Episode 2: You Hope for yourself

The figure stood tall in front of the wooden frame; his head barely scraped the top. He wore a denim jacket with thick cotton sleeves and a charcoal grey inside shirt, an identification tag hung around his neck. He had a flat cap on that hid his sleek black hair and a line of silver on his sides.

"Hello Al," the stranger spoke in a soft tone. "It's me, John."

For a moment, Allen looked at his brother. It had been years since they had last seen each other. There was so much to say, so many questions to ask. Before John continued, the door was being shut in his face.

John wedged his foot mid swing, stopping the door at the frame.


"If you're looking for the old man, he's not here," Allen interrupted still trying to wrestle John's foot out.

"I came to see you," John's foot remained firm. "So can you let me in so we can talk?"

"About what," Allen looked around the living room for something to hold the door.

"I'm here? I miss you," John replied but there was no response. He noticed there wasn't any force pushing him back any more so he gently pushed the door open, hearing something thud on the rug, a mannequin.

Allen was nowhere in sight. The dining table was to the left of the door, dark wood. There was a counter behind it that led into the kitchen.

Not there, John thought.

He brought his attention in front of him where the living room was. A cozy grey couch and more dark wood furniture. His eyes then caught the slightly ajar door leading to the backyard.

"It's always a chase," John sighed.

Allen was already making a run towards the 5ft fence, 30 yards from the apartment. He made the vault over the fence using his left hand as support. It led to the backstreet of the complex that cars don't normally take.

"Al!" Allen ignored the call as he sprinted towards the main road.

It opened up to a large traffic circle with skyscrapers forming a sepulcher overhead with a fountain in the middle. It was separated into 10 layers, in between there are a couple stories of apartments and rent-outs for smaller business, and bridges connecting the buildings together on each layer.

Allen was in the middle of those layers called the 5th ward, where foot traffic and business meet. Tents and stalls were installed in the area stretching out like a beautifully intertwined web, colored with different shades of yellow and blue. At the center of it all, a fountain was placed there fresh to drink out of and a garden surrounding it.

The 5th ward was busy at this time of day, many of the Cosmic Inhabitants can be seen walking about and the streets filled with stands celebrating the Guild Fest with the Billboards playing news casts and advertisements coloring their surroundings.

Elves in suits carrying their briefcases, Orcs with their neon stripped uniform fixing the lamp posts and guiding traffic, Beastkin patrolling the grounds for any misconduct, Androids assisting their owners with necessities like walking the dogs or a shopping run, T'r walking about in their robes and staffs, Dwarves going to the next factory for another day's pay, Behemoths carrying passengers while the crowd makes way for the giant beast to pass and the like crowded the place as they went about their day going to their various jobs, picking up a light breakfast before the clock in from various tents and stalls.

"Anyone wants some meat buns," one stall man said while passing, taking and making orders with his eight arms.

"Fresh catch of the day," shouted another pulling a large tentacle out of his 4ft long ice chest.

"Cabbages," the merchant said, trying to catch people's attention, "Come get your cabbages."

Allen waded through the crowd, apologizing as he did., looking over his shoulder constantly in search for John in tow.

Once he broke free of the crowd, he found himself at the fountain in the center of the ward.

When he couldn't find him, he took a small breath of relief and took a seat on the steps. He plans to take the bus to somewhere else, anywhere really to get away from John. He cannot return to who he was.

"John, wait up," he began to reminisce.

"I can't climb that high," Al said, watching John scale the tree with ease.

"Nothing is keeping you from climbing except for yourself," John continued on as Allen hugged the trunk constantly looking below. "And no one is going to stop you from climbing anyway.

John stopped in place looking down at his brother, "So what's stopping you?"

"Okay," Allen muttered, "Breath Al." After taking a deep breath, he started slowly with one hand and then the other.

"I said climb, not hug the tree," John jest.

"Maybe a lil' hand," Allen replied barely slipping. "Anything special about this tree?" Allen tried averting his attention from the height with conversation.

