I finally reach the 50th floor.
This base is separated into 75 floors the lower you go the more dangerous the contents get, and I was at the lowest level.
Level zero, pretty proud of myself If I'm being honest.
The 50th floor is where they keep all their secret weapons and I plan to take them all. I mean who wouldn't want literally hundreds of weapons of mass destruction at your disposal.
I enter a door that says Level 0 Personel only Seems like a legit place to keep nukes. I slither in and it's a wide white room with a lot of racks that hold weapons of all shapes and sizes.
I pick up a small blue gun with rings on the barrel
'The atomizer?'
I point it at one of the racks and pull the trigger, a blue ring of pulsating energy shoots out of the gun and disintegrates the weapon rack.
'Nice' I comment as I absorb the gun and every other weapon in here.
I turn around and some hero type wants to die it seems.
He points his sword at me and charges like an idiot. Do you not see my body? Do you not see the hundreds of jagged teeth and tentacles that could skewer you easily and faster than you could even notice? He starts swinging his blade at my body, but each cut is healed just as fast as its made, so he's not even doing any damage.
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is significantly worse, I wrap one of my tentacles around his leg, much to his shock as he thought he had me, and I start slamming him against all the walls and into the racks, and the floor and the ceiling, pretty much anything with a solid surface. His blood starts spilling out on everything as I continue to thrash him around just wrecking the room.
I stop swinging him around after a couple of minutes and hold him in front of my biggest mouth, his face is bloodied and his body is broken. His left leg is bent backward, his right one is missing, both of his arms are shredded as the skin is peeling off and he has a metal rod in his abdomen, with a slightly caved in chest, and mangled face I'm honestly surprised he is still alive, albeit barely.
All in all, it's a pretty sight, Not sure most would agree but I think I could sell his corpse for a pretty penny, or lien that's what they call the currency here.
I lower his body into my mouth and chow down. After gulping him down my body is momentarily coated in a reddish-black pulse and I suddenly feel stronger.
'An Aura'
So it seems like the people before didn't have one of these, and an aura apparently is something that acts like a force field that can take a certain amount of damage before your body does. With how big my body is my Aura is 1,000x stronger than any human on this planet called Remnant.
If my Aura does take damage then it recharges itself from the collection of my entire Biomass meaning that the larger I get the stronger my aura does as well.
(A/N: I know aura is an extension of the soul but the show never quantified it so I'm going off of body mass.)
I walk out of the red room and continue my way up just killing and increasing my size until I reach level 74. I had run into some trouble in the form of fire.
Yeah, fire and I don't mix well at all, its pretty much my only weakness, and it hurts like a bitch, so I pulled out my cancer ray and give them all stage 4 lung cancer, in an instant, they all collapsed and start suffocating.
'I love this gun'
It was pretty fun watching the light in their eyes flicker and die with pure terror as I dropped them into my body and proceeded to gulp them down like popcorn, crushing their bones with my 2ft long teeth and tearing skin with my rotating teeth while chugging down their blood.
Then I reached the top floor and made my way through killing and eating everyone and once I found the hatch reaching the surface I climbed up and touched the ground with my bare body.
'Finally, non-stale air' it was suffocating in that capsule, and the base was sealed from the outside, so it's great to finally see the sun.
I lay on the cold hard ground with my entire body as it snows down on me, I try to look around but the snowfall is too thick so I just spread out some Bio Pollen. I hear a loud sound and look up, A bullhead is flying out of a hanger situated on a nearby cliff.
'Boi ain't no way boi'