, was founded to motivate people to explore the vast universe.

The IGG's main goal is to extend a helping hand by using a third impartial and diverse party, allowing access into territories that are normally closed off to others. The founder, Christopher Hoop, was an explorer who had known the limitations of individual strength. He was a wanderer and liked to uncover the secrets of the universe. However, he had become bedridden before he had achieved his goal. Through the help of his wealth, colleagues and influence, he created the IGG as a way to carry his torch and shed light into the infinite, even if he was not around to see it come to be. His legacy lives on in the souls of every individual adventurer throughout the ages.

They have an annual rookie fest to test races of all kind using their strengths to attract guild leaders into opening positions among their ranks. The rest was more about their contributors like Gabriel Deus from the Genisis Corp who contributed the most in funding and technology.

As the news caster continued, Allen heard a knock on the door. The mail man had already delivered the mail so he wondered who would come around at this time. He placed the mail on the end table before walking up to the door, the knocking continued. It could be Mildred or possibly one of Ossy's bingo mates he used to hang around with.

"Coming," Allen said as he reached for the knob and slowly opened the door. On the other side of the door was the person he had least expected.

"Hello Allen," the stranger spoke in a soft tone. "It's me, John."

Edited and Proofread by

Aces Association