"You'll know when you get to the top," John assured. Allen wasn't convinced.

"This place has great food," the voice next to him said, startling him out of the memory.

John was seated right next to him scarfing down chicken siopao. He looked to Allen and extended one of the buns to him. "Want one," he asked with his mouth full.

Allen rushed back up and entered the crowd again. Before John could follow, he heard Allen shouting, "Hey look it's John Etruem!"

"The Hero of Eons?" One person started.

"It's really him!" Another exclaimed, drawing closer.

This took John aback as the people began to crowd him, holding him in place wanting to meet the legend himself. Reluctantly, he greeted each of them and the ruckus faded further away from Allen.

Allen used this advantage to get further away thinking that would buy him some time to get to the factory district that lied West from the ward.

He took the stairway down to the lower district, a shortcut, skipping steps.

The factory district was long abandoned since they set up shop in space. They left the place intact but it was scarce. This was the perfect place to lose someone. There are many rooftops that connected to one another. Allen took the stairways leading to the top, an old but effective design to escape fires.

By the time he reached the top, his legs started to tire and he wanted to rest. It was not a short trip to get to the top.

His memory then flashed back again to that tree...

Allen was breathing heavily when he finally reached halfway up the tree, clambering up the branches. "How far up do we have to climb," he said gasping his words.

John peaked from a branch nearby, "Just a little further." He continued up effortlessly.

"You said that a while ago," Allen stopped in his place catching his breath. "I can't go on."

"C'mon Al," John tried but Allen wouldn't budge.

"I- I ca-," Allen was exhausted, sweat soaking his shirt. His arms and legs almost giving out every time he climbed one branch after the other. He took a glimpse down seeing how high he had climbed, making him freeze.

He was amazed at how John was able to handle his own despite being only a few years older than he was. It must be the perk of growing up he guessed, but Allen was still young.

But then he looked out into the opening in the leaves, spotting the whole neighborhood. He could see his elementary school, the playground and a couple houses from where he was.

"I can see everything from here!" Allen exclaimed despite being tired.

He looked up but couldn't see his brother in sight.

"Allen," John's voice snapped Allen out of the memory. He was at the bottom of the stairs calling up to Allen. "Stop running, I need to speak with you!"

Allen didn't say anything as he rushed the final steps to the roof. When he was on top, he noticed that the roof was not exactly sturdy but he had no choice but to run it.

Like your regular factory, it was a flat roof made of cement like the rest of the building. It was tall enough to build shuttles back in its day, so it was a long way down.

Allen ran across the roof, avoiding the debris that was left behind by its old inhabitants. He hopped over transformers and vents, slid under pipes and vaulted short walls trying to get to the other side of the building as quickly as he can.

Allen looked back to see John still in tow calling out to him. In that instant, Allen tripped over a supply box, face planting on the cement. He felt a tinge of pain on his cheek and a taste of blood in his mouth. Getting back up, he continued his sprint, cautiously avoiding any more stuff laying on the ground.

He had a few meters of run left before he could make a jump for the next roof. He picked up the pace to gain enough momentum for the jump. Reaching the edge of the roof, he took the leap.

The gap was a few cars long, but the next building was short enough for Allen to land the ball of his foot on the edge, safely landing on the roof. Allen continued his rush to the next leap.

Allen turned to look for his brother who was nowhere in sight behind him. The moment he relaxed, he tripped on a wire and tumbled to the glass ceiling, breaking it and falling through.

In a moment, his memory flashed to when he calling out to his brother...

"John?" Al called out, anxiety settling in.

"John!" He called out again, furiously climbing the branches in search for his brother.

"Jo-" His foot missed a branch and the one he held onto snaped, "Aaaaaaaaaagh!"

Out of nowhere, a hand grabbed him from the branch above. John with a strained look said, "Got ya," letting Al secure his hold to another branch.

In that same moment, John caught Allen by the wrist. This time, his face was not as strained. "Got ya." He said pulling Allen up.

