Escape part 3

I Throw a small amount of Biomass onto the bottom of the Bullhead while my main body retreats back into the base. I seep into the bullhead and take over the controls. I head up to the control panel and jump out at the Pilot.

I muffle his screams by entering his mouth and take over his brain via stabbing. I start eating out his insides and use him as a skin suit. I stand up and head to the back, as I set up the auto Pilot.

There are 4 people in the back, 3 soldiers and one scientist who is holding an important-looking black briefcase.

Soldier 1: "Is something wrong?"

"No, not yet"

Soldier 2: "Yet?" he says suspiciously as he reaches for his gun

'Seems like not all of them are as dumb as the look'

I lunge at the closest one and bite into his neck and rip out his voice box killing him and his blood spills all over the walls, the one who was suspicious of me grabs his gun and unloads the entire clip into my host. I stand up as he reloads and fires off again, I jump at him and punch him in the gut, he bends over in pain and I take his head into my hands a rip it off.

The remaining two are in the back with the scientist cowering behind the trembling soldier. I drop the severed head on the ground and walk towards the duo. The soldier's hands are shaking as he points his gun at me and pulls the trigger.

The bullet whizzed by my head missing by 2 whole feet.

"Really?" I deadpan as the soldier collapses on the floor, legs turned to jelly, and mind too terrified to do anything. Kinda pathetic, I thought he was supposed to be a hardened soldier.

The Scientist drops to the ground as well and gets down on his knees pleading "Please don't kill me" He begs as I pass by the soldier and grab the scientist by his head. I hold him up gripping his scalp with my left hand and place my right on his shoulder.

I start slowly separating his head from his body, he starts screaming in pain as I separate the two half of his body. His screams and pleads both grow louder as the skin starts ripping.

Scientist: "PLEASE DONT KILL ME PLEASE!!!" he screams out in agony as he attempts to kick me, claw at my hands, and even bite me.

I don't stop as his tears start pouring out "NO NO NO NO PLEASE LET ME LIVE" he screeches and flails around as I finally finish. His body stops thrashing around as his body drops to the floor with his hand still in my head.

I open my mouth wide as the skin around my jaw rips and tears so I can fit his entire head in and gulp it down. I turn my attention to the soldier still on the ground. He's frozen still and unmoving, even his heartbeat has slowed down.

"Hmm" I raise my hand and am about to plunge it into his back when he finally speaks

Soldier: "Why"

Oh it's a she

"Why what?"

Soldier: "Why must you go around killing, what did we do to you? do you even have a reason?" she asks with a shaky voice.

"Well no, not really. I would say its because you caged me but that would be a lie"

Soldier: "S-so you slaughter us for the fun of it," She says as she chokes on her words

"Yes," I then turn my right arm into a tentacle and stick it in her back. I spread my Biomass through her body and eat her insides. Her screams didn't last long but the pain was excruciating as I went for her brain first and modified her pain receptors to make it so that even a single touch would feel like thousands of razor sharps knives were stabbing her all at once.

I dissolve my current host and eat the other bodies then mix with the bullhead turning it red as some of my biomass sticks out of the ship making it look alive.





Become the one(Stage 1)-

[Reward = Have Bound reach 95%]

-[Reach level 100] ✔

-[Reach 1,000 kills] ✔

-[Reach 1,000,000 Biomass] ✔

-[Go on 1 blood rage] ✔

-[Survive for over 5 years]

[Locked]Become the one(Stage 2)-

[Reward = Have bound reach 80%]






[Locked]Become the one(Stage 3)-

[Reward = Have Bound reach 50%]






[Locked]Become the one(Stage 4)-

[Reward = Have bound reach 1%]




[Locked]Become the one(Stage 5)-

[Reward = Have bound reach 0%]



'Its not much but its a start'