
Lazuraz pov


These humans captured me and then just kept me here locked up doing absolutely nothing for the past 3 weeks. When I first woke up it was inside of another creature, a human to be exact, and it took me a while to figure out my abilities, thankfully whoever sent me here gave me some extra help, in the form of one of those systems.




[Name: Lazuraz]-[BioMass: 500LBS(0.000000001%)]

[Age: 1]-[Blood lust: 89%]

[Kill count: 1,572]-[Level: 157]

[HP: 552]-[Bound: (96%)]

[STR: 35]-[END: 31]

[AGI: 59]-[DEX: 82]

[WIS: 902]-[INT: 1572]

[Overall: 0.000000001%]



[Bio Transformation- Transform your body into anything given enough Biomass]

[Mimic- Take the shape, form, and memories of any organic being you have eaten]

[Bio Connection- Any Biomass not a part of your body is used as a second pair of eyes]

[Bio Separation- Separate and control detached parts of your body]

[Bio Invasion- Inject a living being with Biomass]

[Bio Take over- Take over the mind of a living being Via injecting their brain with Biomass]

[Bio Portal- Leave large amounts of Biomass in two places and teleport between the two]

[Bio Consumption- Take the stats, skills, attributes, and biomass of anything organic you eat]

[Bio Hack- Coat technology with Biomass giving complete control]

[Bio Pollen- Spread out Microscopic pieces of Biomass into the air]

[Bio Regeneration- Passivley regenerate Biomass at a fixed rate]

[Bio Storage- Store anything in your body if you can encompass it]

[Bio Mimic- Replicate anything you have eaten with enough Biomass]

[Slaughter- The more you kill the stronger you get]

[Blood Rage- When bloodlust hits 100% all stats increased by 10x however Carrion will lose all sense of self and go on a rampage for 10 hours or until killed]

[Bound- Currently, you are bound by universal laws, when Bound hits 0% all logic and reason will be rendered null in front of you]

[DNA Alteration- Alter the DNA of anything you can touch]


Anyway, the leader, who was the guy with the metal arm just walked off. I don't know where he's going but it seems like he's leaving the base.

Perfect, it took me a while, but I managed to figure out a way to make myself seem dead, I was technically never alive in the first place and they monitored me by checking my temperature, so I just lowered it to the max that I could, it was really easy to trick them, to be honest.

I think that I have regenerated enough by this point, besides my blood rage was getting pretty high and if it reached the peak I would have slaughtered them all without getting to enjoy it.

I spread some Biomass out through the cage that's keeping me and slowly but surely eat away at it.

They had been keeping me in a slanted human-size capsule. They tried to freeze my body over but when that didn't work they just put me over 200ft underground.

Anyway, the glass on my cage starts cracking, the men in the booth up top haven't noticed yet so I continue on. Finally, after a couple of minutes, the glass shatters and I rush out of the cage and take out all the lights.

The men up top start panicking and start running around like headless chickens. I use their confusion to jump up on the glass and start eating away at it with my rotating mouth. The men all look at my form with slight awe, but mostly fear as the glass cracks and breaks letting me in.

I flop down on the ground and waste no time impaling 7 of the 14 men with my tentacles, I throw them into my mouth as the rest try to run out of the room, I separate a part of my body, fling it at the exit and fuse with the door controls.

Electricity runs through my body as my brain's processing speed increases immensely, I lock down the room and jump on the ceiling moving towards the cowering scientist. I open my mouth and my teeth start rotating once again, I pounce down on them, they scream in terror and anguish as their blood, and severed limbs splatter all over the room.

After finishing them off I open up the door and spread out bits of Biomass everywhere coating the entire base with it, I slaughter anyone I come into contact with, mostly being harmless scientists until finally, a soldier attacks me.

He fires off his gun at my body, I weave through the bullets while moving through the narrow hallway inching closer and closer to the man, once he runs out of ammo I drop down and rush him latching onto the top of his body and tear him in half.

I gulp down the top half and slither over the bottom which gets absorbed by me.

At this point, I had cleared out half the base all while taking over the controls and turning the entire fortress into my personal domain. The bottom half of the base is infested with large portions of my Biomass as well as my Bio Pollen.

It's a weird feeling having essentially a million eyes and ears, but I'm pretty much omnipresent as long as I'm here so win-win.