"You okay?" John checked on Allen for injuries. "That was a close one."

Allen kept quiet as he sat in place looking to the hole that was almost his death.

"They need to clean this place up before anyone else gets hurt."

"You were always the considerate one," Allen finally said.

"Perks of being who I am, I guess," John smiled.

Allen gave a deep sigh realizing his defeat. "You want something to drink?"

"The siopao did make me thirsty."

"Sure," Allen jested, "It was the siopao." It was as if the chase did not affect John at all. He looked like he did a light jog despite the obstacles that were put in front of him.

John extended a hand to help Allen out and he didn't take it, getting up on his own in a limp from kicking the supply box.

The chase was over. Allen and John took a bus ride home now, Allen was too tired to walk for all the running. John was talking about some of his adventures that he had when he was away, trying to catch up for lost time. Allen didn't pay attention to most of it. He mostly focused on how John was still the same John he had always remembered after all these years.

"It's alright, Al." John reassured Al still gripping him tight. "Ready for more climb?"

"More?" Al protested. "I cannot climb any higher, John."

"We're almost there, Al." He encouraged Allen to go further but he didn't seem to budge. "Al," he started placing his hand on Al's shoulder, "I promise you, at the end of anything, whether it's a journey or even walk in the park,

"This is no walk in the park," Al retorted.

John chuckled before continuing, "The effort you put in, the determination," John placed his hand on his chest, "will not be in wasted."

He stood on top of the branch and continued to climb, "Anyways, it's a short climb up," he then gestured down with a grin, "But a long way down."

Allen paused in place for a second before reluctantly joining his brother.

As he clambered up the branches, his hands and legs began to give in to the strain. He looked up to see how much further to see John lending a hand. Al took it.

"So," he took a breath before continuing, "what was so special?"

John then held Allen's head and gently moved it towards the scenery. "That," he softly said.

The view he had seen before was nothing compared to this. He could see not just his school and the neighborhood behind it because the leaves and other trees blocked everything else.

The Cityscape was bigger than he had thought. The lights illuminate the night around it, coloring it in an array of tones. You could see the vehicles taking flight in the sky with the shuttles entering and leaving orbit. Like tiny shooting star.

"The stars," Al exclaimed. It was the first time he had seen the night sky. The light pollution prevented it. He had not realized that he was so far out of civilization, deep in the forest on top of this one tall tree.

Allen sat there in awe.

"Was it worth it," John asked.

"Yes," Al said before shouting, "This is amazing!" His voice echoed into the night.

"You're amazing," Al muttered in a soft tone.

"What's the matter, Al," John noticed.

After a brief second of realizing, Al said, "I'm not like you, John."

"What do you mean?"

"You'r-" Al held back.

His thoughts returned once his stop was heard from the comm. "5th Ward apartment complex," it repeated thrice.

"How'd you even find me?' Allen asked while he pulled out his keys to the apartment.

"Asked around from a couple of people," John replied.

"Who would turn down the Hero of the Eons?" Allen opened the door

They entered the two-room apartment, John taking his place on the couch while Allen went to the fridge to bring beverages.

"That was impressive," John commented, "Using the crowd to distract me." He picked up a figurine of what looks like a combination of a bear and an owl.

"I knew it in your nature," Allen poured a cup, "You were never one to say no." He handed the cup to John, while grabbing the bear owl form his hand.

"That's true," He snickered then took a drink from his cup.

The room then became awkwardly silent.

You could hear the flights pass by outside, the birds chirping, and cars zooming. It was a Cosmic holiday, so you can hear the children playing on their yards. It was peaceful morning.

"Hey," John started, fiddling his thumbs over the cup, "I came here for a reason."

"It's not like you came to check up on your brother," Allen retorted while he was putting the drinks away.

"I would have come sooner but-"

"But you didn't," Allen interrupted. "You left and never came back. Even when your name was up there in the stars, you never returned."

"I wish I could, Allen, you got to understand that I did all this for all of you."

"Like an older brother," Allen sat at the table in the kitchen taking a breather before asking. "After all this time, why are you here now?"

"I made a promise with mom," John stood from where he sat and walked towards Allen. "And dad."

Allen scoffed, averting eye contact.

"And to myself," he took a knee in front of Allen. "To offer you an opportunity."

Allen looked at his brother for the first time ever since they entered the apartment.

"To be more than you are."

"You saying I'm not enough as I am?"

"No, not like that." He held back his frustration.

"I want you to grow stronger, to be stronger. I want you to go out beyond the limitations of the world around you, into the void of opportunities. Come with me to the IGG."

"The IGG?"

"The InterGalactic Guild," Allen then recalled on TV that they will be having the Rookie Fest tomorrow.

"You want me to be a guild member," Allen scoffed. He always thought it was stupid for someone to risk their life for a few credits.

"In this way you can explore the Unkown without limitation. To enter the cosmos and see the universe like I have seen," John excitedly claimed.

No matter where he was or what he had been through, John never changed who he was. He was still the same older brother who had a gleam in his eyes, looking beyond the stars in the sky. His hair and his iris may have changed but it was still the same old John.

Allen then recalled his dream that he had. The same dream of a sword impaling his chest in the middle of nowhere. Fear struck his heart.

"I want you to find yourself, Allen," He placed his hand on his knee hoping for a positive response.

Allen looked away.

John had a pained look before standing back up. He walked to the door, grasped the knob and opened it. He paused for a second before looking back at Allen, whose head was still looking down. He had to try again.

"Allen, there are times when we make a decision that will ultimately lock our fate." Allen faced his brother once more. "But before we do, we are faced with doubt. We fear the unknown. What happens when this and that? Will I be able to this and that?"

John stared deeply into Allen's eyes, as if searching deep into his soul.

"Let me ask you this, Allen. What if you could do more? What if you could see more? What if you could BE MORE?"

Allen wanted to reach out and take his brother's hand but he hesitated.

John saw his reluctance and turned away "I'm taking the shuttle in an hour, maybe drop by to wave me off," he said while shutting the door behind him. The room was quiet again. Allen was alone with his thoughts, again looking at the floor.

He looked around his apartment and picked at the furniture.

The painting he did when he first came in. The music player that had his favorite tunes. The couch that Ossy keeps crashing on. The pictures they took on their little adventures around the world, placed on top of the drawer where Ossy kept all the books of tales and lore. This whole apartment was made his home and how could he ever think of leaving.

"Is this all I could amount to?' He began. 'What he said was right."

"But what if it leads me to that moment? What if I do end up dying? Why is it that I have a feeling that dream..."

"Have faith in yourself," a memory jogged the back of his mind. "I find that saying quite overused."

It was of him and old man Ossy. They were out in the outskirts having a training session, one of their last ones. They were gazing into the landscape where the city life meets the wilderness, talking about the possibilities of the future, eating some salted fish with breadfruit from Okaenos, which Ossy had prepared beforehand.

"A friend of mine once told me, 'You hope for Yourself.'" He continued, "I thought it quite selfish of him to think that way but then he went on, 'You should not hope that the world changes, but hope that you can change yourself.'"

"Do you really think that?" Allen doubted himself.

"Aye lad," Ossy softly but firmly agreed.

The lights of the city and the night sky of the wilds were a beautiful match to one another. The stars and the shuttles danced that night as if there were fireflies floating about.

"So, Allen, after I eventually leave you and there will come a time you make a choice, I wish for you to remember this, 'You hope for Yourself."

The room stayed silent. The breaker to the house was switched off and the fridge was picked clean to avoid spoiling anything. Allen's bed was left unkempt and his room messy with some of his clothes lying around. The only thing that was left on was the Alarm clock, "11:26am."

The door gently shuts behind him. Allen's rushed footsteps could be heard fading into the distance. On the table top, where the picture Allen and Old Man Ossy took at the mountaintop overlooking the landscape, a feather falls slowly.

Edited and Proofread by

Aces Association